1997-08-07 BEVERL'Y IIARBOR MANA. GEI'clENT AUTHORITY M I NIJTE S Augu~;~ 7, l PRESENT: D. Freni, J. Croweli, A. Bur'ps, R. ~ol].ins, P. Allen D. F~'cn~ opened the meeting. She ~,laled that. there :is no quorum, s{') n~3 votes can be tak~n. Pub] ic: Tnqu:iry -- None .1. Crowel! asked about having the Planning rot.clings for' the Harbor Plan on Cablc~vision in the future. D. Hurlb,-~-'l, stated that she th:i~ks i. bat :it is a ]:ittJe premature right now, but maybe we could request them to broadcast some of the future meel: ings, D. Ilurlbert slated that the P] ann:i ng mcel .i r,g i s set up for Library on August 21 at 7:00 p.m. She a]so stated that the sign f,,r this l~roI~,,r/:y is needed as a result ,~f '~he grant. D. H~;'?}:ert ,net with I,. Bochynskl and Sgt. Ta,'sook r~:garding the parki n~. D. Hur'lbeFt stated that ihe Washington's Naval Base sign will have the dates 1775--76. The lettering will be white. J. Crewel] ~-;tc~d tha~. there ar'e ~hree things that can be done the parki. ng lot at McDona]d's. ]. ~e--p~ve and r'e--stripe 2. Re- paint st. ri~cs and paint where the Jersey Battiers were. r{. His persons] suggestion is to leave some of the spaces as they are. You need a fire lane, and leave the back as it -is. Faint over' the slr51,~i-; on fhe other side, and stril, e as in the diagram. D. Freni stated that wr: should discuss the fence. D. Frcr, i spoke wit. h J. Menesale previous to the arl icle theft was in the pal:,er, an~] explained to her' the liability r~f the crane that is stj ] I o 'I:he pr~.~l:,er'ty, and the safety of the boats. L. Boobye:ski stated 'that he would like tc~ see the uti] ities get burS_cd, ar, d the parking spaces secured for the boaters at Clover. D. Freni. stated i:hat the ~erms of tt~e grant sly public access. P. Allen asked who is responsible for compliance with the grant. !;,. Freni state~l theft she, is ~.r'ying to F:i~;d out. R. Roll. ins asked who i.s to pay for the el~ctFicity for the ~ f: D f~ n a ] d ' r~ b u i ] d i ng. D. Freni asked about pleasure boats that were in here at one timc. When are some of these due back? L. P, oe]~ynski sia'led t. hat he ha:.-; cal],:d many people and he has no answers yet. D. Iturlbert will put a letter together for, R. Joseph, F. Itarney, Representative Cahil], and Senator Berry, asking about Phase II. D. Frcni explained to the Mayor that we need some c]ar'ification as t 0 ~ 0 n e 3r · The Mayor says that in regards ~o ~k, Donald's the money needs to be spent. Which Pot? He, doesn't care. As we go forward things can be different. This year' the place is ,-~pc.r~. h'e are going in right direction. J. Crewel ] stated that What is done is done. Where js the responsibility for i.t: next year? The Mayor answered - BHMA. The Mayor stated Lhat the City is carrying over 1 m. tte would like Lo see the AuLhority doing more policy. D. Freni stated there is no nit picking. Planning De,~artmcnt goes ahead. Where ~s our line of responsibjliLy? Mayor says within re~son, do what needs to be done. ~. ~ollins stated that the BHMA is an advocate of public access. P. Allen says advoc:~[e for "safe" public ~Jayor Scanlon says it is imperative tha~ decisions come from the board. We need to sit down and go over figures. D. Crowell staled [hat in meeting with 2 m.mbc~J's, their discussion came to the. fac~ thai; they do not feel that the ,authority has time or the talent to market the McDonald's building. An ~.F.P. may not be best. Maybe we should conl. emp]ate having a commercial broker on a commission basis. D. Froni staled tha~ we need a clarification of Phase I! of the bridge construction. The Mayor stated that ,,~- ~ced a raceling with someone from the State. D. Fren~ spoke of manpower issues of this fa~:i]ljty. The City used to maintain ferryway, then McDona]d's took car:.~ of it, now all the flowers are dead. D. Fren:i asked if we want to t. ake care of the fence. J. Crowell stated that we shou]d take care of the safety issues L. Bochynski spoke of the fire hazard. The Mayor asked L. Boeb. ynski if he could have something ready at the next meeting. D. Freni spoke about the crane being sold. The Mayor stated that L. Bochynski will see what can be done about the removal. The Mayor' asl{ed what about: the White building? D. Freni explained that there is no immediate meed t~ te:~,' it down. I,. Boc:hynski wi ] ] resear'ch t. he f~nc:c, and get per'rot t . While waiting for the permit he h'i.]~l do the stairs. No Ilarbormaster's Public Access - A. Burns stated that C. Raymond is n~t hcr~?, and she would rather give the report on public access at the next meet ing. Facilities -- P. Allen stated that the truck ~h~t I,. Bu<:hynski uses needs repairs. There is $1000.00 in the budget for tl~e truck. Is i t O K t o u z :.~ :t t. J. Crowell stated that Mass Eleclri~: did a~ t~nc, r'gy .~d:i~, and the document shoul,t be in the mail. I[ was br'~ught ut, l.h~l fl,e public ~'~ier' is not rec~,~:iv.ing l. he proper mai nt chance. The Mayor stated tha't L. Bochynski is the on~ wilh the voice and the knowledge. L. Bochyns;k] is si~gin~l '!-c thcz Facilities Comsn:i.t~ec,. R. Rollins asked if L. Bochynski of the Harbormaster sup~,rvises. The Mayor stated that this needs more talk. J. Crowel ] says that we need a permanent pol icy reg~,rdi ng the hoist. In ~ancht~ster', there is a $400.00 charge f~:~r' :~ ];t:Z.' for lifetime. J. Crowel! sj,ok~-~ ~f ,. reasonably large c. xl, ense und~r the c~;l~c r'~el.e p]anks in t he future. He also spoke of the Port Marina infringem,~nt onto Clc;...~c~r Wharf moori~igs. BHMA will have a meeting at the Library on the 2] of this month, at 7:00 p.m. Planning ~d Dc~x'c] ,,i.,~neni -- J. Cr~:.:c:~ ] wc~u] ~ ] [k~.: I c, ~>u'lL ] ;in,'~ the Goals, such as obtain Ventro~, get the ~,fcDonald's buildir, g g~ing, and continue pul~]i~' access. tie would like to see thc~ i,'r~l] :~ the c~] o'F the ferryway mox,~.<] ,_~ul 20 t:<i 30 f~?et. He would ]ik~ t,: ~;~,- a lot of c]Sf'.f~'~:;:~~ il,~<~;i,~: ~,,~'I<~i~ te:~ ..... · ~-~:,:~,~ D. Freni asked the Mayor if there is a letter giving the City first r~;fusal on the ~Tentro,'l property. The Mayor says thor'c, h';~S reck-hi contact. Public Input - Don't forget mec~t~ng -n Augus~, 21 at the Library. Respectfully submi E] ] c,:,n Twiss