1996-02-01BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES February 1, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, G. Whitney, C. Raymond, J. Simpson, M. Lins, D. Neuman GUESTS: Representatives of Snapple & Brent Wilbur, and Jan Schlichtman At 7:00 p.m. there were only 5 members present, so it was decided that the representatives of Snapple could do their presentation. The Representatives of Snapple came to the meeting to explain the placement of a vending machine on the property. They were very well prepared with answers. There was one question that they could not answer, but they said that they will get back to us with the answer. They said that there are Snapple Vending Machines in the Middle Schools and at the High School. They left 2 cases of the product for the Authority to sample. Don Neuman came in late, so now we have a quorum. Jan Schlicthman and Brent Wilbur came to explain what they have in mind for the Morton Thiokol property. They have formed a group known as the "Beverly Harbor Development". They are thinking of a public/private partnership. They had quite a presentation complete with slides and a video. Their thoughts are for an Aquarium. G. LaCombe stated that the group would talk it over and maybe vote on an approval at the next meeting. Meeting came to order. Treasurer's Report was handed out for October, November, and December. D. Neuman made a motion to accept. G. Whitney seconded, and all 6 approved. G. Whitney handed out a paper on his thoughts on the Budget Process. Would like everyone to study this. G. LaCombe stated that at the next meeting we should set aside some time to discuss the budget. The Harbormaster and G. LaCombe have a meeting with the Mayor. They hope to discuss some of these budget questions at the meeting. G. LaCombe stated that according to the new Charter, Dan will be part of the Public Safety. J. Simpson explained that when the Beverly Harbor Management Authority was formed, the Harbormaster was his own Department. The BHMA started paying the Assistants and bought engines, etc. It was stated that the City is liable by State Law to have a Harbormaster and Assistant Harbormasters. D. McPherson stated that at the last meeting the BHMA voted in support of purchasing a boat. After that he had a meeting with M. Handly. P. Seamans came down to discuss this with him. It was agreed that at $35,000 there was no warranty or guarantee. P. Seamans suggested that they need to review, and maybe a new boat should be considered. There was a meeting with the Mayor. The conversation was about the $40,000 for the Sprinkler System. The Mayor stated that he would take care of this. The range of prices for a new boat is $50,000 to $183,000. J. Simpson explained the history of the Sprinkler money. G. Whitney made a motion that the BHMA votes to allocate for purchase of a boat $40,000 which had been set aside for the Sprinkler System. D. Neuman seconded. All 6 approved. G. Whitney made a motion to rescind last months vote. M. Lins seconded. All 6 in favor. The Harbormaster has been working with Bridging the Generations and also working on Community Policing. He is also working with R. Perron to get some history together for the Internet. The Harbormaster would like to see some transient moorings. G. Whitney will submit a revised permit to DEP for our slips. J. Simpson talked to Cianbro. They are set to drive the piles for Dolphins. They can't use the old piles. Without Rock Sockets they would cost about $15,000. With the Sockets $25,000. It is the consensus of the Board to use the Sockets. G. Whitney made a motion to go to bid for bids as specified by the Eng. Dept. with Rock Sockets. D. Neuman seconded. All 6 in favor. J. Simpson will inventory what we have for slips. J. Simpson spoke on the mitigation when the bridge is completed. He called T. Maguire because he is concerned about what was promised. T. Maquire didn't know. J. Simpson called 3 times and got no return call. G. Whitney and C. Raymond will try to meet with Representative Cahill and D. Hurlbert to try to iron out these problems. There will be a Public Hearing on the 29th regarding the 10A Fees. M. Handly is supposedly taking legal action against Port Marine. G. Whitney went to the DPA Meeting conducted by D. Duscik. It was a good meeting. The next day G. Whitney sent a letter regarding long-term leases. It was answered that "YES" there can be long term leases where there is no DPA. There are some ways of handling this. One way is to delay the action until the BHMA Harbor Management Plan is in place and it could be in the Plan to eliminate. The BHMA should make a decision soon as to how we want D. Duscik to handle this. G. Whitney made a motion to ask the city to request a delay and that the DPA be re-evaluated. It could be reviewed in 5 years. G. Whitney will draft a letter from G. LaCombe to B. Nardella. Mr. Cargill has been avoiding G. Whitney regarding the fence. Stop & Shop - G. Whitney is concerned that Dock Lane is being given to Bass Haven with a Public Easement. Also walkways are not on the plot plans. They still had the old low water mark. This is wrong. G. Whitney will send a copy of the memo to the lady that he met Next Thursday G. LaCombe & D. McPherson will beet with the Mayor to address Mr. Sweeney. After this they could talk about Stop & Shop. Regarding the Presentation at this meeting, there was a motion that D. Neuman will write a note to B. Wilbur. C. Raymond seconded. All approved. D. Hurlbert of the Planning Department put together a package. We should sit with the Mayor to see what could be done. D. Neuman asked about talking to Morton Thiokol. G. LaCombe wants to be clear with the Mayor about what to do and go to Ventron after this. The next meeting of the BHMA will be held on February 22, 1996 @ 7:00 p.m. From 8 - 9 we will work on Budget, and from 9 - 10 Ventron. G. LaCombe made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting. M. Lins seconded. All approved. A motion was made to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss