2001-04-05 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES April 5, 2001 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: D. Neuman, J. Murray, J. Frates, P. Allen, A. Burns, R. Gallagher, A. Wheelock M. Troubetaris, T. Birner, C. Raymond. Guests: L. Bochynski J. Frates opened the meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting. P. Allen states that her statement in the previous minutes should state that it is mysterious instead of a scheme. J. Murray states that it should state that R. Perron and J. Simpson are former members of the BHMA. Also, where it says the Hannah it should also say and the Seaside Museum. Maureen Troubetaris made a motion to accept the minutes with the changes. T. Birner seconded. All approved. Public Input - M. Zdanowicz says that his son would like to be in the City Marina with a Lobster Boat. He states that he is getting the run-around. L. Boehynski isn't sure if slips are available. Currently 9 fishermen haven't responded. They have until Apall 16 to respond. D. Neuman says L. Bochynski is the Manager. We have an orderly set of rules with a waiting list. In answer to M. Zdanowicz, we will look into this. We will take this up at a Facilities Meeting. A. Burns asked if the Facilities Committee could go to the Marina to examine and decide and send a letter. L. Bochynski stated that the hoist has been condemned by Mass Crane & Hoist. New parts should be here in 2 weeks. Maybe next March the hoist could be moved. M. Troubetaris asked if there is anyplace for more slips in Beverly. D. Neuman stated that the City doesn't own any other waterfront property for slips. T. Birner asked that the Facilities Committee decide what to do and do it. C. Raymond, G.Gallagher, J. Frates, and P. Allen will meet. Update on Hannah. J. Frates stated that the only place for the Hannah would be at the end of the Pier. M. Troubetaris says that a Letter to the Editor in tonight's "Citizen" states that they need money for the building of the Hannah. J. Murray states that we should be sure that it is authentic. D. Neuman states that we need to do some homework to be ready in case this goes forward. Public Access at Cummings. We support the garage if we get the walkway along the water. Ventron Property - The Mayor has put into his budget to buy the property. A. Wheelock stated that PG&E has a Cherry Picker and is willing to help Beverly to clean up the water on Earth Day. A. Wheelock will meet with L. Bochynski to see if it Beverly Chamber of Commerce invited J. Frates to a meeting. The Mayor, and a representative of Representative Tierney's office met to discuss the Federal Channel. If the City wants to move the Federal channel, they need to make the request. D. Neuman stated that it is really not moving the channel, but shrinking it. He has asked the USACE to take information on a small cmiso ship coming in. The Study is not con~ leted yet. There will be a hearing on June 12 ~ 10.00 a.m. D. Neuman stated that the Mayor suggested that it might be worthwhile to start negotiatinE with the Kin~.ies. School for the D~. A. Burns sent a letter. The Mayor called and said that Marciano dropped his plans. D. Neuman - update of Grants. Seaport Council was most promising. Mr. Armstrong has been called. No return call yet. A second source is Department of Environmental ManaEement. We don't know how this source works. A. Bums spoke of the contest for the footbridge. Judges are P. Allen, J. Bolden, Mr. Whooley of the Citizen, B. Overson of Cmw,,ings Center, and Councilor Smith. There will be prizes and a dedication. P. Allen made a motion for adjournment. Respectfully submitted, E. Twiss