2020 03 18 COTW MinutesBeverly School Committee Beverly, Massachusetts School Committee of the Whole Remote Access (Zoom- MP4) Wednesday, March 18, 2020 7:00 p.m. A remote meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office that a quorum does not need to be physically present. Ms. Abell announced that she was recording this meeting using some free technology and it will be presented as an MP4 meeting on the district website. In the future, we will endeavor to provide a link for the public to watch live. Members Participating: Kaarin Robinson, Kimberley Coelho, Kelley Ferretti, Lorinda Visinick, John Mullady, Rachael Abell Not in Attendance: Mayor Michael Cahill Also Participating: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent, Dr. Dorothy Flaherty, Assistant Superintendent, Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations, Bethany Splansky, Special Education and Student Services Director, John Harmon Director of Personnel and Human Resources, Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School, Elementary Principals, Lisa Oliver, Julie Smith, Gabrielle Montevecchi, Erin Brown, Dr. Debra Lay, Beverly High School Assistant Principal Mark Thomas Ms. Abell led those participating in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Abell stated the agenda for this meeting is to receive updates from Dr. Charochak and stated she was excited to hear about the "Beverly Keeps Learning" initiative. Superintendent's Update Dr. Charochak presented a google slideshow that provided an overview of all items she planned to touch upon - Beverly Learns Initiative, the lunch program, Ms. Sherburne's continuity of payroll, and her final thoughts on the extended closure. She extended a big thank -you to Dr. Flaherty, Ms. Sherburne, and Ms. Splansky for all of the help and support they have provided. A. Beverly Keeps Learning Initiative Dr. Charochak recounted the past week stating that we originally closed on Friday, March 13, 2020, which counted as a snow day. At that time everything was still up in the air and she stated she made a decision that was prudent for our students. She reported the Commissioner held a conference call on Friday (3/13/2020) and at that time there was no guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The North Shore Superintendents Roundtable members came together, via conference call, and decided collectively to close all schools for two (2) weeks. Following that Dr. Charochak reported things were happening quickly with the Governor holding another conference and making the decision to close school for three (3) weeks. She stated the date is to return by April 6th but she thinks we will be very lucky if we return by then. Dr. Charochak reported the Leadership team came together to plan and brainstorm on ways they could keep things going for students, what kind of resources, guidance around websites vetted for our students, etc. Dr. Charochak stated the idea was to send one message and put the effort together to build Beverly Keeps Learning. She summarized how it all came together from making hard copies of the packets to be available at the lunch pickup sites, to distribution of the iPads to the fifth (5th) and sixth (6th) grade students. Today we launched our week one, "Beverly Keeps Learning ", for elementary, middle, and high school. Dr. Charochak went on to report that the site provides access and some guidance to parents, students, and staff. She reported currently, in Beverly, all of our students PK - 4 are receiving the same enrichment. As we progress, if given the green light, our principals and leaders will tailor our individual building sites so that they are more specific to their buildings and will have more contact with building teachers. Questions: Ms.Visnick asked, for all people listening to the recording could it be clarified, as far as the enrichment where you're getting that direction from? Dr. Charochak stated largely, the DESE and it is governed by laws within the state (with regards to special needs). We do not want to exclude any learners. Ms. Abell asked if when distributing the iPads for grade 5 and 6 students were there also 7th grade students that left theirs behind. Dr. Flaherty reported distributing just over 200 iPads to students in grades 5 and 6. She stated that the 7th graders were allowed to come by for anything they forgot. Ms. Abell asked if a follow -up would be done and Dr. Charochak stated that they will know who signs on and, therefore, who may need digital access help at home. Dr. Charochak stated our goal in starting, at least for the first week, is not only to focus on academics, but to focus on non - academic services as well. We put a huge shout out to staff asking that they reach out to families and that the counselors are able to reach out to kids and kids reach out to them. We sent out a link and there is also a banner at the top of the webpage. She reported a lot of positive feedback from the community and parents. B. School Lunch & Breakfast Distribution Dr. Charochak stated she cannot say enough about Christina Leal, Food Service Director, who has worked tirelessly to organize and prepare meals. Currently, anyone under age 18 is eligible for lunches and we are giving them away with breakfast included. She reported on Monday they gave out 75 lunches, Tuesday they gave away 136 and, on that day they also launched the other three (3) sites, Apple Village, Goldway Park and Holcroft Park. In addition, if there are extenuating circumstances, we are delivering some lunches to homes. Today, at all three remote sites and at Beverly High School 299 lunches were given out -- pretty amazing. Dr. Charochak gave a big shout out to cafeteria staff and bus drivers, elementary principals, and administrators. Ms. Abell asked if packet distribution is suitable for all grade levels, Dr. Charochak stated they are individual for each grade level. C. Continuity of Payroll Dr. Charochak reported when the closure was announced many were asking, "will I get paid ?" Dr. Charochak stated at the time it was a two (2) week closure and she assured staff that for the two -week duration, we would be paying everyone. Dr. Charochak stated that going forward she doesn't know that she has the authority to make that decision, she believes it is a school committee decision /conversation to have. She reported that currently Ms. Sherburne is running a full payroll department, with 98% of employees receiving their check through direct deposit. Any live checks are mailed. Dr. Charochak stated she is looking to the School Committee for a decision regarding continued payment. Ms. Abell asked if we have a firm end of school year date for Beverly. Dr. Charochak stated that is an action item that the School Committee needs to take. The last day of school is June 25, 2020, that is with the two (2) missed days due to no electricity, a snow in December, and Friday (3/13/2020) before the Governor's required closure. Dr. Charochak stated she was told by DESE that we did not have to extend past that date, which includes the teachers' contracted 185 days. She stated needing a vote from the Committee that this is how they see the calendar as well. Ms. Abell asked if there have been any conversations about going to school on Saturdays or canceling vacation days. Dr. Charochak reiterated the need to be cognizant of the teachers 185 days and that if the teachers are working to get information out to students, those are school days. Dr. Charochak stated there has been no decision at this time with regards to the April vacation. Ms. Abell noted we have our budget and Chapter70 funding, as well as grants and entitlements. Dr. Charochak asked what are the expectations of our employees, remarking to date they have been working extremely hard. She stated she is waiting for Friday, when she should receive more guidance on what to do moving forward. Mr. Mullady stated he would make a motion if the committee was ready to vote. Ms. Abell asked if the committee had enough information. Ms. Sherburne explained that the following hourly rate individuals, transportation - drivers and monitors and cafeteria workers would total $38,528. The other area is long -term subs, of which there are four (4) covering maternity leaves, that total is $14,000. Ms.Visnick asked for clarification on the implication that we would continue to pay teachers, but a motion and vote would be needed for those hourly individuals and long term subs. Dr. Charochak pointed out that some of these hourly people are still working and in answer to Ms. Sherburne's question on tracking hours for any money that may be received through FEMA or MEMA, Dr. Charochak responded that Ms. Leal and Mr. Cruikshank, Transportation Director, are tracking those hours. Ms. Abell asked if any were exceeding their regular hours and Ms. Sherburne stated no. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick that the Beverly Public Schools District continues to pay our hourly workers and long -term substitutes up to the date of opening, April 6, 2020, at their regular base pay. Mr. Mullady seconded the motion. Ms. Abell initiated the roll call vote: Ms. Ferretti Yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Mayor Cahill - Absent The motion passed: 6:1 absent Dr. Charochak stated the other item that needs to be kept in mind is the full -day kindergarten, preschool, and building rental fees. They may need to be considered going forward. Dr. Charochak stated in regards to the extended closure we are following the Governor's orders of closing through April 6, 2020. She noted that Boston and Everett, as well as some other states, are closing longer -- some through the year. Dr. Charochak talked about the impacts this is having on education as well as home and family and the loss of human and social interactions. We believe the website will continue providing connections for students and staff and are asking teachers to create items that will do just that. We understand there is a huge level of angst among our high school students with the start of spring sports ahead and prom, etc.; it is a really big impact for our kids. Ms. Abell asked about what responsibility we have for our kids continuing to use the athletic fields, like people using the middle school turf, while school is closed yet there is no `shelter in place' from the government; there is supposed to be no contact sports. Dr Charochak remarked that people have responded with the same concern via new tweets or on facebook posts. Dr. Charochak reported that as of noontime tomorrow, we are not going to be in our school buildings, we will be locking the doors. We will need to have help from parents and community. Ms. Splansky spoke to the impact this has on Special Education students stating when a school district is closed and we are not providing instruction, we are not required to provide it to students with disabilities. Dr. Charochak clarified that logistically and realistically we can't and would be in violation if we did. No one is saying we don't want to try to. Ms. Splansky stated you cannot provide services for some and not for all, it would be inequitable. Dr. Charochak stated we have tried to address this also on the website by addressing all of the populations and learners in the best way we can. Ms. Splansky noted in terms of enrichment activities teachers are doing all that they can to support their students in ways that they can. She stated other considerations are communication with families, how entitlement applies or does not apply and compliance and timelines impacted by the fact that school is closed. She stated we will make decisions on how to move forward as decisions are made on the closure. Dr. Charochak went over other areas of the educational impact and noted that she has no further information on MCAS at this time, not sure that we need action on the calendar but wanted the School Committee to be aware of the 185 days. In terms of the budget she stated that she and Ms. Sherburne need to move forward, but there are no updates right now. With regards to the grant submissions and SOA, she stated she has not officially heard, but the Commissioner alluded to an extension of that date. We have talked about payroll and the Beverly Middle School principal search is on hold. Dr. Charochak stated she had met with Julia Brotherton, BTA President and Tedi Winkler, MTA Representative and discussed the hourly employees, questions about evaluations, and other items typically addressed in the Spring. Ms. Sherburne and her business department are required to continue to pay bills and her staff is only coming in when necessary or working remotely. Ms. Sherburne noted the suspension of the School Committee coming in to sign warrants. She stated she is signing them and sending them to City Hall. At some point we will have to have members go to City Hall to sign them. Ms. Abell raised a question whether out -of- district placements have payments due. Ms. Splansky stated we are waiting for guidance on that. Dr. Charochak remarked that she has tremendous gratitude to all of our custodians for all that they have done. She stated that they have been working really hard, even when students were still in school, to keep the buildings clean. Ms. Visnick asked Dr. Charochak if there has been any conversation yet around the sequencing if we miss three (3) or four (4) weeks, for example we expect a rising 3rd grader to go to 4th how will they catch up. Any planning on resetting the beginning spot for next year. Dr. Flaherty responded that this is a conversation she has been having with the elementary principals. She stated with the start of the year being a recap of the skills from the year before, if we go back to school on April 6th, with the information that has been sent out, the students should be in good shape. If we are out for a longer amount of time there will be a period of time that we will need to do a review and finish up the skills that they should have been on. There is not a hard plan in place yet but we are having conversations. Ms. Visnick asked what the expectation is for parents with regards to fees. Would they be reduced, from a parents point of view.. Dr. Charochak stated that the laptop fee is different because students are using them. I believe that this is a School Committee decision on how you want to manage this. Ms. Coelho stated that several constituents in her area are struggling and questioning if they should use $150 (fee money) for food. Dr. Charochak stated that the fees are on the purview of the School Committee and Ms. Abell stated that they are looking at the possibility of reducing /returning them. Ms. Abell stated with the current mandate until April 6, 2020, we are not entirely sure if it will be longer. She stated after Friday's call we could add this discussion to our next agenda. Ms. Visnick stated that as Chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee the totality of not just our budget but the city, state, and federal there are numerous things unanswered right now and conversations around putting debt on hold. She remarked that we will be having some very tough conversations going forward. Ms. Abell noted our building rental fees are used to supplement our budget and with the facilities closed, it remains to be seen. Ms. Abell asked Dr. Charochak if there was still a need for an Executive Session. Dr. Charochak stated she had put it in as a placeholder, but that she did not have a need for it now. Ms. Abell stated she would entertain a motion to adjourn. Ms. Visnick made a motion to adjourn with a second from Mr. Mullady. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Mayor Cahill Absent Ms. Coelho - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kelley Ferretti, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: Dr. Charochak's Beverly Public Schools Update Presentation