1997-02-13BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES February 13, 1997 PRESENT: D. Freni, C. Raymond, J. Simpson, R. Rollins GUESTS: J. Crowell and L. Bochynski D. Freni opened the meeting by thanking evor'y¢}ne ft~r' their card.'; and c,~ndolences. She then stated that there js no quorum, so there will be no voles taken at this meeting. There was no public input. D. Freni read the letter of resignation from G. LaCombe. M. Ljns has also resigned, and J. Briscoll's term was up in December. She asked for recommendations of potential candidates to be on the BHMA and to please let the Chairman know. The chairman has recommended to the Mayor that J. Crowe'l] would be a welcome addition to board. There was much discussion on the two buildinEs. D. Freni asked if Ihe:e were any plans on how to dj. vide the Clover building so that offices can move over there,. J. Crc~wo/l will look a't the building with L. Bochynski. J. Simpson discussed ~he dolphins. He stated I hat test borings showed 3' of mud h'hc.n the pier was built. Now when they went down there is only about G",~f mud. There is an alternative howeveer, the~; will look straight. It i_s p.o[ the best, but it is OK. Harbormaster Update: D. 51crPl-.,erson was' riot I.'resent. L. Bochynski stated that money needs to be allocated for the divers. L. Bochynski stat t:d that G/over is full for the winter season. He explained that they try to keep the end slips vacant for the winter, because if a stul^m comes up, there is nowhere for these boats to go. He also anticipates that: summ,-?r tu}!,:~ will be fu]] . L, Bochynski stated that he and D. McPherson visit,0d Saugus and Swampscoil to look at their bait coolers. L. Bochynski sis,,: ]oolied at the converter system in MarbleBend. He said that it looks good. He also said that we '.~eed [o ]o,~k at bullshead repairs here. C. Raymond will. call CZM to see if there are any grant funds for fences and wa!kwLtys. He will also ask about bait coolers. Planning Department Update D. Hut]bert handed out copies of a Request for' Scope. D. }Iurlbert, D. Frenj, and a couple of members will interview .Jack Mettee, of Appledorf, the only candidate who responded to the RFP. J. Simpson stated that Jack Mettee was well prepared. The chairman asked members to go over this Bequest for scope and come back to the next meeting with recommendations. The interview committee will be D. llurlbert, D. Freni, J. Coan, and J. S impson. D. Frenj spoke of the Creamery property across the street. The Mayor wrote a letter to Acting Director, Patricia Levinworth, of Mass Highway. It was forwarded to Mr. Russel 1 McGi lvary of the Right of Way Department. Mr. McGi 1vary needed to see the assessors map and needed to know the puri, ose. A ]c'Lter was sent from Mayor to Mr. McGi]vary aleng with the assessor's maps , that he requested. Mass Highway has to mal~e sur'e that the State has no other plans for the land. They need to research, and get back to lls. D. Fr'eni talked to E. }(.neeland about a video that was taken of harbor a few years ago. E. Kneeland has had a copy made for the Au[hori ty. Public Input. G. Rossi as;l-:ed j f t. hey straighten,x'd out the fender' system. J. Simpson said that it is almost finished G. Rossj a] so asked i f the BHMA intends t o have the or'i~ina] rc~n[c~rs back when the piers go back where they ~..':_~r'e before. Ile was i.o]d by J. Simpson thai. the Facilities Committee will Le on top of this. R. Rollins announced that the new Parking Garage wi]] be disc:ussed at City Hall on March 5, 1997 @ 6:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Ei ]een Tv.,iss