2003-01-02 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY January 2, 2003 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, R Badessa, M. Troubetaris, S.M. Seamans, T. Birner GUESTS: L. Bochynski Being no quorum, J. Frates stated that he would give a summary of some of the highlights of the past year. The biggest highlight is the walkway at Cummings Center. Also the City has purchased the Creamery property. The big disappointment is that the City is not going to purchase the Ventron property. We now need to work on the Marinas that we have. We hope to re-configure. The plusses outnumber the minuses. All said "Thank You" to R Badessa for hosting the December meeting at the Jubilee Yacht Club. L. Bochynski stated that there are several barges in the harbor. The City has received a check for 1 million gallons of water. When they reach 1 million gals they will he billed monthly. J. Frates stated that the RFP for the McDonald's property should go out soon. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss