1998-02-05 BE VERLY HARBOR MA.NAGEMENT AU~.I'IIOR I TY M I NUTE S February 5, 1998 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: G. Whitney, C. Raymond, V. MeGlynn, P. Alien, J. Croweli, J. Murray, Ex Officio T. Cassidy GUESTS: W. Coughlin, R. Perton, G. Rossi G. Whitney opened the meeting, rand asked R. Perton if he would like to speak to the group. R. Perton spoke about the McDonald's property. He stated that Chapter 91 has something to do with how the property is used. About l0 years ago, Washington's Naval Base was incorporated. He a.lso told that 2 weeks after George Washington was appointed Commander in Chief, he came to Cambridge. He then went to Dorchester Heights and looked over the harbor, where he got an idea. 2 weeks later he gave orders for a vessel to be fitted out in Beverly. He got Captain William Bartlett to take charge of the fitting out. After that the Manuscripts stayed in the Bartlett house until 191a. Washing~on's Naval Base decided ~-~ build a replica of the Hannah. If it is built, it must nave a place on the waterfront for tourists to visit. The McDonald's building seems like an ideal place for a Museum. There could be copies of the original manuscripts there for the public to view. September ,5, 1775, the Hannah left Beverly for a cruise. R. Perton stated that the McDonald's building would make a good location for this museum. G. Whitney stated that this may be appropriate to be in the Harbor Management Plan. It would also need money. V. McGlynn asked i'f there is an actual paper on Commissioning the Ship. R. Perron said that there is no paper. R. Perro~ showed the plans for the Ship. G. Whitney stated that the BHMA will keep this in our thoughts. G. Rossi stated that he supports R. Perton in his endeavors. G. Whitney has already been working on legislation. We need a separate paper with a Policy Statement. Anyone with any other information, please get it to G. Whitney. G. Whitney was going to have a tutorial cn Chapter 91, but he will hold off until we have a full body. Harbor Management Plan G. Whitney has a draft. He stated that it is supposedly a final draft of the Scope. The current intent is to make minor changes and have a Public Meeting, and then submit to the State for approval. It is hoped that it will be approved by May 1. T. Cassidy, City Planning Director stated that CZM requires another final Public meeting. Tilere is an additional $500.00 fee needed for extra meetings. T. Cassidy feels that members should receive copies before the next meeting. G. Whitney would like copies to go to members and have a separate meeting to discuss. J. Crowell stated that at meetings he has asked about acquiring property. The Mayor says that he will handle it. He asked of it should be the Community Development Office or the BHMA who should apply for money? There was a motion to spend up to $500.06 for a last meeting for the Harbor Management Plan. There was no~ an affirmative vote, so the motion does not carry. T. Cassidy will get copies of the Scope to all members. G. Whitney stated that his personal thoughts are that after all have read the Scope then we should decide about the $500.00. J. Crowell made a motion that G. Whitney and D. McPherson will attend the next meeting of the Seaport Advisory Council. V. McGlynn seconded. All approved. G. Whitney stated that at the next meeting we should discuss the Harbor Management Plan. T. Cassidy has arranged for the next meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. All in favor of this. G. Whitney spoke of the Fiscal '99 budget. Bring any ideas for the budget to the next meeting.. D. McPherson stated that we are charging $75.00 for the summer at Clover. Port is charging $91.00. As we have now owned this property for 2 years, he believes that an increase should be considered. G. Rossi asked why the Harbor Management Plan was not in the Mayor's Capital Improvement Plan G. Whitney stated we are not ready to put into the Mayor's Plan yet. G. Whitney has put togetl. er an agenda. IOA Slip Fees Licensing a~d Permit fees. C. Raymond hasn't met with D. Neuman yet. Marina Fence J. Crowell stated that details have been changed. G. Whitney has a copy. J. Crowell will call C. Bradley tomorrow start RFP Process. G. Whitney stated that a letter went to the Mayor regarding a Manager for the Waterfront. The Mayor would like to talk to L. Bochynski, and D. McPherson on February 12. After that he will make a decision. C. Raymond made a moiion asking P. Allen to reconsider her' resignation from the Facilities Committee. J. Murray seconded. All in favor. G. Whitney stated that he thought we would have new members by now. The Mayor has not submitted any names McDonald's Use Discussion The M~yor was going ~o convene committee. A meeting will be 2/'18 @ 6:30 p.m. G. Whitney hopes that BHMA has some ideas. We need something in there ASAP. J. Crowell has some drawings of a short term scheme. Bridge Mitigation Items The State sent a letter offeri~ the Creamery Property with stipulations. G. Whitney saw the Mayor and he agreed, and sent a letter accepting the property. Also in a meeting with the Mayor. Some floats were removed for construction of the bridge, and they have not been replaced. Also the parking area under the bridge is not the property of the City. The Mayor has asked the BHMA for a list of things. Marina Licensep G. Whitney stated that he cannot get in touch with DEP. He h~s made numerous phone calls and left messages and has not received a' reply. G. Whitney stated that a Public Whlkway will be a requirement for a license for J. Bunk property on Bridgc Street. G. Whitney will send a letter so that we will be notified of these. Policy Statemen~:s J. Crowell handed out a paper that he has put together. (Attached) BItMA should be the principal contact with DEP. Employees -- most has been taken care of now. We should discuss the reporting rel. ationships. (Who people work for). D. Neuman asked - If L. Bochynski should leave and we. go our with an RFP, would this be an independent contractor? G. Whitney - Budget - Legislation doesn't say what money we get. We should set it up as an Enterprise Fund. We would have 50% of Excise, and Marina Operations. Not IOA or Mooring Fees. Probably not Grants. G. Whitney stated that we must get in a position of what we want to do with McDonald's property. He will ask the Mayor to set up a meeting with his brainstorming group. G. Whitney stated that the initial plan is for a restaurant in McDonald's J. Crowell stated that given the assumption that we need ~ncome, we need a restaurant. If we didn't need income, the~: a museum would be acceptable. D. Neuman stated that a third option would be to take down McDonald's and the white building and utilize the property for the public. J. Murray stated that we should have a short term and a long term plan. G. Whitney asked of J. Crowel/would convene a meeting to discuss the McDonald's building. Waterways Improvement Fund - F. Whitney stated that this money is under the control of the City Council. BHMA has to ask for it. Everyone received a copy of a letter from D. Neuman to the Mayor, dated January 28, 1998. G. Whitney stated that we need to be aware of Grants. we, as a body, need to be more aggressive and responsible. G. Whitney received a copy of the Scope for the HMP. Nowhere did it say anything about Seaport Advisory Council. He also stated that we need to receive notification from other City Agencies. We need to get these Agencies to accept us. D. Neuman will have a meeting regarding IOA fees. G. Whitney feels that it should not be on the books if it is not to be collected. G. Whitney stated that it is getting near the end for the Request for Scope of the Harbor Management Plan. There is a final draft. D. Neuman stated that he feels entirely divorced from the operation. Public Input - W. Coughlin stated that something should go to all departments explaining the 250' or first public roadway. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss