2002-10-03 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Minutes of October 3, 2002 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: R. Badessa, T. Birner, D. Neuman, A. Wheelock, J. Frates, M. Troubetaris, J. Murray, S. Menezes GUESTS: S.M. Seamam, L. Bochynski, and Planning Director D. Hurlburt J. Frates opened the meeting, and there was no public input. R. Badessa made a motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting. The motion was seconded by M. Troubetaris, and approved by ail R. Badessa made a motion to discuss the budget. All approved. He stated that the amount that the City has in the computer is different than was submitted. M. Troubetaris stated that the amount in the computer is the amount that was approved by the City Council. After much discussion D. Neuman thinks that the committee needs to talk to T. Durkin to straighten this out. D. Neuman stated that it looks like the grant money from the State is not forthcoming. We are not going to get more than $40,000, if that. There was much discussion on what to do with the property. D. Neuman would like to start with a Water Park like in Vancouver. J. Murray feels that the Water Park may be detrimental to a developer down the line. M. Troubetaris would like to have the Authority check into the legalities of a Water Park. D. Neuman agrees that we need to do this. D. Hurlburt stated that 2 or 3 developers are interested in restaurants. J. Frates stated that we have spent money on plans and the Water Park would be a beginning. He stated that the Mayor is in favor, he will have his department heads cooperate. A. Wheelock suggests doing this in phases. Phase 1 could he the removal of the McDonald's building. M. Troubetaris stated we should go forward with an RFP. R. Badessa seconded. All approved. J. Frates talked to the Mayor about extending the walkway at Cummings. The City is to do the preliminary work and Cummirlgs will pave. If the City doesn't do their part soon Cummings will not he able to do the paving. D. Hurlbert is working on this also. D. Neuman spoke re Port Marina. The Harbormaster didn't issue a 10A Permit. There was a court hearing. There should be an answer, but so far there hasn't been. D. Neuman made a motion to go on record to be against a variance for the Thibideau property. M. Troubetaris seconded. All in favor. D. Neuman spoke of the bridge mitigation. There should be a walkway, easement under the bridge, and a sediment basin at the Ferryway. He received a letter from the State saying that they received his correspondence, and they are working on this. D. Neuman stated that Mass Electric is looking for a 90' tower. This is inconsistent with the Harbor Plan. S. Menezes distributed a "DRAFT" to be worked on. The facilities sub committee will hold a meeting at the Library on Thursday evening, October 10. at 7:30 p.m. E. Twiss will reserve a room and post. R. Badessa made a motion to adjourn. M. Troubetaris seconded. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss