1997-09-04 BEVEI~L¥ I{ARBOI~ r~4ANAGEMENT AI]THOI=~ITY September 4, ]997 ~ESENT: D Freni, P. Gilmore, ~. ~ollins, P Allen, D Neuman, C ~aymond, J. Coan, J. Crowell , A. Burns. Chin. D. Freni opened the mect~ng 3nd asked for Public Input. TheFe being none she asked foF the minutes ~o be Feviewed. P. Al. lcn questioned expenses concerning one of the trucks and asked if I he Faci ] i I:y Commj tree chair'person report expenditures each month or only when the line ]l. em exceeds the budget. As a rule, if a line item ]s within budget.,.fine. However, line ~tems beyond the budget must go before the board. It was suggested that the August Minutes be amended and any questions of the August 7th meeting will be reviewed by E. Twiss, Secretary. D. l~urlbert met with L. Bochynsk~ concerning the fence at the Glover Wharf Marina. Lou will draw a plan ~ncluding continuous fencing, p:ip]ng, handicapp~d bathrooms, bulkhead re~_~a~rs ~n~ pub] aCCeSS. tlarbormaster, D. McPherson suggested signage as a means of caution against liabiljty. D. Neuman didn't feel that signage alone would be effective. J. Crowell made a motion that we open the Clover Wharf Marina for pub].ic access as soon as [he safe~y issues are resolved. A. Bcrns seconded. P. G;ilmore opposed the motion stating thai lhere should be a plan to direci: our eFfort. s. R. R~llins motioned ~o reconsider [he previous motion. A. Burns reconded. A discussion ensued concerning the Sta]~e Legislation vf the Beverly I!arbor Management Authority and its rightful authority to manage ~he harbor under the State of Massachusetts legislation. D. Neuman feels we need clarification. was suggested that we meet with Mayor ScanIon. P. Gilmore made a motion ~hat D. Neuman be authorized to write the Mayor a letter requesting a meeting to discuss the relationship position of this Authority. J. Croweli seconded. A].] in favor. P. gilmore moved tc~ adjourn. P. A]]t~n seconded. All in favor. Nespectfully,