1997-04-03 BEVEIi'.I~Y H..~RBOR rk~ANAGEB, IIENT AI_TTHSORIT~r MINLrTES April 3, 1997 PRESENT: Chm. D. FFeni, Councilor Gilmore, Counc':_loF Rollins, D Neuman, J. Simpson, C. Raymond, P. Alleli, J. Coan GUESTS: Councilor Cough]in, J. Crowell., A. Burns, D. Goss, BiraFe]]i, G. Ross.[ Meeting was opened by Chairman D. Freni. Mr. Birarel]i asked about 10.& Permits. It~: was told that it would come up for discussion after a vote would be taken at this meeting. I Motion to accept the Minutes of the March 6, 1997 meeting was made by R. l~ol]ins with two corrections to be made. One is that he (I~. Rollins) was present at thai, meeting. The other is that we did not receive a travel-lift from the state, it was a travel-lift platform. P. Gilmore qeconded, and all approved. David Goss of the Historical Society was here to talk about our Identity of the ltarbor Center. He state,.t that it is very important to have a name that is recognizable, an enticement to kourists. George Washington is something people identify with. A name should be appropriate and accurate. tie stated that there are many names that could be used, but Washington is recognizable. He b~:]iex;es that we could have a first rate exhibition. D, Neuman stated that the name should be reserved until a museum is established. R. R~.~] ]ins stated that Washington pre--dates the Navy, and if D. Goss is able to deliver the goods, we need ko pursue. P. Allen asked if we could get a feeling of how the BHMA feels. D. Freni stated that A. Hovey of Washington's Navel Base is in the loop. C. Raymond thought it was a great idea. J Simpson is in fav:~r' of. P A]]~:n said great. D Neuman said we need something to go along with the name. A Burns said absolutely J Coan is in favor of. P Gilmore is in favor of. D. Freni stated tha! D. Gos~ is al. the l-!]storica] Societ. y ev~ry day, if anyone wants to stop in i.o see him. ,i~ D. Freni thanked D. Goss for coming to our meeting. D. Freni asked what people think. Councilor Coughlin thinks the name is ~ondcrful. P. Allen made a motion to ide,~tify as Washj. ngton Navel Base. P. Gilmore seconded. All approved. J. Simpson stated that the contract for the Ilarbor Management Plan is to be signed by now. J. Crowell has written a letter to D. Freni, concerning the former McDonald's building, which she read. It was also taxed to the Mayor. J. Crowell - Did plans of the existing McDonald's building. He believes that it would cost more to make it usable for a year for a snack bar, than it would generate. D. Hurlbert stated that D. Mette, of Appledorf, has been hired. The Contract has been sent to him far a signature. The next step is for' J. Merle to meet with the BHMA members. This will probably start in about 2 months. She handed out a sample copy of the lease between Dick & June's and the Cit~ to look over to give some guidance regarding the McDona]d's buiJding. D. Freni asked thai: all be prepared to meet with J. Mette. She will need feedback on the time or day that will be best for members of the Authority. D. Neumai, staled that Monday nights are best for h ira. J. Crowell stated that maybe we-, are being short-sighted. He would like to speak more freely. The real potential lies in what D. Goss said tonight. A~'~ter going through the building, he fe;els that to put a restaurant on the second floor, may cost as much as tearing down the building and putting up a new one. He stated that he doesn't know the economics of the budget. R. Rollins stated that if Handicapped access is not too expensive, we need to rent short term. J. Crowell stated thak the building seems to be strucLuraFI13' good. If needs a gcod cleaning. The mechanics are not in good condition. J. Coan asked 5f there could be a restaurant consultant brought in to give ideas. For a restaurant on the second floor, it needs major construction, with an elevator or new construction. J. Simpson feels that .1. Crowell has been kind. He stated khat there are only 2 working air condil::ion~rs. There is a refrigerator and a freezer, but we, don't know if the3' are in working condition. Anything else in there is junk, The ceilings need to be replaced. Possibly for short term, someone could clean and come in with minimal equipment. D. Freni stated that the Building Inspector would be down to look at it. J. Simpson also said that the Board of Health should come down to look at it also. J. Crowell said that a Request for Proposal needs to go out immediately. P. Gi]more feels that we should gel. someone in and lease either part or in the entirety as required by the restrictions in the grant. P. Gilmore made a motion to issue an RFP for use of McDonald's in accordance ~ith the provisions in the granL. Include in the RFP examples of permitted uses. Term of occupancy is negotiable. All were in favor. Everyone thanked J. Crowell -For his work. iOA Permits - P. Gilmore spoke to J. Heaphy in the assessors office. J. Heaphy told him that income front slips is not considered in detf-rminin~ the value of the properly. If we retain IOA fees, i[ ~.-,ould not be a case of double charging. The floats are assessed as persocial property. Tuck Point owns nothing. That is why the floats are personal property. D. Freni asked if therf~ ~as any discussion or comments. C. Raymond feels that the Harbor Improvement Fund could use this money for improvemen[s. ttc is in favor ~f ]foeping them. ~. Rollins doesn't think we can give up this money. He is in favor of keeping. P. Allen goes along with R. Rollins D. Neuman r~ys he thinks we need it. J. Coan agrees. P. Gilmore s'tated that we ask the Harbormaster tn wit~:.:traw his request D. Neuman made a motion that the BHMA in~'crm the Cil. y Council of the BJfMA's desire to maintain Chapter 2, Section 269D of the Beverly Revised Ordinance including 10~ Permit Fees in effect, and delay de].ivering notification pending a disc. ussion with the Har'born,~tster and the Chairman: of the i~Hr, qA ;,: i I ~ a view ~f ~ he tIarbormaster retracting his request to revoke the ordinunce. F, Gilmore seconded. All in favor. There was no Harbormaster's Report, as the Harbormaster and L. Bochynski were not present at this meeting. D. Freni asked that Commissioner Pelonzi be put on our mailing list for meetings. D. Fr'eni has met with the Mayor, Chief Pelonzi, and J. Dunn of the Auditor's Office. D. Freni stated that she will always look at the bills before signing. Chairman Freni asked the Councilors to check on the Waterways Improvement Fund. What is the balance? Is the balance carried over? How do we go about spending The Treasurer's Report was explained by the Senior Clerk. C o m m i t t e e s Fublic Access - Nothing Licensing and Permitting - Nothing Facilities - Nothing Planning & Development J. Simpson explained that if there is no Chapter S1 License for inside the Federal Channel, they are liable for 10A fees. J. Simpson will ask the Harbormaster to send out bills for IOA Permits. If he says no, ask for the information, and the BHMA will send out the bills. Bills will be sent subject to Chapter 91 license. R. Rollins said that in view of the fact that Cia,~!~ro plowed us out after the storm, we should send a "Thank you". Public Input - None A motion was made to adjourn by P. Gilmore. Seconded by P. Allen. A 11 agreed. r2espectfu].ly subm.i_tted, Eileen Twiss