1996-07-11BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHOR. ITY MINUTES July 11, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, J. Simpson, C. Raymond, J. Driscoll, D. Freni, J. Coan D. Hurlbert (Planning (Harbormaster) Department) D. McPherson G. LaCombe called the meeting to order. He will recap the Chapter 91 License. The State didn't want to install handicapped bathrooms. We have sent letters. They are really willing to give us the Dolphins. When Phase II comes to be, we can put in for a wood walkway under the bridge. They may take care of loose issues. They don't want to install a slab for a bait cooler on State property. J. Simpson asked that a letter to the State requesting the Dolphins and possibly about 10 piles along the bridge to replace the floats that were there. G. LaCombe stated that Bob Joseph had explained the history of the property to him. He repeated it to the new mem0ers ef the Authority. G. LaCombe is in favor of asking for the Dolphins only -- in lieu of bathrooms. D. Freni asked about demolition of the building. That can be asked for i.n Phase II also. D. Freni made a motion for the Mayor to send a letter to the State Dolphins in lieu of Bathrooms. J. Simpson seconded. All 6 voted in favor. G. LaCombe explained that 2 1/2 years ago the Authority v:as ~:"ying to get the Harbor Management Plan off the ground. A group got toKether to discuss the Harbor Man?gcment Plan. G. Whitney put together a letter asking for help from the Mayor. One big issue is no parking for public access. G. LaCombe states that he needs help in moving forward. G. LaCombe met with the Mayor abc~ut the Gran[. and wha~ v.'ou]d be implemented. He asked P. Seamans to put an add in the local paper and t},e Bosten Globe for someone who would be interested 5n leasing the property. six months ago we went through the plans, and most members wanted to privatize. G. LaCombe and D. Neuman will go through the lease of the Beverly Golf and Tennis and try to adapt it to this property. G. LaCombe will interpretation. call the City Planner in the morning for The Harbormaster stated that the Contract for' the boat is signed. The ]6th, the builders will receive a check, ~nd the boat should be here 60 days after receiving the check. There should be a letter requesting transfer of the WIF funds for this. A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report for the previous month was made by D. Freni. Seconded by J. Driscoll. All 6 voted in favor. Copies of the 1997 Budget that was submitted to the Mayor were handed out. The $5,100 for the Grant is not in our Budget anymore. It is in the ttarbormaster's Budget. G. LaCombe talked about putting the lease together. Six months ago we talked about having a manager come in to run the Marina, and a different lease for the food. Should we have someone come in and run the whole thing? With someone leasing the marina all office supplies and utilities and Dock Maintenance .would be the lessees responsibility. The money set aside each year for upkeep would not be allowed to be spent on anything else. The Lessee should attend the monthly meeting of the BHMA. The Authority would get quarterly reports from the I. essee. Any major changes would have to be negotiated between the lessee and the BHMA. The Contract will be negotiated between the Mayor' and a Lessee. Beverly Golf and Tennis has a 5 year contract. D. Freni and J. Simpson asked about a short. er term for' the lease. C. Raymond also favors a short term lease, at least for the first time. October 19, 1996 should be the switch of the Marina. G. LaCombe will try to send a copy of contract figures. discuss at the next. meeting. We will D. Freni would like a clear understanding of this building. The state was going to tear it down in the beginning. We asked the state to leave it for us to use. Meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss BE VERLY HARBOI'~. I~'IANAGEBaENT AIJTHOR I TY M I NUTE S August 1, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCon, be, P. Allen, R. Rollins, J. Simpson, J. Coan, J. Driscoll, M. Lins, D. Freni Also, D. Hurlbert, Planning Dept, Harbormaster G. LaCombe called the meeting to order. Public Input - None A Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made by R. Rollins, Seconded by J. Simpson and approved by all. A Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report was made by R. Rollins, Seconded by J. Driscoll, and approved by all. Harbormaster - Update o~ Boat. 2 payments have been sent for the boat in the amount of $26,000.00. We should have the boat in 60 days from receipt of first check. This time may be cu[. in half'. There will be a Lobster Boat Race on Saturday. Committees - Public Access and Waterfront - J. Coan went to a meeting in Rockport. They had a film showing Rockport's experience. Gloucester Harbormaster spoke on where they get; some funds. T. Scully was there and showed a film and spoke on Beverly. T. Scully is here, does he want to speak? T. Scully said that he picked up some books to give to the Planning Dept, Building Inspector etc. He stated that anyone goes to City Hall for a permit, there should be a procedure to follow. Brewster has this in their Harbor Management Plan. will try to get a copy. J. Coan P. Allen will look at Prince Street License, as far as Public Access is concerned. D. Freni asked who is going to write the policy. T. Scully doesn't mind doing it. He will then send it to the BHMA. G. LaCombe stated that when we get documentation we will act on it. J. Driscol] stated that he is friendly with someone at URI who is doing this thing. His name is Prentiss Stout. J. Driscoll wilt ask him if he can forward some information. Development of Geary's Marina G. LaCombe stated that before we try to find people for the property, we should find out the limits. He thought that water--related vendors would be in the back end. He has a meeting with the Mayor 2 weeks from tonight to see if this is acceptable. J. Simpson says that he should have J. Lerner come clown and look at the property before the meeting with the Mayor. G. LaCombe says that we are in agreement to send this to J. Lerner. J. Simpson says that it is easier to deal with J. Lerner in person. G. LaCombe spoke of the floor plan of the Marina. How applicable is this floor plan? He believes that a committee should be formed to go and look at the inside and come back with recommendations and plans. D. Freni and R. Rollins will be the committee, and if anyone backs out, J. Drisco!l will step in. We should review pot:ential contract. J. Simpson spoke with A. Dominic, who is running Port Marine at the present time, and they agreed that a post should be put in the middle of the public wa].kway on that property, to prevent a car from going down the 10' wide walkway. A. Dominic also told J. Simpson that if there are under 1.00 boats you should not need a Dockmaster. If someone were to run Port Marine, they may be able to run this also. G. LaCombe has a lease with some exhibits to be filled in. Exhibit A - to Ciky Hall R. Rollins said that J. Altshuler should be consulted. Do not use the Beverly Golf and Tennis for reference. Exhibit B - J. Simpson and the Harbormaster Exhibit C - D. Freni Maintenance and Repair J. Driscoll would like to volunteer for inspection. P. Allen will do some work on this. Exhibit D - .]. Simpson -- Fees to boat tenters Exhibit E - E. Twjss Facility. Groups ihat use the The bes~ time to ca]] G. LaCombe is after 9:00 p.m. D. Freni stated that she was concerned about the boat along the side. This has been removed. D. Tarsook took care of parking problems. D. Geary will not be here very much. D. F~eni has his home phone number, to be used only in case of emergency. D. Freni gave a list of 6 winter renters. She asked about the concerns of the boaters. What does Public Access mean? What is our Philosophy on Public Access? The Harbormaster stated that we should not remove the gate. jersey barrier were removed, people could walk in. If a A committee of J. Simpson and the Harbormaster will look into Public Access. Harbormaster stated that Lou is Doug's right arm. It may be in our best interest to ask him to stay on until a lease is in place. Do we wish to allocate money to hire this 1,eraon for an interim period? D. Freni made a motion that we pursue thks with the Mayor. R. Rollins seconded. All in favor. If this is approved by the Mayor, we should invite Lou to our next meeting. Harbor Management Plan D. }iur]bert went out on RFP. Earthtech of Lexington was to have papers here by today. They have not been received. D. tturlbert cal].ed them this afternoon and was told that they weren't going to do it. Because of the reviewer at CZM. LaCombe stated that we should schedule interviews with the companies, asking why the discrepancy between $4,000 and $10,000. Meeting on September Licensing & Permits G. LaCombe will pass the applications to P. Allen. Developmeni Plan Genera] Updates - on facility. A member stated that we couldn't describe the condition of this p].ace. Up until this morning it looked terrible. G. Zambouras came down with a crew, and they did a wonderful job of cleaning up. There was a letter from J. Ve]ard] requesting reimbursement of $125.00 for a truck tire. This was forwarded to the City Clerk's Office D. Freni wants to thank G. LaCombe for all the time he has been putting into this. M. Lins made a motion to adjourn. All approved. This was seconded by D. Freni. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss