1997-11-18 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AITTT~0RIT~' MINUTES November 18, 1997 City Hall. PRESENT: Chairperson, D. Freni, Councilor R. Rollins, Councilor Gilmore, D. Neuman, A. Burns, P. Allen, C. Raymond, .I. Coan, J. Crowell GUESTS: Lou Bochynski, Bill Finch, George Whitney, others The meeting was called tc order by Chairperson Donna Freni at 7:05 p.m. Chairpcr::;c~n Freni reported that Ei]cen Twiss had surgery this morning at the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center in Burlington and was in intensive care and everyone was pleased to hear that she was reported as doing well after her surgery. The healing/recovery period is expected to be quite s{~me tint: and Chief Pelonzi have meetings covered while Ei]een s ret:overing. She went on to stale that a new meeting place was needed - as felt the two hour mee]:i. ng time was not enough [~me t:o dis~'uss business. She felt that clue t.o the time c. on~,;traipt import:ant issues x-,,c, re not being ful] y d:i sc. ussed and therefore confusi occurring. B. Neun, an agreed Io ]ooliing into other locations have meetings. Chai rperson Freni stated tt~a4 ~;he tel t there ~va'-; cc, nFus; regarding issues discussed an,] voted upon at the ].ast meeting. There was a vot(? taken and the entire vote. was 'in quest icon and felt it. was important to resolve the confusion before the December meeting. The vote was recorded incorrectl':' with ~ i, eople against and 5 people for the motion presented; whc~reas it was found that Chairperson B. Freni hadn't ,,'<~I<~cl and Tina Cassidy had (when she actually has no voting authority as an Ex--officio member of the ~ P Gilmore, stated 5'P that were the Gas;c, C:,U]c]D'~ a reVOte B HMA.., . be taken? Chairperson 9. Fren] had r'equ~?s;~ed from Marshal/ Hand]y his ,Tiews on the authority of the BI!MA with regard to the City Charter and' any coast ruction of buj ] di ng and p]anning and constructi on facilities. Marshall responded and a copy of his letter is on file and offered his further a~:rs.iy;tan: .... . J. Crowell stated that he wished to apologize if anyone got th~ impression of ~n inadequate job being done. t!e feels Lou B. is doing a great job and apologized if vote confusion implied otherwise, tie feels it is an administration is:;'~c~. J. Crowell and D. Freni met with Dan 5'h~Pherson and discussed management issue and Harbormaster tel t thai the g~gard meet ing once a month wo~] ct be unable to manage marina. Ik was felt that Lou is man~ging and running the marina on a day to clay basis and doing a great job. is uBc]ear~ however, to w}]ollI Loll It was discussed and stated that there are potention conflicts. The Authority doesn't have full oversight of person in charge and there would be no guarantee under anothe. r administration. D. Neuman fe]_ t a managemen [ comicany seemed most i c, gical through ~FP process. It was discussed that perhaps Lou should report directly to the Harbor Management Authority. R. Roll ins has met with the Mayor and advised that the Mayor is not adverse, fo putting Lou directly und~:-r Frank K. , Engineer jurisdiction. In Russ's opinion, the Mayor needs to be included. Chairperson D. Freni stated that when the BHMA agreed to pay for lou's s:,lar'y if was supposed to be temporary. What's Lou's status? He's not union, not civil service.. Sh~~ Felt Lou is being pulled back and forth and it js unclear who Lou should be reporting t. - Harbormaster? And that Lou is responsible for the Mari,~a. Donna apo]ogiTed tl'~at there was not enough dis{:ussion before the bole. Charlie Rr. stated that he felt the marinas etc. were running better now that ever' -- everything is running smoothly except for slight personality conflicts. He feels exercised and changes not needed in his opinion. Peter G. stated that the Marina may be running well but if I, ou leaves, who takes over? He feels no continuity and could be a potential problem. All fac:i].it:ie~-; needed to be managed ~ff:lciently and profitably, not only the Marina. Don N. and Jack C. want t o explore possibili ty of management st vucl. ure. Rass -relY- [hat if Lou leaves, manaEement would h.ve to be contracted out. He did n,~t discuss Lou's salary with the Mayor or ~he fact that it is paid by the BHMA. Russ agrees with Cha~'lie that things are running smo,~l'l~]y. He did nol; have one phone call this summer regarding noise and/or problems. Don N. stated that he felt a lot of talking is done, botu no action 'is taken. ~uss favors moving within gr'oup by resolving issues before going out RFP. Donna read the or:igina] mOt:lOP: ORDERED: "It, conjunc. l i~,n wi. th City Hall , draft a request f{~r proposal for operat~ ons of all ,nar~ na fac~lities under the jurisdiction of the Beverly Harbor Manag~ment Authority before submission". She stated that it was never her intention to go out withou! coming back ~o BHMA for discussion and approval. She Fel~ it was worth exploring working with City Hail ~,r~,} g,:l ring a model plan into place 5. n ,-as:,, of change. Charlie stated that he felt we are ip a stalemate and should look at subcommittees, focus on committee assi gnm~nts. Main concern should be that everyone should take care of responsibilities within c:omm] ~ i. ees. What~ do we want ~ n Har'l~or ~a:icigemont P] Donna staled that she went l:o a Stal:e Meet fag t:<~ clarjfy misunderstar~dings and to djsc. l:sq ~ctual harbor plan r{,gard:in~: the gran{ . q}lc~ met; wi. lh D~nni s Dt}~. ic'k; :ql~,'] h~? re] 1: il ~,'~c,:'ssr:,ry ~ o come up with a comprehensive plan regarding the 3 parcels. She felt stale.~ could be flexjl,]e ~f a conlprehensive plan is made pertaining to .~ pal-'ce]s. Russ R. again staled l'hr~t he was not adverse to including the mayor' due to charter concerns. He felt Mayor must be inc]uder]. Don N. stated that he felt there must be structure in place to have entity run compl~[~_ly with direction. tie feels things are fragile. Alice agrees with Don. We need job descriptions clearly dr;fining what the H:.~rbormaster is responsible for "water" and Lou B. "land" She fel't i'[ mus~ be very clear where ~,,Jr respon~l.,ilities lie in dealing ~¢i t]~ t}~e Harl~ormaster a[]rl Lou and what their responsibilities Peter G. asked i f anyone had cha]lenged the v~tc ~tnd he and Chairpe,'son D. Freni felt the need for a new vote, die to confusion and fact that Tins Cassidy should not have voted. Peter again asked if vote had been challenged and felt i.f s~, we need to revote. Pat A. questioned the wording of motion and felt "review" by authority should be amended to read "apprnved" by authority. Russ stated that wordin~ should not just include "City }Iall" but also mayor and hi s designees. John C. stated he had used the wording "City tlall" originally because he wasn't sure who would help draft the RFP. John said he had originally included "apI~roval" of authorily in his l:,ropof-;~]. Peter G. felt molLion was very clear and felt motion will. come buck to be reviewed and al',provcd by BHMA. Donna felt unc].e;nr per pres~ t mot ion ;~nd Russ asked if cou]d be amended? The wording w~s amended to: ORDERED: "In conjunction with the Mayor or his designee, draft a request for t, rol, osal For operations of all. marina facilities under the jurisdiction of the Beverly Varbor Management Authority, to be approved by the. ~ ..... -,~'l y Harbor ~]ar~a~cmer~t Authori ty befor,~ submission" Pc! cr G. made a moti,~n and i t was seconded thai: the motion be amended as per ab~ve. The vote was 8 in favor and ] agai nst (Charlie R) against. Don N. f,.,:]~ i.~:?re ur~-~ thre~. ~,ptions: (1) Management Compahy (~FP) reports to Harbor P. ut. hori'y, -. ~) Management- or st,:ucture: Lou and Harbormaster separate and Lou reports to Engj. neering D~??I. and ~3) Employee status is sufficient and Lou, Manager repores to us on a monlh]y basis. Chc~:i Fperson 1). Fren:i slat ~:~l thc~}~ ~t.,s~ de,':j dt~ o~ p] :~n of }Iarbor Center for 3 sites (par'eels). Any renovations are supposed to be'F~r~ Fact] i t,:ies 1-,~r' B~ursh~:~]] H~adly'~:; loiter. P~'esently no P. Allen made a motion to increase Pleasure Boat Fee to $82.00 at Glover. Then she amended it to $85.00. J. Crowell seconded. All in favor. D. McPherson will review Commercial contracts. G. Rossi asked if the BHMA was aware that the Seapath Comm. went for a bid for a Gazebo for Washington Street. Public Access C. Raymond had a map of a Master Plan for a walkway along the Waterfront. Meeting Adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss