1996-12-05BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES December 5, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, Chm.; D. Freni, Vice Chm.; C. Raymond, R. Rollins, P. Alien, D. Neuman, J. Coan GUESTS: D. Hut]bert, Planning Dept.; Councilor Coughlin, Mayor ScanIon, M. Handly, City Solicitor; interes'tcd parties of Ward II. G. LaCombe: opened the meeting and stated that before there is any Public Input he would like to discuss the meeting at City Hail. He stated that the first he heard of it was when he read the paper. D. Freni called R. Rollins that night. We were not notified. The Mayor and M. Handly said that they would take care of it. They said that we would be invited back at another time. R. Rollins stated that on the Sunday before this meeting, Councilor Nardella asked F. McDonaJd if +he BLMA was coming to their meeting. F. NcDona]d answered that 't. he Mayer doesn't want them in. Rollins stated that the Mayor violated the ordinance and the charter. The Mayor had no right to change, ant] F. McBonr~lc! shouldn't have listened to the Mayor. Counciior Coughlin didn't realize that the BHMA wasn't invited. Councilor' Cough].in said that he was sorry that the BHMA bore the brunt of ~h:is. tlc put in an order, and th;.-- President of the Council set a date. We assumed that you were notified. Councilor Cough]in was very upset by what happened, but not at the BHMA. D. Freni and J. LaCerobe talked about what has evolved over the last 3 years. It m?y take over an hour of the Council's time to bring this to the before the Council. We would like to ask that we be given ample time and tha~ th~s meeting preferably be after first of the year. D. Freni spoke in terms of communicating. She has been on the BHMA since early 1996. Shortly after she started, Ward II requested that a presentat. ion be made to them. She went to thei_r meeting with J. Simpson, also a member of the BHMA, and did a presentation and updated them on everything that we had done to date. She volunteered to be a part of the Ventton property and to work with Councilor Rollins an this. She told the people at the Ward meeting tbat she wouid be willing to meet with them at any time and come to their meetings if they wanted to invite h~r back. At no time, has anyone refused to meet with them. I/. Ro]]ins sl:al. ed ~hat Ward T] would like to have input, and ther'e was a small contingent of them at the meeting. Coun<:i]or' Cou~l~] in st:tied ihr~[ ihc. BHMA shc~uld hay,:. ! i,ne io i~rr.l,z,r~ for a meeting and that they should be given 1 to 1 1/2 hours for a presentat ion. One of the members of Ward II stated that she was told by J. Bolden that a letter was sent to D. Freni. D. Freni stated that she would appreciate a copy of that. letter. G. Rossi - states that he appreciates the cgmments, and that he still sticks to his comment thai. D. Freni is a member of Ward II, and R. Rollins is a resident of Ward II, and that they don't need an invitation. G. Rossi stated that as the works are evolving, the citizens don't know what they are. He believes that there should be more articles in the paper telling what is going on. ~. Rollins updated the Mayor on what was said at the beginning of the meeting regarding the Council meeting. The Mayor stated that after talking with G. LaCombe he called the City Clerk to say that the BItMA was not ready. He states that he will not pass on any messages in the future. G. LaCombe told the Mayor ~:hat we have asked for adequate- time, after the first of the year. R. Rollins made a motion to accepi the Minutes of the Noven,ber meeting. D. Freni seconded. All approved. J. Crowell, the architect wi~o so graciously drew up some plans for the area, is here and we should hear from him. The issues are parking. G. LaCombe stated that the way that G/over is set up now, ther'e are ]9 parking spaces inside the gate. If you include the parking spaces along Port Marine property that would be a total of 26. There are 26 boats in the Marina so that is adequate. Clover shou:[d be alright. The BHMA property, when all boats are back in the water should have about 45 boats. Therefore khere should be 45 parking spaces. D. Freni stated that there will be 2] under the new bridge. G. LaCombe stated that the State never had any intentions of giving us the Cherry Hill Creamery land. D. Freni got plans of the lot, and they at-e roughly gu~ssi. ng that there will be 2~ spaces there. D. Fr'eni says that the State has ~o plans for that land, and thai. they are calling it vacant space at this time. They are ver:: open to work:ing something out with the City of Beverly. We hop~:. thr~t the Mayor will send a letter to the State addr'essi,~g l]ie issue of the lot. D. Frenj also t:llked to a gentleman from Mass Highway, who was co<~,i:,crative, about the 1-,ossil~ility ~,F p~,ving and landscapi~g. D. Freni states that the Bail. Cooler issuf: is still open. J. Crowell stated that one drawing is with the BIIMA building gone, and the other drawing is with the l~uilding present. J. LaCombe and D. Freni walked the area and they would like to walk it with J. Crowell. The Mayor stated that he had a visilor. David Goss, of the Historical Society. Mr. Goss told the Mayor that when people come out of the Witches' Museum in Salem, they ask "Where now? Approximately 400,000 people a year attend the Witches' Museum. It was suggested that maybe some kind of a Visitor's Booth be set up before Cabot and Rantoul Streets split. G. LaCerobe says that a restaurant needs 50 sq. ft. per patron for park .i D. Frenj says that we are at a point now where we need people and time to pull. everyone together. G. Rossi spoke about an area under ~:he bridge. He doesn't know if there are any plans for ti~is area. The area of the old bridge to Rowand's. If this area could be dredged, it may help the current and also more space for more slips. Another thing is that the City has a habit of letting things slip away. If the engine works from the old bridge haven't gone already, couldn't they go to the Hall Whilaker Bridge. This bridge now tak~:s 4 hours to open and ~-]ose. The Mayor stated that it cou].d be an engineering feat. L. Bochynski says that he believes all we need to do is ask the State. G. LaCerobe asked if this could be directed t.c the Mayor. Treasurer's ITeport - G. LaCerobe stated that we now have the new prot, erty, and there are a lot of expenses coming up now, as docks and renovations. He is trying to work out the logistics ~'il:h D. Young at City Hall. We are getting close. G. LaCombe has asked the Harbormaster and L. Bochynski to come up with what need~.-- to be done immediately and how much it may cost. G. LaCo~,,b~ will have to go to the Council to appropriate more ko our budget. The Harbormaster said that we need to make changes and add .1 new moorings and new chains. This should cost less than $10.000. A see-end phase is to clean. They have a huge amount of growth. It will cost close to $10,000 for cleaning both deck systems. This i.s up to $10,000 for cleaning and $10,000 for overhaul for a total of $20,000. L. Bc:~:hyr~sk i s4, at. ed that this i s f,'~r '~ hi s season. Nex~ st:ason we ~qil]. need 2 more moorings, and they should be cleaned every year. With the removal of the bridge there is a possibility of ice coming down the river. What we have i s totally inadequate. Normally at Clover, we do an annual rep]acement. This replacement of i Main float and 2 fingers are not part of this. This could be possibly over $5,000 as well as 2 mooring chains. L. Bochynski stated that now we are faced with the weather. It is cold to put a diver in the water. The moorings need to be done before ice comes down the river. The Mayor says we need to get on with it:. Send a letter requesting transfer. Council meets on the 16th. G. LaCombe stated that WIF money should be used. D. Freni made a motion to transfer $30,000 from the Waterways Improvement Fund to the BHMA Budget to pay for this, R. Rollins seconded. All Approved. G. LaCombe asked the membr-~rship to review the September and October monthly reports. A Motio~ to accept was made by D. Freni , and seconded by R. Rollins. All in favor. D. tlurlbert had a letter regarding signage at McDonald's. R. Rollins feels that we need to maintain the history of the area. The ,vlayor thinks that it should be municipal.. ,I. Crowell, D. ~'cen.4_, and D. Hurlbert will work on this. Committees - G. LaCombe met with C. Raymond at Clover re: the fence. L. Bocb. ynski showed them around. They believe that a fence could be at th:? he.~d of the ramp for the boats. Also fencing around the rest room area and the; crane. Other thoughts are ~ o have an electric gate so that there i.s public pedestrian access, but not cars. D. McPherson called one fen~:e company and got a pri ce of $5000.00. Also the gate at the' top of ramp is an engineering feat. We are wor'king on it. L. Bochynski asked about a gate like a RR gate. No idea o,~ cost. D. Newman asked about Handicapped Access to the bu.[]ding. has been done about this. Nothi ng .T. ¢oan asked about the crane being surplus. L. Bochynski says it is a liabilit:,. His recommendation is to get r~d of it. D. Frenj made a motion to allocate funds for fencing. J. Coan seconded, and all approved. $5000.00, D. Hurlbert stated that we should h:f',,,; 3 r~e%, R.F.P. for an improved scope. She needs everyone to ].ook over an,d call Debbie at the office with any concerns. G. 1.3Combe I.'P ! !- ,',gel hf.r' a chrof~c~1 <',[5-i <'~'! h:istory. G. T::aCc .-.!i've 1). Hurlbert and D. Freni will get together. D. Hurlberl and D. Freni will draft, a letter to the state re: the Creamery ] and. G. LaCombe will m,'~et with D. Freni and J. Crowell at lO:OO a.m. on 12/7/96 to walk around the property. P. Allen spoke to G. Whitney re: licenses. Newman because of her full-time position. these. She gave them to D. D. Neuman will work on P. Allen made a motion to adjourn. were in favor. D. Neuman seconded, and all Respe. ctfully submi~ ted, Eileen Twiss