1997-06-05 BEVEt~I,~' ]t'AttBOR r'*~ANAGEM ENT AIffT1]ORITY MINUTES June 5, ] 997 PRESENT: D. Freni Chm., J. Croweli, J. Simpson, J. Coan, A. Burns, C. Raymond, P. A]] en GUESTS: Mayor' Sc'an].on, Harbormast:er D. McPherson, L. Bochynski, nnd D. Hut]bert of il, c Planning Department Chairman D. Freni opened the meeting There was no Public Input J. Simpson made a Motion to accept the Minutes of the Meeting held on May 8. This was seconded by P. Alien, and Approved by all. D. Hurlbert spoke of the meeting coming up on Monday eve. ning on the Harbor Plan. There should be a Planning group. She spoke of a list of suggestions. They would be herself, D. McPherson, M. Reed of the Chamber of Colnmetce, D. Goss of the Historic Commission, J. Fairbanks of the Recreation Dept. , T. Scll]ly of the Library, Courcilor Rollins, Councilor Gilmore, F. Killelea of DPW, and anyone else who may be interested. D. Hut]bert said that she would call P,. Birarelli, B. Femino, and F. Bartlett, to represent the fishermen, vnd also J. Bolden from the Ward II Civic Assn. L. Bochynski skated t;ha! Season's Deli has expresseel an ~nterest in McDonald's. The Mayor also said that one other I-~arty has expressed interest. D. Freni asked if the Dolphins arc coming for sure. D. Hurlbert answered that as far as she knows they are coming. D, Hurlber't received a phone call from USAGE re: Federal Channel. Now that we are doing the Harbor Plan, this is a good time to set'tle it once and for all. J. Simpson stated that the Federal Channel should not be moved. Courtesy says that it should have come before the BHMA before anyone goc~: to the USACE. D. Freni stated th,.'t there is a public perception that the Harbormaster and the Beverly Harbor Management Authori. ty are not working together. She asked what we can do to rectify this; percept i on. D. Freni st-,ol.:c of having a process in place fox" collecting bills. D. FreT;5 asked al.}ou[ 1;. B<~,:hynski's pay f,~l' ih~' ;:f~:.:! ,~i:-,':,l y,~ar. The Mayor stated that Mr. Bochynski's presence relates to all waterfront access. He knows the most about it. As t.o which t,<~t pay from - it hasn't been thought aboul. The Mayor' stated that it is not budgeted olse~,heFo. It should be in the BHMA Budge, I for this year. Budget discussion ~ J. Simpson ~,.anl:s bills for' the IOA per'mils go ~,ut. J. Coan made a motion that we send out bills for ]OA's. C. Raymond seconded. 3 voted yes, ~-~nd ~ voted no. A. Burns made a motion that w~. s,~nd a ].etter to the M~yor r,'~gar'di~,g IOA permits. The issue is unresolved. After much discussion, the Motion was withdrawn. J. Simpson will call the Mayor and meet with the Mayor and ~he City Solicitor. J. Coan would like the Permitting and Accessing Committee to go to the meeting. .1. Coan made a motion that D. Neuman~ C. Raymond, and J. Simpson zet up a meeting with [he City Solicitor and the Mayor re: ]0A Pern;5 t S. Back to the Budget - J. Crowell will check with Mass Electric re: rebates for fluorescent bulbs for Clover. P. Allen made a r,,,>tion I.o accept ~he Budget. A. Burns and all approved. Harbormaster has bills from the Meeting Co. for signs, 4 transient moorings at Miser1,~ and a float for pump-out boat, /bat he would like the !lather Authc, rity to pay. Transient moorings will cost $3400.00. D. Freni stated that she had one question asked o.f her by a member who was not present S~ip & Moori. ng Fees were put jute tlarbormaster~s Budget. Why js the BHMA paying now? Harbormaster stated that 90% of his budget is man hours, and ].0% is for boat repairs and safety equ:[pment etc. D. Freni asked if tbi. s is to be an on-going thing. tlarbormasler thinks it i s. Harbormaster would also like to have racks at other places for dinghy~s, such as at Obear Park, Pleasantview, and Rice's, with a fee to the BHMA. A. Burns made a motion to authorize up to $8,000 for' }larl~or'f~astcr' for racks etc. out of current BHMA Budget. P. Alien seconded. All i n favor'. D. Freni stated that the window boxes are brolie:n and they need be replaced. L. Bochynski stated that Mass Ilighway was supposed to pave. They didn't pave a triangle near the Ferryway and the Bridge. We have lost p:~:-liing space to gr~e~ sl':.cc. ile raised lt~', i~:;k~ ~vith Itighway, Department; of Pt&~]~c ~%~}[']:s, and J. Simps{:~i. The Facilities Comn~ittee will have a meeting on l%~ednesclay morning at 8:30 and talk about isstt~Ds. Licensing and Permits - has issues with Stop & Shr~p. D. Pre~i state,~ lha!: D. Neuman's concerns were pedestrian accc~ss only - th~:~ past vehicles could use this. Also the ~:;pr:~c'ifics on the Public lqal. kway. Is it along the water'? C. Raymond will call Pamela Harvey about this. A. Burns handed out a report frown the Access CommilLt,~e. .1. Coan stated that his interest is on the beaches. He shoxced a picture of Wesk Beach and acco~:panying beaches. tte would ]ikf~ see the City able to purchase_. these beaches some way. He like to work on this ~vit]~ the May~r <~r' Planner. A. Burns stated that we should support access anywhere. Planning and Development -J. Crowell. stated that~ he would like coordinate ,vith other groups. He would like to request oF Mass. Itighwa~, an "r~s bu:i ll'" copy of the plans of the Bridge and surrounding land. A. Burns made a motion to do this, and P. Allen seconded, and all were in favor. P. Allen made a motion to ;~djourn~ ~. Burns seconded, and all were i n favor. Respectfully submitted, Ei ]een Twiss