1997-07-10 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTI-IORITY MINUTES July 10, 1997 PRESENT: D. Freni, P. Gilmore, P. Allen, D. Neuman, C. Raymond, J. Coan, J. Crowell GUESTS: Councilor Coughlin, Robert Brice from the Tuck Point Condominiums, and L. Bochynski D. Freni opened the meeting and welcomed Mr. Brice of the Tuck Point Condominium Association. Public Input - Mr. Brice spoke of the parking problem at the Condominiums. The people of the Marina are parking where the condo owners should park. He has taken this up with Mr. Sawyer. P Allen made a motion to accept the Minutes of the June 5 meet~.ng. J. Coon seconded, and all approved. D. Freni stated that she would gi~e the Flanning Department update. D. Hurlbert has not heard from Appledote. D. llurlbert would like to talk to 1. Crowell, and P. Allen. Sgt Tarsook came down here one day. Sgt Tarsook and D. Iturlbert and L. Bochynski met to talk about parking issues. The diagrams that .1. Croweli had done are available in the BHMA office for 9. Iturlbert. L. Bochynski stated that Sgt. Tarsook had 3 suggestions. One was to place a white ]ir~e where t. he former Jersey barrier~ were. Second suggestion was to extend the white lines of the McDonald's parking to the white line to denote the,, driveway. Third was to feline the yellow lines that were against the stockade fence which were to take care of ovt~r'fJow of traffic at the Clover Wharf area. That might give people some direction of wt:ere to park. This would be a temporary fix. This meeting was prior to the July 4 weekend. D. Hurlbert also wanted D. Freni to mention the signs. There will be "We]come to Beverly" signs. D. ltur]bert will identify the Clover Wharf Marina, the Ferryway Public Landing and the Harbor Center which will have the common ident'ity of Washington's Naval Base. D. Neuman believes that it should say "site of" Washington's Naval Base, as there is nc Naval Base here. D. Fceni stated that D. Hurlbert to do a "mock up" of a sign for our approval. J. Coon asked if somelime we could put up a plaque with tht~ llistory on it. D. Neuman thinks that it is a good idea. Harbormaster is unable to be here tonight, but has asked D. Front to thank P. A]] ,~n and the Coast Guard for the boat safety inspections. The ltarbormaster's Department will provide 2 boats to help with the Constitution in Marblehead Harbor. C. Bradley s~,nt: a letter to all departments regarding the purchasing of goods etc. tinder $1000 Department Head can make decisions. $1000 up to $9999 needs 3 bids, and maintain a file for 7 years of these bids. The Chairman of the BHMA will. be responsible for this. Anything over' $10,000 goes out to bid through C. Bradley. D. Neuman made a motion that L. Bochynski will be respf~nsible for getting these bids and maintaining a file. P. Allen seconded. All. in favor. D. Freni spoke of the ad that the BHMA puts in the Homecoming book each year. After some discussion it was decided that the message should be chang~:d this year. P. Allen made a motion that we do the ad. This was seconded by D. Neuman. 6 voted in favor, and P. Gilmure cpposed. I). Neuman and J. Coan volunteered to write the ad. J. Crowell has asked if the BHMA meetings and the meetings on the tlarbor Plan could b~: on Channel 3. Eileen will do this if there is enough lead time. Commi tree Reports Public Access J. Coan stated that there was a meeting with the Mayor and M. Hartally regarding beach fronts. There are some !and bank bills at the State House. J. Coa~ will meet with Representative Cahill. J. Coan read a lengthy r'eport on the public use of some o r Beverly's waterfront properties. C. Raymond stated that he hasn't heard anything on Port Marine license. D. Neuman believes that the Harbormaster has sent input. C. Raymond stated that he has been down to Bass Haven. The gates are up~ Dock Lane is seetied. It seems to be coming along. D. Neuman stated that he is concerned about the walk. D. Neuman asked if J. Coan remembers that we would like a walkway along the Bass River on the ].and of Crosby that is now for sale. Eileen will call to have the BHMA put on the mailing list of the Coastal Access Group. C, Raymond asked if it could be on the agenda of our meetings for a report of the Coastal Access Group, He stated that A, Burns might like t.o do this, D. Neuman believes that we should talk to the Mayor about ]his walkway. There should also be a connection between the Coastal Access Group, and the BHMA on this topic. We should also connect with the Gceen Belt. P. Gilmore stated that he doesn't see the money coming from the City. D. Neuman and C. Raymond will send a letter on Chapter 9] L:icensc for Port Marina. L. Bochynski spoke of Port Marina attached to the meeting blo{:lfs of Clover Wharf Marina. Our blocks are at our riparian :'ights. Possibly the slips on the westerly side of Port Marina shouldn't be there. Possibly this should be included in the letter of concern. D. Gerry had sent a letter when he was the owner, and that should be in their files. Facilities Committee - J. Crowell, L. Bochynski, & P. Allen me't, 6/11/97. Lou explained a lot, and John took a lot of notes. P. Allen feels that L. Bochynski has a handle o~: things. L. Bochynski is concerned abou~ the steps if we ar'e to continue to use this building. Also the building needs a new roof, and as there are two layers on there already, it needs to be stripped. We should also have a public bathroom on the lower level. What is there now can be re-c3nfigured to be handicapped accessible, and make the door open to outside for tile public. ,I. Crowell mentioned about tile new rules that go into effect on August 27. After August 27, c:onstruction would be more involved, therefore the permit should be applied for now. D. Freni slated tha'L we don't have ally immcdial,.· need 'to ~'e:;nove the building at the present time. P. Gilmore made a motion to go ahead with the work to create a handicapl, ed accessible bathroom i n this building. C. Raymond seconded. P. Gilmore antended his motion to apI, ropriatc up to $10,000 for' the construction. All in f:"vor. P. Allen made a motion that we get bids on a new roof. 1'. Gilmg~c seconded. P. Allen amended her' motion that the Facil:ities Commi ktee will get bids for repair or replacement and bring back to meet ing. Crewel] seconded, A]] in favor'. P. Alien spoke of tong range projects. A conveyer belt in M~rblchead works w~]]. Our wa~er system needs attention. L. Bochynski asked when Phase II of the bridge is to go into ~:ffect. Planning and Development - nt~ rcpo,"[ . J. Crowel 1 would like feedback from J. Merle. L. Bochynski has a ]is'[ of concerns to go to D. Hurlbert to go in a letter to the State. Some are failure to restore curb, and a triangle of hol~top was {:xcluded. P. Allen made a motion that Lou's comments be included in D. Hurlbert's letter. P. Gilmore seconded. All in favor. L. Bochynski told that on July 5, a woman fell going to the bathroom at Glox:er. There have been no other problems in the past. L. Bochynski told that North Atlantic Traders would like to use the hoist for Tuna. He would like to know the policies and fees involved. After some discussion. P. Gilmore made a motion that North Atlantic Traders be allowed to use our facility for a fee of $~00. O0 for tile remainder of the calendar year. B. Neuman seconded. AI] i n favor. D. Neuman asked if anyone knows anything new about Morton Thiokol. D. Freni stated that they are going to seil. We just don't know wl,en . P. Gilmore made a motion to send a list of delinquents to M. Handly to either collect fees or evict , and to act promptly° P. Allen seconded. G in 'faVor and 'l opposed. P. Gilmore made another motion to send a letter to J. Simpson, than]ijng him with r'egret. P. .~%]]en seconded. All Approved. PubLic input -- G. Rossi skated that you might want to try fluorescent light bulbs before you buy them. G. Rossi would also like to thank the Harbormasker for the api, r~:,hens:ion in tl'~e Bass G. Rossi stated that he doesn'[ agree with the figures that the Harbormaster has written regarding the opening of the Hall Whittaker Bridge. P. Allen made a motion ~:o adjourn the meet:ing. D. Neuman seconded. All approved. Respectful ly sdbmittcd, Eileen Twiss '\ z