2003-09-04BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY September 4, 2003 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: R. Badessa, J. Murray, D. Nenman, J. Frates, T. Birner, S. Menezes, G. Ward, C. Raymond, and M. Troubetaris GUESTS: L. Bochynski, and R. Maglio J. Frates stated that he would open the meeting with good news. He met with Representative Grant, and they went to the pier. She is very positive. She stated that everyone should think in terms of regional, emphasizing not just the BHMA, but also the Planning Board etc. She will look into the Seaport Advisory Council. She kept mentioning what a good job at the Cummings Center. Curnmings donated the use of their pay loader and men. The City was to supply the material to he spread and graded. Somebody erected a fence. It is only 56" wide. The Signage is very good. No Public Input. D. Neuman made a motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting. J. Murray stated that a change would he that D. Neuman is on the "Comprehensive Zoning Commission to implement the Master Plan". T. Birner seconded the Motion, and all accepted subject to above change. Budget Discussion: J. Frates talked to the Mayor and T. Durkin. $100,000.00 was taken and that leaves $96,000.00. L. Bochynski stated that the $20,000.00 in the line item is to he used for the maintenance of the chains. There was to he a meeting held regarding the RFP's. One hour before the meeting D. Neuman received a phone call that it was cancelled. The City is trying to schedule for next week. S. M. Seamam will check the fence at Cmnmings. D. Neuman-Zoning- has a long list of terms to send to D. Hurlburt and the Consultant pertaining to the waterfront. D. Neuman stated that he didn't nag the Stare this month re: test borings etc. It was stated that the Pipeline has paid the City for Waterfront, but we have not seen it. The Pipeline has repaired damage, and will he back to put in 4 steel piles. NEW BUSINESS: Fall Rates - They have been 33.00 and 11.00 in the past. There should be some increase. D. Neuman made a motion that the Facilities Committee validate competitive rates and provide answers next week for the winter. J. Murray seconded. All in favor. The commercial has a minimum of 20' S. Menezes asked about the painting in the McDonald's building. He was told that the building would not be destroyed until the painting is removed. A Motion to adjourn was made by R. Badessa, seconded by J. Murray, and approved by all. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss