2001-11-01 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES November 1, 2001 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, A. Wheelock, D. Neuman, C. Raymond, M. Troubetaris, J. Murray, A. Bums GUESTS: Ken Buckland of the Cecil Group, L. Bochynski J. Frates announced that J. Bolden has resigned. He has some resumes of people who are interested in serving. He would like to get together with some to go over these. J. Frates stated that he would like to have another Holiday Gathering as we did last year. D. Neuman will try to get the use of a room at Jubilee Yacht Club for the occasion. This would be our regular meeting night on December 6th. We should invite the Mayor, City Solicitor, Harbormaster, Facilities Manager, and City Planner. Members should call Eileen @ (978) 921-6011 to coordinate food. L. Bochynski has been working with C. Bradley regarding an Invitation to Bid for work to be done on the floats. This is the season that it should be done. D. Neuman stated that we have accumulated some money so that we would have matching funds if a grant came through, but we need to maintain the floats now. A. Wheelock made a motion to maintain floats & moorings at the marinas. M. Troubetaris seconded. All approved. J. Frates will check to see if the money is in the Budget. J. Frates stated that Ron [Roland] Adams would be demonstrating the GIS at the Library on 11/20 @ 10:00 a.m. Anyone who would like to see this is welcome. M. Troubetaris made a motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting. A. Wheelock seconded. All approved. D. Neuman stated that we keep asking the State for money. We have two grant applications in Seaport. A. Bums, T. Cassidy, L. Bochynski, D. Neuman, and Mayor Scanlon met with Vine Associates. They are looking at the Commercial side. The last step is 11/15 at Gloucester. D. Neuman stated that he received a letter from J. Provencal stating that it is illegal to have Gold Coast Cruises here. D. Neuman spoke with her bess, ava things are smoothed for now. The Kinzies of Beverly Port Mai'ina have asked for another delay. They cannot get it. K. Buckland of the Cecil Group is here to give a presemation of ideas that were brought up previously and how they may fit in with the Master plan. There should be a preliminary draft at the January meeting. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss