2-5-20 OSRC minutesCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Mann opens the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Open Space and Recreation Committee February 5, 2020 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre, Elizabeth Dunne, Marilyn McCrory, Todd Callaghan, Gregory Sharp, Wayne Miller None Jenna Pirrotta, Environmental Planner Kyle Sweeney Sharlyne Woodbury 2. Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee No members of the public to address the Committee. Kyle Sweeney is present to observe the meeting. 3. Approval of Minutes The Committee reviews the January 8, 2020 meeting minutes and offers edits. McCrory moves to accept the January 8, 2020 meeting minutes as amended. Callaghan seconded. All in favor. The motion carries 8- 0. 4. Principal Items of Business a. Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report Callaghan inquires to the rehabilitation and funding of the Powder House on Prospect Street. McCrory provides brief updates with other members speaking to the historical significance of the property. b. Planning Board — Representative Report There are no new updates. c. Conservation Commission — Representative Report i. Standley Street Open Space Pirrotta describes an expected upcoming application to relocate the Beverly Community Gardens to the Standley Street location at the end of Emily Way. Pirrotta confirms the Conservation Commission is in favor of little to no tree removal and would like the gardens as far out of the resource area buffer as possible. Members discuss the Waring School Soccer field encroachment issue and the unapproved marking of trees. Pirrotta provides next steps for the issue resolution to the Committee. Dunne provides a history of the Waring School fields and the original intent of the donated land. Members further discuss the logistics of moving the watering stub and the shed from the Cole Street location to the new garden site. The Engineering Department is coordinating this project with the Zoba Brothers. Plans exclude any sort of paving for parking. Members note the topsoil will require restoration further discussing compost options as well as the use of fresh loam. Discussion ensues regarding rights of Open Space & Recreation Committee February 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 way access and connecting land access for the public through the wetlands. Miller inquired of Pirrotta that a request for no impediments to public access from the gardens be considered. Callaghan noted to include with their recommendation that the shed not block the path entrance or have a waste heap there, for example. Pirrotta will contact the Engineering Department for information. Pirrotta also notes that Conservation Commission instructed that the western section of the property remain untouched and that the work be removed out of the 100 -foot buffer zone. ii. Cummings Properties site walk at Norwood Pond The Cummings Properties staff scheduled a site walk for February 19' at 1:30 pm to review the pedestrian easement location, which is required as part of an Order of Conditions. Pirrotta informs the Committee in case they would like to attend, but needs to have the number of attendees so that the meeting can be posted in case of a quorum. Members ask to the specifics of the site walk and Pirrotta provides the main objectives of the site walk. Cummings would like to discuss the area and expectations for any tree removal, and discuss the trail location including boardwalk. The Committee further discusses additional funding for the installation of a boardwalk or bridge connecting to other Open Space property across the pond. iii. Harbor Management Authority: kayak rack installation Callaghan and Pirrotta begin discussion on the proposed kayak rack locations and current usage of existing racks at City parks. Pirrotta provided feedback regarding the applications for the kayak rack locations. Callaghan posed the question of whether there is a way to do an envelope permit application in order to not have to file another application for additional racks. Pirrotta explains the permits are good for three years. Callaghan seeks additional information for what is necessary for the application materials. Members discuss a desired rack site located at the end of Wilson Avenue by the jetty at Independence Park. iv. Moynihan Lumber Members inquire after the situation and what prompted the work. Pirrotta informs the Committee that work at the lumber yard was reported and no Conservation permit was obtained beforehand. The Commission is working with Moynihan to ensure the work is in compliance with the Wetlands Protection Act and the Beverly Ordinance. The Committee discuss a possible waterfront access located in that area and debate the logistics. Miller sidebars to the flood maps that the City uses and asks if the coastal zone flooding maps are up to date according to recent Wood Hole studies. Callaghan informs the Committee they are using three different time periods to predict future coastal flooding. Miller asks if the updated Woods Hole maps are available, that he has a contact who would like a copy. Pirrotta is tasked with the map information and research. Members briefly review the FEMA map of the Cummings Center noting the locations of flood zones. Pirrotta informs the Committee the new police station will be built on fill to raise the elevation. Committee members sidebar and review www.salemsound.org to discuss and compare the bacteria levels in different locations within Beverly waters. Callaghan explains these numbers are recorded during dry weather conditions which is indicative of a broken sewer or storm water connection directly draining into receiving waters. Open Space & Recreation Committee February 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 d. Parcel Updates i. Green Street Updates Members discuss the parcel updates, particularly the question of removing the retaining wall /fence at one of the parcels. Pirrotta reports that Clausen verified there are no known issues and the work will go forth as the Department of Public Services schedule allows this spring. For the other "priority" parcels, there are no new updates. ii. Bass River Waterfront A brief update on the National Grid utility line work was discussed. Mitigation was already negotiated for complete street elements and landscaping. However, Pirrotta will keep in mind a gated area at the National Grid property for future opportunity to create public waterfront access. Bass Haven Yacht Club are still in talks with the City for public use of a portion of the property at Drapers Point. Denise Deschamps, Economic Development Planner, will provide updates as necessary per her discussions with Bass Haven Yacht Club staff of whether and how they may want to dispose of the property. There is discussion around whether the site could be used as a boat launch, however, the Committee discusses that it is not likely appropriate in this area due to saltmarsh. Members discuss Draper's Point and that currently there is no kayak access. Mann suggests the possibility of the bowling alley ramp as a public access way for kayaks. Callaghan suggests that the City negotiate with whoever buys the property to have the ramp be allowed to be used for public access. Callaghan informs the Committee that Harbor Management Authority has funding for signs. Members briefly discuss Obear Park. OSRC /Mayor meeting: Mann solicits members for any ideas to add to the agenda, including asking for an Endicott College trail easement update. Members are still trying to schedule a date to meet with the mayor and are looking to schedule a date for the end of February. 5. Recreational Trails Grant a. Update on Final Maps and Kiosk Installation Dunne comments that the trail markings are great. Mann informed the Committee that a memorial plaque will be installed in remembrance of Bill Paley who passed. Members discuss the installation success. There is positive public feedback. Pirrotta reminds the Committee to inform Wynne of any signs that are missing or not located. A kiosk at J.C. Phillips is missing a trail that could be fixed by adding a vinyl sticker. The few remaining signs to be installed are discussed. Pirrotta informs the Committee a site walk is scheduled for next week with Wynne and MA DCR relative to the grant. Callaghan inquired about the new Sally Milligan trail by Nathan Currie. Pirrotta informs the Committee she gave feedback to Mr. Currie. The feedback entails funding /grant information, utilizing volunteers, hiring a consultant for the delineation process, and permitting. Members want to know what the Conservation Commission would require during the permit process. Open Space & Recreation Committee February 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 6. Other Business & Updates a. Master Plan Comments and Updates Per Pirrotta, there are no new updates. The Planning Department and the consultant are reviewing and incorporating past comments and suggestions into the revised Master Plan draft. b. Spring Walks planning McCory suggests moving this topic to the next meeting. Meanwhile members will review their schedules and reach out to other contacts for the Earth Day walks. Miller commented on the idea to have Kestrel lead a walk and Alden -St. Pierre supports the idea. Alden -St. Pierre provides positive reviews from a prior Kestrel -led walk. Members briefly discuss past walks, organizers, and volunteers. Members discuss other ideas for the walks including an Olmstead Walk, a full walk on Moraine Farm, cemetery walks, and a possible lobster /fishing tour. 7. Future Aeenda Items Alden -St. Pierre brought up spray painting race /trail markers on the ground, including spray - painted moss. Members discussed the issue and will devise a response to prevent future willful public markings. McCrory reminded members of the upcoming Mass Land Conference on March 28, 2020. McCrory also provided information on an upcoming grant opportunity and noted that funding applications are due to the MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) on March 31, 2020. Adiournment Callaghan moves to adjourn meeting at 9:02 p.m. Dunne seconded. All in favor. The motion carried 8 -0. Next Meeting: March 4, 2020, 7 pm.