1997-03-06 ..r,, IE VEI~I~Y ]-IAF~B(Dt~ I~]AI'4AGErvlENT ~iIffT}{Ol~I TY M I NUTE ~ March 6, ]997 P~ESENT: D. Freni, P. Gilmore, C. Raymond, J- Simpson, D. Neuman, P. Allen, J. Coan, R. Rollins GUESTS: J. Crowell, City Solicitor, ~]. Handly; Harbormaster, D. McPhcr'son; Councilor Ceugh]in, and L. B~chynski The meeting was opened and D. Freni asked for any Public Input. Mr. Birarel] i asked about the 10A Permits. D. McPherson stated ~-hat he submitted something ~o ~he City Clerk to go to the Legal Affairs Committee. R. Rollins s~ated that the Council needs to talk to both the Harbormaster and ~he BHMA. D. Freni explained that there ]s a difference between a budget change and an ordinance change. P. G]]more sl. ated that the IOn f~es belong to the EH~.IA. They established the fee, snd [hat fee has not been revoked. n Frcn] stated that there is an issue on communications T,~ be effective we need to communicate with each other. It also appears thai fin the past things were happen]rg w]thout a vote of the board. We are now trying to run ]n on orderly manner. J. Simpson asked what brought D. McPherson to send a letter without discuss i.,'~n. He should discuss this with ~:hc BHMA before he goes ahead. A change was never voted on. D. Frcni stated that a vote will. be taken tonight. M. ]{~ndly reported on the i.r;:,nsfer of the Grant Rcstr:ic~ions. ITne~iujvocal, there w].!! bc~ no transfer. The State has objccl]ons to a second story restaurant. There was a settlement of ]and damage with Mass Highway that we inherited when we purchased the G]~ver M;-Ir]na. Mass Highway will replace the piers, travel lift platforth, finish dolphins, give us Creamery ]and and slso the area under' the bridge. There is a 30 day settlement period. ~]r. Cougt,] in asked what was in the or~g]nal grant. M. Ilandly answered Mr. Cough]in's question, and he was shown a copy of the droning thai was .uubmitted. D~. Handly needs to take a look at how a res~ aurant will be handled. He stated thai. as long restaurant money remains with the BHM'A, we might cons] der using this money to purch;~se beach front rights as they become availab]~ at som~> other location later. I{e also told the BHMA that they may ~x~eint to re-examine what they want to do with th:is (the white) bu].Iding. The Stale docsn'~ care if we demolish ]t or not. He st~ted that we have a grc~_.n ]igh~ to move ahe~Id with a second r'es [au,'ant. P. Gilmore stated that we need to figure out how to go out with an RFP. To }lave a restaurant on the second floor, it needs an elevator, M. Hand]y s~ated that maybe we should start some. uses this year, maybe seasonal ly. R. Rollins asked where that leaves us as far as budget goes. D. Fren] asked if P. Gilmore, and R. Rollins would help us with the change in tLe budget. M. Handly stated that the StaLe is looking at the McDonald's building generating a continuing income. P. Gilmore stated that if the hope is to have it ~n place this season, we need an RFP immediately. An RFP is needed if it is more than $10,000. J. Simpson askcd L. Bochynski about how l~ng il would take to get the building up and running. He answered that of the 6 units on the roof for' air conditioning, only 3 are working. it needs cosmetic work. R. Ro] ]ins: made a motion to accept the minutes of [he prev~ ous meeting. ~. t~l]en seconded, and all approved. D. Fren] said /hat D. Ilurlbcrt was unable to be here t-oni~h!. J. Crowell. stated [.h~t ke didn't get over to next dour yet. He will do ~his before ~he n~x~ ]aeetin~. The Harbormaster reported that he held his annual Public Hearing ~For ]0A Permits. There was so~ne discussicon of ~he sheet fee. There were 3 marinas present. J. Simpson asked ~f they were against ~hc Harbormas~er said "Yes" J. Simpson expl~'ir;cd that tkjs was pu~ into effect because they are using pubiic water for private income. The Harbormaster said that the sheet fee is unique. Chapter 91 10~ is a fee charged for bottom anchored floats. J. Simpson stated that we have an unusual harbor. We have Federal Channel which is much larger than most pl;~ces. Tl,e }eder;~l Ch;-~nne] w:-~:; errcared wilh Fe,'l~.r'~,] money. Rest of Harbormaster's Report: The bills for mooring fees D. Fr'en:] read a letter invLiting BIIMA to Ward II meeting <>s '~.~u,"c}: f-r discussion on the clean-up of Morton Thioko] property. The meeting will be here.. E. Rollins ~i]] allend, and J. Siml, son will try to attend. D. Neaman made a m,~t i on to accept the Tly'c~sul-e]-' s R~f, ort. Rollins seconded. A]] alpproved. D. Freni reminded all thai: there are still 3 op,'T~iT~gs on the BH,MA. Committees - L2'censing and Permits. 10A's J. Simpson explained that Tuck Point started to s~;l]. Dockaminiums in the Federal Channel. The Federal Channel is very wide. If we move the Federal Channel, they can then sell 50~ their floats as docksmini urns. He also stated that he is against moving the channel line. Tuck Point has quite a few less slips than Port, therefore Port's fee has been much larger, J. Simpson also stated that for the amount we get, it may hot be worth while. P. Gilmore is for the 10A fee. He would like to talk to the Assessor. R. Rollins asked :if we arc providing services for these people. P. Gilmore answered that they are being charged for the use of pul~ ] i c .'.~rga. J. Simpson s~.3ted t. hat he does not want t<, give a',.~ay public l:,Foperty. If we continue lo collect IOA fees, the USACE will not come in to dredgo, ~ f i t shoal d ever be necessary. Anyone not having a ChaI:, 91 License, must have a 10A. That money should be put back into the harbor. C. Raymond stated that he is inclined to agree w~th J. Simpson. He had always supported the 10A Permit Fee because Marinas were making money on public waters. D. Freni said that she would like to resolve this once and for all. P. Gilmore said il needs more study. J. Simpson would like to talk to the Rinzie's, as they are the ones to get hit the hardest. D. Neuman suggested that the Assessor be consulted, and to also talk to the Mayor. P. Ci ]mvre made a mot i on to take under cor~'~'i d~:,ra'!: i{>n appropriateness of Chapter ]0A fees with a view toward bejng continued or revoked, and also to act a Icila] oI-,in[c,~ .i'.,~ Fro:i: the City Sol icitor, and to hold this in Legal Affairs R. Rollins seconded. All we~'e in favor. R. Rollins said a letlet will. be forthcoming to the Harbormaster and the BHMA to atte. nd. D. Neuman has a letter from the State regarding t, hc He has drafted an answer. tte handed out copies for a].] to read. P. A]Jen made a motion to send the answer. P. Gilmore seconded~ and all were in favor. P] ann:i ng and Development Last night g. Coan, .l. Simpson, and D. greni met with J. Mette from Appledote Engineering, Inc. They interviewed the candidate and all were very pleased. We are recommending the company to the full Authority. P. Alien made a motion to hire Appledote Engineering, Inc. to prepare a Scope for the Harbor Management Plan. P. Gilmore seconded. All were in favor. There was some di scussion of whether we should change the boundaries of lhe Scope, but ~t was agreed to keep it as is for now, C. Raymond called CZM to find about requesting funds. He said that a letter should go out to Dennis Ducsik or Gordie Vining, Geordie told him that he ha:, some small grants available. lie would like some figures and plans. Faci l i t ies McDonald building ~ RFP should be addressed. D. Freni reminded all that M. Handly said we .will not get permission for a swap. That he used the pending lawsuit for leverage Lo obtain the Creamery land, the land under the bridge, etc. The State will agree to a second story for a restaurant. D. Freni says we should go back to the original plans for the building now. P. Gilmore suggested that the Facilities Committee go to C. Bradley and he can put together a proposal. g. Simpson will organize this and will come back next month with something. Public Input -- P. A]len made a motion to adjourn, P. Gilmore seconded. All in favor. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss