2001-03-01 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES March 1, 2001 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, D. Neuman, C. Raymond, A. Burns, P. Allen, A. Wheelock, T. Birner, J. Bolden GUESTS: A. Hovey, & R. Perron from Washington's Naval Base, and L. Bochynski J. Frates opened the meeting. Public Input - A. Hovey of Washington's Naval Base would like to bring the BHMA up to date about the Naval Base and Seaside Museum. He stated that it was established in 1990 as a non-profit organization. He stated that J. Simpson and R. Perron, former members of the BHMA, were in on the founding of the group. He handed out copies of documents that they had the support of the City Fathers. (Copies attached). Four or five years later they spent an amount of money for the preliminary plans for the vessel. A couple of years later they created a model that has been on display at the Library and at the Hannah SchooL He stated that you may wonder why he is here. He beani that a private individual is interested in building the Hannah. Washington's Naval Base would like to know more about thin. He asked if at the next meeting of the BHMA they could give Washington's Naval Base a new commitment. J. Frates asked for any comments. P. Allen asked if this is mysterious. A. Hovey stated that be just heard that someone else wants to build the Hannah. J. Frates stated that the Hannah was on our agenda. He met with the Mayor, who mentioned the fact that a gentleman wants to build this. He heard that he has a business plan. We didn't see this. D. Neuman stated that whoever he is, he doesn't have all the money yet. A. Hovey stated that all of Washington's Naval Base fundraising is promoted as being used to build the Hannah. A. Hovey stated that there will he a members meeting next Wednesday at JYC. @ 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. D. Neuman made a motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meetings. A. Burns seconded. All in favor. T. Birner brought up the subject of slip rental fees. We are charging 80.00 at Glover, Port Marina is charging 101.00, and Tuck Point is charging 92.00. L. Bochynski suggested that next year they discuss this much earlier. It should be discussed in December and make decisions in February. After much discussion, A. Wheelock made a motion to increase 5% at both Marinas and revisit next December. T. Birner seconded. 7 voted in favor, and D. Neuman opposed. J. Frates stated that the Hannah is next on the agenda. D. Neuman stated that he had a message on his telephone machine from the Mayor who stated that the 60' boat is really 95'. D. Neuman would like to set a time for another meeting. A meeting on Thursday @ 3:30 p.m. with L. Bochynski and C. Raymond at the Harbor Center. J. Frates told of the Moorings at Misery Island. M. Handly proposed that the Trustees of the Reservation would like to administer these and turn them into transient. D. Neuman thinks it should be done by attrition Also the Mooring Slip Rack fees for out-of-town boaters would double, and that the Harbormaster would like to get defnbulators for the boats. J. Frates stated that he was wondering about the fisherman's concerns. Everyone agreed that he should invite them to come to the meetings of the BHMA. Water Taxi - Nothing Cummings Center- Letter that we are in favor of the garage if we receive the walkway after the garage is built. T. Cassidy talked to the Cons. Comm. And they said the walkway NOW. T. Cassidy will continue to work on this. Name the Bridge - A. Bums is still working on this. She will have a meeting of the judges in April to pick a winner. A. Burns spoke to D. Farwell of the Beverly School for the Deaf regarding the land on Elliott Street. He suggested that she write a letter to James Rich of the Board of Directors. P. Allen made a motion to adjourn. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss