1997-12-04 BEVERLY J{ARBOR MANAGEMENT AI3TI{ORITY MINUTE S December 4, 1997 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: Peter Gilmore, 3ohn Crewel], Don Neuman, Alice Burns, Pat. Allen, Jack Coan, and newly appointed Cha!:'man by Mayor Scanlea to fill vacancy, George W]li'_ney (pending City Council confirmation) Russ Roll ills, and Charlie Raymond were unable to attend. GUESTS: Harbormaster Dan McPherson, Brent Wi].bur, and Lou Bochynsk i Due to the resignation of Chairperson Donna Fren] from the BIIMA after last month's meeting, the BHMA was left without a chairperson. As there was a quorum in attendance it was necessary that a member act as chairperson to run the meeting, as there is no Vice-Cha'i rman. A motion was made that Alice Burns act as chairperson, seconded by Peter Gilmore. The vote was unanimous tha~ Alice act as Chairperson ]n order to proceed with the meeting. The: meeting was called to order at 7:10 ph, by Alice Burns. ]. A]l}ce first asked in there was a:'~y public: jr~put. Brent wilbur, guest had no input. 2. It was reported that Eile{~.n Twiss, Administrutix;e Assistant, was at home and doing well with recovery after her surgery and tha'[, she wished everyone Happy He] i days . l)~,n McPherson reported that Eileen should be back for the next meeting. George Whitney was welcomed by Alice as newly appointed chairman of BHMA, pending City Council confirmation. Everyone was sorry to hear that Donna Freni bad resigned her position as Chairperson. A].jce then called for Committee Reports. . ].. Public Access Committee: The committee met at the McDonald's site on November 10, 1997 and those present were: Tina Cassidy, Planning Department, Jack Coan, Charles Raymond and Alice Burns. The Committee proceed,,~d on a walkin~ tour of area starting on Water St:'eet and walking toward the water. A sum:nary of the tour and Committee ~'eport has been submitted, discussed, summarized, and is attached for reference. SUMMArlY: In accomI, lishing our goal of a contindous ~:ulkway printari].y along the water's edge from the Beverly/Salem Bridge to Tuck }'oint requires opening the exist ing chain ] j,_~rsey barriers that block lat. ca'al access. lipon discussi<~ :it h,~:~; Felt tha'l BHMA sht~uld s;il. ~ith Tina Cassidy and theft ~{~1 j.c~s ~;hould be sent t{:, m,:,,2t ~{] th f~'ol,e~'i:y owne~l's holiday gathering, (2) Meeting and holiday gathering ~t Jubilee and (3) attempt to have meeting at Library and adjourn to Jubilee for holiday gathering. Before adjourning, Don N. felt thai: we need to do someth.'ing regarding Short Term Planning to show the Public we're working on the waterfront. John C. is wor]~ing on long term p]ai,ning. Can we do something to show visible improvements such as fence. John to meet with Lou a~t~r fir~_;t of year and with regard to work-ing with abutters and connecting properties. It is wished that good visible sights will be seen by Spring. Peter G. motioned that meeting be adjourned at 9"10 p.m., seconded by Pat A. Respectfully submil't ed, Helen B~tler