1997-05-08 BE VERILY It,AR]B()R lx'IANAGEM ENT ,AITTI'tOR I M I NIXTE S May 8 ,. 1997 PRESENT: D. Freni, J. Simpson, C. Raymond, R. Rollins, D. Neuma~, P. Gi]mor'e, P. Allen, A. Burns, J. Cro:qell, J. Coan Mayor Scanlon, L. Bochynski, and HM D. McPherson D. Front, opened the meeting at 7:O0 p.m. and apologized for changing the meeting night so that the Mayor could attend. She then asked the Mayor to speak. ~ayor Ecanlon said that he would like to talk about a couple of things. He would like the Authority to ref]e<:t, and br'ing up at the next meeting. He stated that the City has a number of Boards and Commissions. As a generalization he is hopeful that nil will try to think of the big picture rather than the day to day detail. He also stated thai if this Author'ity hadn't workad on the small t:hings in the past, we would be in the drink. We would like to have the day to day 'ltn:ings hnnd]e:d by the employees, and have the strategy handled by the volunteers. If that is troubling to any of you, then we should kick that around some. Hc stall. el that he would like to see the Itsthor developed as the Autho~'ity wants to develop it. Th~ Mayr, r also stated that he i.s \:e~l'y ;tBxious l~ ~et the 5~cDona]ds property operating for' t:he summer. He is intrigued with the ide:q of a second floor restaurant in the future. Then there is the matter of sheet fees. The Mayor's understanding is that the amount of waterfront to which this is applicat~le would be very small. tte stated that he would like to see the 10A fees not be enforced. He has t. he feeling that there are fees on t,o of fees. D. Front spoke of Communicv_] ion. She just had a meeting with the City Planner, T. Cassidy, and T. Cassidy asked D. Freni if the Authority ¢:ould come up with 10 or 12 thousand dollars to renovate that building. D. Front asked if the City was going to pay for that or what. .,x!ayor ,.qcan]on said that already you may think of as two pots of money, He thinks of it as all being one City. Whe+her the money is here ,~r ther-c. The important thing is thai we get tl;e pla::e going, and he doesn't think the rest of ;t is worth any discussion. ,~laybc others feel diffcr'ently. D. Front spoke from u budget point of view. As [}~e Authority bus to put together a budget, it has to be planned acc{~r'dingly. P. Gilmore feels that if the Authority has the resources to do what needs to be done. A. Burus asked if the Authority needs money, does to go to the full council, P. Gilmore answered Yes. He doesn't think there will be any problem. Mayor stated thai. he would lilac to hav~ everyone involved with the liarhot thinking the same way. Public Input -- Mr. Swift of 3 Summit Avenue asked if he could help. He is concerned with the parking ]ot at the corner of Summit Avenue. D. Freni answered thai: the State sti 11 has the deed to ~his property, and that they will work with us in landscaping this. It is badly needed for' parking. There will be a buffer zone. G. Rossi asked about the bridge and pilings etc. D. Front answered that the Harbormasker will bring this up 5n his report. C. kossj also asked about Bass Haven. Arc there Bore boats than usual? The Hall Whittaker bridge has been open for the last two Sunday mornings for 4 hours al a time. tie asked if there could be Police Officers at three points to direct traffic. D. Front introduced J. Motto from Appledore Enginc~-?r:[ng. J. Motto explained that he has personally been doing Marine l, lanning for 15 years. J. Merle went over all the s~c:ps necessary to have a Harbor Plan accepted. Tonight is the kickoff meeting. ?here will be a t, ub]ic meet. ing set up for' June 9, 1997 at the Library. D. Freni thanked Mr. Mette for attending our meeting. D. Freni said that everyone welcomes our' new members, A. Burns, and J. Crowel ] . D. Hur]be~ ', explained the RFP re: BlcDona]d's. We are ]a!c this. The Planning Department went over a time schedule Yi~e will go to the Central Regis[or by 5/14. She asked every member to please take 5 minutes to look this over, and give immediate feedbaek. D. Fren:i suggesl. ed that everyone: call her w.ith their concerns, and then she wou].d get them [o D. Hurlbert. llar'l~c~.rmas!'er talked to a Water Ta.'.ci Co. to see i f t hey are inter'cst~:d i;~ this. D. Freni asked that D. Hurlbert gel' l. he name. D, Freni stated that we shouldn't have high expectations at such a late date. D. Novman made a mot ion thai t ]re Cha~ r'man pick the color for' McDona]d's. A. Burns ~econded. All apI:,roved. D. Hurlbert stated that the Ciiy ]s ]ookintj into "WELCOME TO BEVERLY" Signs. D. Neuman made a motion to accept the re:inures of t.l~e April 3 meeting. J. Crowell seconded. All in favor. ltnrbormaster's Report - D. McPherson spoke to Mr. Rossi about the bridge and the pilings. He stated that there is a problem out there. It is being address~:d by the Coast Guard and Mass Highway. Mass Highway sent a letter to the Coast Guard that it will be removed by the end of May and I.o set out mark,,~'s in the roeanti:no. Harbormaster also explained that there is a green light on l. he bridge t~ marl{ the center of the_. channel. L. Bochynski spokL of what he has done. He expects 2 vacancies. One for a 40' boat and one for a 30' boat. Harbormaster thinks that it should be in the newspaper. D. Frer~i a.skcd abo,~t fishermen and paymer~t.s. Harbormaster spoke of delinquents. lie also stated that we should check :into red~. fishermen. It is not fair for a stripper fishermen t o pay the same as a year round fi sherman. D. Nc:uman stated tha~ we have 2 issues. Tha issue of being in arrears should be addressed. As far as del. inquen't permit fees, the ttarbormaster can take them to court. As far as the lease, the IIM should work with the City Solicitor. D. Freni stated that if SoRe things could be taken care of at a sub-committee meeting it would cause the monthly meeting to go more quickly. C. Ray~nond ,,rill werk with D. McPherson r'e: fishermen. D. Neuman asked I'd look back at the minutes where ther~ was a motio:~ regarding payment f~'om the fishermen. L- Bochynski would ] ~ke to remove the crushed stone from the C3pozz~ memorial, He stated that i I. should be ~rass or mulch. D. Neumun spoke of the Chapter 91 licenses, We need a system iri p] c.'cc~. D. McPherson says that. he l:as a] ] :i n a fi]e. D. Front slated that this should be in the Licensing and Perrot. Is ~:;ul~,:<,r~nui!t;ee. We need to have some meetings': w:i!b P. McP!~r,~'s{~:~. D. Freni stated that we need a Vice; Chairman. Ther'e were no Commzittees were sel up as follows: Public Access Alice Burns, Chin, Jack Coan Charles Raymond Licensing and P~rmits Don Neuman, Chin. Charles Raymond Facilities Pat Allen, Chm. John Crowel ] Jim Simpson Planr~ing and Development John Crowell, Chin. .lack Coan Don Neuman D. Freni stated [hat it would be up to the Chai rman of each commj I ~ ce, when they meet. L. Bochynski spoke about the deposits for clickers for the gate. tie would l ik,~ to have a fund so that h~ can reimburse in cash, when they return the cljckers. ~ motion to adjourn was made by A. Burns, and seconded by D. Neuman. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Ei]een Twiss