1996-04-04BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES April 4, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, D. Neuman, R. Rollins, J. Simpson, G. Whitney, D. Freni, J. Driscoll, C. Raymond Harbormaster, and interested citizens. G. LaCombe called the meeting to order. R. Rollins stated that there was input from people who live on Silver Court and Quincy Park. They are concerned about the jetskis. They stated that jetskiers are not obeying the laws. They are not 150' from the beach. They stated that the noise is disturbing and they believe that it is causing an impact on property values. G. LaCombe asked the Harbormaster what the limitations are. The Harbormaster stated that it is printed in the book of rules and regulations that is being sent out to boaters who pay fees, but unfortunately they do not get into'the hands of jetskiers. He stated that the industry is being regulated by CMR's. There is a need for someone active to police them. G. Whitney asked about the land areas. He stated that he did some research into ownership. The Public Landing belongs to Southessex Sewerage. To the right is privately owned by Southessex Sewerage, and to the left it is primarily owned by the upland property owners. The City took an easement to put in a drain pipe. If the jetskiers are going on the beach, they are trespassing. Homeowners should call the police or the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster stated that he is working with the Chief and M. Didonato on Community policing. They will be out there. A citation should work. There was a question if we should be charging them for launching. G. LaCombe stated that we should come up with a proposal to present to the Mayor and the City Solicitor to see if we can do this. D. Freni asked if the people could put their ideas in writing and forward to the Harbormaster. D. Neuman stated that we shouldn't create new rules, we need to enforce those that we have. One of the citizens stated that we are one of the few harbors that hm,,e them. The Harbormaster says "no" Swampscott banned them and is now involved in a class action suit. R. Rollins will get together with some of the residants and come up with some ideas. Faye Salt of the Ward II Civic Association spoke. She asked for someone from the ttarbor Authority come to their meeting on the ].6th at 7:30 p.m. to explain what the BHMA is. There are questions regarding Jan Schlictman's plans. Rollins will be there. D. Freni, G. Whitney, and R. Jack Coan ]s here regarding properties available on the waterfront. He stated that he has lived in Ward 5 since 1955. He has a great interest in the waterfront, mainly the beaches. He likes [o swim. There are n lot of beaches in Beverly. He has been wondering if the beaches on private estates could be made available. He would like to see more available to the public. G. Whitney needs to re-establish the Public Access Committee. Neuman and J. Driscoll will be part of this committee. A Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made by J. Driscoll, and seconded by D. Freni. All approved. A Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report for January was made by R. Rollins and seconded by 'D. Freni. All approved. A Motion to accept. the Treasurer's Report for February was made by R. Rollins and seconded by D. Freni. All approved. G. Whitney asked abeut khe amount in the "Harbormaster Boat and Equipment" account. Harbormaster stated Lhat the proposal for a boat has been out for a couple of weeks. It should be in the local papers tomorrow. Thursday khe 18tb, bids are to be opened. IOA Permits outstanding. a payment schedule. Fort Marine. Mr. Cargill has agreed to D. Gerry has filed a claim saying sheet fee is illegal. There is a reasonable possibility that the fee could be declared illegal, G. Whitney proposed to terminate water sheet fee for FY 97, to be replaced with a $100.00 annual application fee. The Harbormaster and G. Whitney will work on this. G. Whitney made a motion that there will be no substantive income planned for Calendar year 1997 for IOA fees. All agree. A sub-committee is to look into Water Ferry service to Boston. D. Freni will work with the Harbormas~er on th:!s. D. Neuman will also be on this committee. G. whitney attended the Public Hearing on the Stop & Shop. Only a couple of people were there. No issues were brought up, The Developers went through their presentation. Mayor Scanlon called a meeting re: Dock Lane. We should accel-,t the recommendation of the City Solicitor. The City Solicitor' agreed that the City will receive an easement for Dock Lane as a p u b ] :i c w ~ y. Facilities Committee - met with the project e~,ginecr' from Cianbro and many others. They went over several sections of mitigation. The Stat~; doesn't want to build public restrooms. D. Hurlbert will go over this with the City Solicitor. We may get a slab for the bait cooler's. They will do the dolphins. ~s far as the landscaping, the islands in the parking lot would kill us. They were asked to only landscape 5' our from the r. ridge and do the rest later. They will review what will be available across the street. Fara Courthey is no longer with CZM. We are trying to get plans for Saugus. They are also designing the dolphins. General Input. D. Neuman passed out some newspaper articles. He asked about Green's Hill with regard to public access. This would be a good place for a public walk along the wa~er. G. Whitney stated that they will discuss this at the Public Access meeting. D. Freni stated that she received a call from a fisherman that he was being displaced from Cargill's. The Harbormaster will look into this. D. Freni stated thaE she spoke to D. Young regarding an Enterprise Fund. She thinks that we could have both an EnterFrise and a Revolving Account. G. Whitney left. A discussion was held on the Budget for FY 97. It was thought tha'[ the BHMA should turn over $65,000.00 to the City to offset the Harbormaster Department. This would be the Mooring Fees. A Motion was made by J. Simpson to accept the Budget as written, It was seconded by R. Rollins, and all approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss