2001-05-03 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES May 3, 2001 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: D. Neuman, J. Murray, J. Frates, R. Gallagher, A. Wheelock, T. Birner, C. Raymond J. Bolden GUESTS: Planning Director T. Cassidy, L. Bochynski, and a fisherman J. Frates opened the meeting and members to review the Minutes of the previous meeting. T. Birner made a motion to accept, and R. Gallagher seconded. All approved. J. Frates stated that he received a note from P. Allen that she is resigning, effectively immediately. T. Cassidy introduced Ken Buckland of the Cecil Group. He explained the Master Plan and that it concerns the Harbor Plan. He handed out some literature on the Benefits of the Plan. D. Neuman stated that the most important issues are the Federal Channel and the DPA. K. Buckland also handed out an outline. After some suggestions from the members he stated that he would re-draft the Outline. He hopes to have them in the mail to members a week before the next meeting. J. Bolden stated that the committee held a meeting to pick a winner of the "Name the Bridge" contest. They have chosen a winner, but they are waiting for the Mayor to get some prizes before they announce the winner. Facilities Committee would like to have a plan of the slips with the name of the boat, size, etc. Public Access Committee: D. Neuman stated that Cummings will do what we wanted to do. They will get done as soon as possible. T. Cassidy has mailed to the DEM for Grant Money. Can match up to $300,000. J. Frates stated that D. Neuman worked hard to get "RFB' on the street to see if we can get a large vessel in to the pier by the middle of June. A motion to adjourn was made by D. Neuman. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss