1998-01-08 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES January 8, Beverly Public Library PI~ESENT: G. Whitney, R. Rollins, P. Gilmore, A. Burns, C. Raymond. P. Allen, J. Coan, D . Neuman. GUESTS: Councillor Murray. T. Cassidy, L. Bochynski, D. McPherson G. Whitney opened the meeting and asked if there was any Public lnput. There was none. G. Whitney asked for approval. of the Minutes of the previous 2 meetings. In the November meeting on Page 3, Paragraph 8, it, would say 'RFP instead of "Second Motion". R. Rollins made a motion to accept the November Minutes with the correction. A. Burns seconded. All approved. The December- 4 meeting on the top of Page 4 it should s'3~.' 1]~c~l: G. Whitney said that the Mayor said 40,000. R. Rollins made a motion to accept the December Minutes with the correction. P. Gilmore seconded. All approved. G. Whitney stated that he spent a lot of time going through He stated that there will be a book in the office for copies of any letters that anyone sends or receives. Please see that copies get into this book, and it will be there for anyone to look at. G. Whilney made a motion ~hat "The BHMA shall conduct its meetjng~.~ in accordance with the provisions of Robert's Rules. However, the Chair may deviate from this requirement af :its discretion provided no Member of the Authority objects." A. Bur'as seconded the motion, and ~ll approved. G. Whitney stated that the Mayor should be making his appointments to ~.he board, and that next month we should have a full board. We need a Vice Chairman, and a Treasurer, but we will pgstpone until ttue ne~:1 meet ing. G. Wh:~:ne'~ spoke of Commj. ttuees. He stated t:hat Committees need to do ;~ lot of work. Th~.~, bhould have a meeting a;: l~ast once a month, and come ~ o thc fu]] Au,:hority wjth recommendat 4 ons. lie also reminded them that when they meet, ~t should be posted and they should kf~et:~ notes. G. Whi tneS,' af~]~l :i F any~,ne has any n~-i f.;f,; ing cor're~si~ond,'~r:c:e, t 21ease give him coi~ies. ..... I?ef;o]u[.:io~ c~F ]0A Sh~?ei F~es -- A~ the ,,:~:~n~,mend.:~t:i~,~; ~ lhe BHMA, George stated lhat hc w~nls to get Committees functioning and working and feels that the 2 to 3 people on each committee should make decisions in their' committee and report ~o vJ]~]c group. TIe-~ said He'll Gpcrn~c~ m,:,ei-ings according t<~ "R~:T.,.:'i:: Rule" .Iohn C. felt a letter ~'as :in order for Donna Frc:nj t!~anking ht~r for' her past services and commitment. DGn N'. sat d he' d be happy to write on their' ]~'~li;~lf and for'wa~'d to tle~l~n Butler to <,bl. ain signature:; frc;:n ever'yone. *l:i.{:c, made n mention to adjourn at a'30 p.m nnd Pat; Allen ~:;tec'ondcd All were in favor and meddling adjourned to Jubj]~!~ for ;-~ short 1'~o] id~,y gatherjng Respectfully submi'!tt~d lle].en Butler should look at property as a whole - two buildings and decide whether to tear down or not. Dun N. mcr~l i oned tear:i ng down and replacing with a park possibly. In any event, Don felt: that when next summer at'rives, the p't~b].ic should see v.i sibl~ signs improvement. George will talk to the r,~;~yor t:~ get thc~ Tr~sk Force going. Alice feels that if the Washi. ngton Naval B~se comes to site a building is ~it must and building could i, ossibly be used as a museum. George men I.j oned that we ne~:~d an income of al~p~'ox:ima~ el y $40,000 per year gencrated. Don mc~r~ti,~ned that ,24 000 income to be gen~:~raLed by a rest'aut-'~ni ~vas pa~'[ c~f g:'c~',[ and clLcl not. George requested an actual copy of the grant For reference. Jettin C. sl. at. ed ~]lr-~ a] ] at: lhe mc~t~l:in~ s~?c, med t~ shar~ s~atne long term ideas that property be considered as one piece For: (1) Public Use, (2) tt:isto~'ica] Value and, (3) General,:~ ~-:x.,~'~,:,. P:~: N. felt thc~ meeting was very po~sitive, constructive and a st:el:, in the right direction. John C. asked if a motion should be made regarding the Operations b~anual being produced. Don N. wants l:he Mayor to get a copy ~f .lohn C's report. Alice wanted to wait until next meeting in order t:hat ~?veryone be able to fu]ly read report and Peter G suggests that the Facilities Planning Committee be ch~rged with implementing proposal wi th Lou. Pt,tci' G. made a motion: that we accept John C's report ~nct authorize the Committee to move ahead with implementation. The xnotion was seconded by Don N. Five were in favor', w:i'Lh one opposed; therefor'or motion did not carry. Lou will look over and it w~]] again be discussee'. ~1 ll~,~ January ~neeting. A copy c~f .John's ~.~l,~rt was ~ivcn to a]] present and also will be filed with minutes of this meeting for future, referernce. OTHER BUSINESS George ment ioneel that he checked i ntr~ member ' s tcrms and expirat ions r~nd Found that everyone expj ring exc ~ For .Iohr~ C lie' d ] ik~ t c, ge,~ reappointments in or'der. Peter G. feels terms ~:on[int.t~ until individual i.s replaced. George asked if [here was anyone,? ~,'1~,~ did t,~.>[ w.isl~ ~o serve. Alice stated she would r'cmai. n unless there was so-~eone George had in mind to replace l~er. John C. fe~]s it is :iml.~er~l:iv~? thr~re :~s a treasurer or ]:eel~r Financial records. George a:so feels ;:~ vice-chairman is important. George gave a list to the Mayor of things he needs, one being a col-,y of the grant. George also mentioned a suit against tht~ State which the City inherited - n~gotiations with state and said he'd follow up on status of san~e. Don N. suggested that Tina Cassidy att~,nd all mee~ ings. Alice ~vished Gt.~u~'ge h~:~-~::ongratuluti,:ns on his apl~ointment and good luck. G~:~orge asked if futurc~ m,:etings could be hello at Jubilee. Pc. let G. asked Ilelen Butler on status of l',olding meet, ings at City Hall . Thursday evenings are very full with megratings already - per' City Clerk, Fran ~'lacDona.]d. Don N. had i, reviously macle arrangement:Is with .Jubi].e~: t,~ t~,~]d m:~etj. ngr; ther~ for the next and considered "unisex" on meeting ~ight, ~s i.t 5. r; ]~andicup Alice felt it would be good P.R. if the City Council created a map of Public Accesses and John C, ragreed good idea - should be made available to public, Peter Gi].more seems to think such a romp already exists and ~li,l', we should ch~,ck with Coastal Management al3d/t~r' Public Access Committee [o follow up on. Brent W. thought good idea to have Bob Tis of Beverly Citizen [o put ~aap in paper for public. Alice to look for map and Committee to come up wilh a li_st of signs needed for sit,.s. Alice feels she would line to see s~mc, thi t, g posj t ivc i~l'i n'l ~:~'1 i n I he newspaper regarding eff~rt s ;~n4 FACTI. ITIES COMMITTEE Pat Allen, John C, Don N and Mayo.- ~<canlon met.. Jauk C. called a[tc, nd but unal'~le to due to ]ate noti~:e and prior commitment. ~-~eting Focus: ~PP and maI~u~,m,,~3t f:~c. Came up wi~h decision a::; ~ o most worliab] c for nea~' rut ure: Current operations manager transferred to City Eng:inee?ring Depl and ha maintained as Emt,].oyee, but must report [o BHMA. It was felt that it would be advantageous to keep Lou B. under a City Dcpt, as another City person would gain knowledge and this kr~.owle. dge would be shared with Frank K. in case Lou B. Decides to ]cave City emp]_oyment. All (four') paople thought it was a good 'id~-ra for Lou B. to work on an "Operatie:is Manual" A time limit perhaps 5 months -- should bc set fo~' completion of manual and we reset're right to change management of marina if necessary. It intended that manual to be wr:itten become part of proposal in Louis B. leaves city. Details still needed to be discus.ted. Committee thinks Lou's salary should be pai.t by BHMA, questioned he',,: i.~} handlL. r'aiscn, and wheth~:r or not it 4s inai~p,'opl~iatc for Lou B tc~ live on s~te? Still felt tt~at things need to be worke,3 out . A]s.~ discussed at thai mte~ing was f'~'ustration over building and no great solutions were seen. The Mayor' suggested gc~ttzing a Task Forcot logclh~u or' Community Group to generate ideas for a] 1 property development. The Mayor offered to coordinat ,, meeting and others agrec, d. George stated that he felt :intent was for John C. to put together RFP and John C and Pat Alien both disagreed. Consensus was to together and look at delai. ls to sen if RFP is way to t5o- All agreed they wish Lou to be facilities manager and senior person. Once landside fully developed, that could change. It was fc]t thai no one stays in a position forever and that when Lou decides to ] cave -- at that point dove] op ~FP and thai: long process would al.:-cudy I:,- set in place. John C. also said they would reserve the right tc cLango the management style at any time. Pa~ Allen said one of the issues as to why Lou was li. ving on site is security and she wants Lou to stay on si.'te. John C fe~:~ls that until tim~ when there i s a different use for the buj lding, Lou should remain on ~:i~o. George discussed ot, lions ~'jt:h regard lo McDonald':; and Peter G. feels we should find a way to generate income on ni[e t~r sell and rc~cluc~sts that a member of the City Counc:i ] i_ncludcd ~,n the Tas]~ FoPco. ,Iot~t~ C. a]s<7, feels that' a local maP'inn c>wnc~:' should be included on t. he Task IPor'ce. P~"'t ,.~' G. fee] s discuss situation. George W. commented that he felt nothing had changed in two years - dealing with the same issues -- Chapter 91 - no action has been taken. He intends to come up with a list issues and convene meeting with DEP to discuss violations and/or enfor,:cment of Chapter- 91 issues. John C. mentioned thai previous enforcement officer is now gone. Bt'ent Wilbur added that previous Tucli Point Manager nG ].anger there and perhaps "fence" h:hich is in violation could be taken down. Don Neuman mentioned that he felt l{inz:ie's were nok hostile towa:'dr; public and wi]] be open discussion of issues. It was asked i f anyone had spoken wi th Thibodeau property owners. It was alsv mentioned that Birarclli indicated willingness to comply. Dan McPherson felt property ow:lers in violation of DEP license -- all old issues. Dan and Geor'ge sat with Kinzies regarding access across Thibodeau prope~'!y and Alice commented thai Mrs. l(inzie assured that Parcel I was a set with State and including sign. It was emphasized that PATHWAYS cu/l,,~o'l be closed. Based upon input, George will talk with owners and see if they']] comply with their licenses and then talk to DEP. Don Neuman stated that he felt the City also needs to do their part - ie: take down fences. Alice suggested that they meet with all neighbors first - have an evening with Beverly Haibor owners and get to knew each other and discuss issues. She also felt a time limit should De set compliance with licenses. George stated that he' ii set ul:, a meeting with DEP to find out what they're doing with property. Applicati~n pending since 1990 - regarding T.cl,: Point and Einzie's pending tow years. George is anxious to hc. lp DEP resolve problems. John C. mentioned Port Marina and the fence and whether or not. according to Charter terms any changes had to do before the Building Commission. He ca/led Marshal Itandly, who r'eferred him to Tim Brennan on issue. Lou B. suggested that letter be dxafted and sent to Committee describing what needs to be done und funding issues. John C. h, ill draft letter on l~ehalf BIIMA. John C. mentioned there is still a fence between City property and Kinzie's property and it was mentioned that. fence is Kinzje's and whether or not it complied with Chapter 91. Lou B. stat,..d there was no gate in the chainlink fence; however, there is one in the stockade fence. Pat Allen felt that everyone making a good effort t:o move forward. Stop & Shop site also visited and report to be given al January meeting. It is hoped committee wi].l be able to meet with Comh, odo~-~ of Bass Haven before January meet. ling. There is a sign on Ellio~t St. and beginning of Bass Haven. Don N. feels sign at yacht club a bit hostile. Alice feels must add: "Please enjoy Public Way", and both Don and Alice agreed that Stop & Shop walkway beautiful. Tins Cassidy agreed to be spokesperson/liaison between BHMA and Stop & Shop. Alice feels still. more signs needed-should be three on McPherson D~':ivc--wil/ ta].k over before Ja~uar'5: John C. was pleased f.o see "P" Parking spaces--1, y Conservut Comnliss:iol~ to> de,-ignat,-~ l.~]:; hox~,:v+:~', feels very few ,nderstand pnb] j c ~:~-<:er:;s.