1998-05-07BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES May 7, i998 City Hall PRESENT: G. Whitney, R. Badessa, J. Bolden, D. Neuman, A. Burns, P. Allen, J. Murray, C. Raymond GUESTS: D. McPherson, L. Bochynski, and Interested citizens Public Input: T. Sauvageau asked when the slips can be moved over so that the fishermen can get in and out more easily, now that construction is completed on the bridge. D. McPherson stated that he didn't know. G. Whitney and D. McPherson will look into it. Also he will look into the influx of pigeons. Minutes of the previous meeting: J. Murray asked if they could be edited before they are sent out. D. Neuman is Vice Chairman of the BHMA. R. Badessa made a motion to accept the amended minutes of the previous meeting. D. Neuman seconded, and all were in favor. 10A fees - G. Whitney stated that at the last meeting we voted to request the City Council to replace the slip sheet fee with a $150.00 permit fee. G. Whitney also wrote a letter to the City Council requesting the change. He also went to 3 meetings, and they have postponed a decision until they had access to the City Solicitor's action. He will go the full council meeting on Monday. D. Neuman made a motion that we do what the Council desires. R. Badessa seconded. AIl in favor. The BHMA will send out bills for sheet fees if it is not eliminated. Fence - G. Whitney talked to J. Crowell. The RFP is on the street for the wooden fence. It is due back on 5/21 @ 2:00 p.m. There is another bid required for 2 Chain Link fences. L. Bochynski is working with C. Bradley on bids. Facilities Manager Decision. - G. Whitney, L. Bochynski, and D. McPherson met with the Mayor. G. Whitney drafted a memo re: a workable plan for the area. The Mayor said he will get back to G. Whitney. He provided a summary. J. Bolden asked to have the draft explained. G. Whitney asked if the draft could be taken off the table in view of negative response. D. Neuman and J. Murray suggested changing it a bit. D. Neuman is preparing a simplified revised draft. G. Whitney stated that there was an RFP out for McDonald's for a short, term lease. No one has applied to date. The bids are due back 5/15 at noon. One person came to look at the property for long term. It was felt that we should look at it for long term. K. Stotts is still interested in helping. His labor would be free, but we would have to pay for a brochure. D. Neuman thinks that we may be able to go with K. Stotts suggestion, and ask if the cost of the brochure could be reduced. P. Allen asked where the money comes from to pay for this The answer was the BHMA. She thinks that the City should pay for marketing. G. Whitney says that the BHMA is not paying anything for debt service. D. Neuman will talk to K. Stotts again, and invite him to the next meeting. Mitigat!on items - D. McPherson is looking into costs associated with replacement of marina floats. The Seaport Bond Bill - G. Whitney and D. McPherson sent a letter to R. Armstrong, and it is looking promising. The BHMA would like to improve and update the facility using Bond Bill Funding. Creamery Property Acquisition - G. Whitney drafted a letter requesting the property. The Mayor made minor changes and sent out. G. Whitney has asked M. Handly to obtain control of parking under the bridge. He feels that we need to have control. Marina licenses and Permits - not much has happened. DEP has sent a letter to the Kinzies. 10A Permits - Harbormaster cannot issue 10A permits until licenses are straightened out. The Tuck Point Marina application was not complete. D. Neuman suggested that there be enough money in the maintenance budget. Priority wou!d be new s!ips to replace those that were removed. A. Burns asked that something be done to beautify for the summer. P. Allen will look into this. D. Neuman asked about the White Building. G. Whitney says that he would like to see it go during the next fiscal year. J. Bolden asked where the Harbormaster would go if the white building is gone. G. Whitney advised he would move into the Glover building. Money will go in the FY 99 budget to design. Salem Dredging - The City of Salem is dredging and looking into how to dispose of contaminated materials. One site being considered is off of Misery Ialand. G. Whitney was a member of the Salem dredging Planning Group. They proposed to T. Coxe the Beverly site be eliminated. Old Business - J. Crowell talked to Community Development regarding grants. He is working with them regarding handicapped rest rooms. Meeting on Scope - G. Whitney sent a letter to the Planning Department regarding the Scope reflecting the BHMA desires to make. significant changes to scope. We voted to increase the contract price to allow a public meeting. The meeting was held with no public notice. J. Murray told that T. Scuily was adament regarding a fence and that the BHMA only worked on the harbor. J. Murray feels that we should use the Scope as a resource, and use it in connection with a Master Plan. Don't lose what has been done. G. Whitney will talk to T. Cassidy to see where it stands. Reports - Public Access - Coastal Access meeting. Mrs. Mecca, on Lothrop Street is trying to get gardens etc. at the end of Washington Street. Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall there will be a meeting to do With the Gazebo and gardens. A. Burns made a motion and asked if a letter could be sent to Mrs. Mecca asking her not to put up a fence without coming to us, and also send a letter to Chief Terry asking his help in patrolling the area. J. Murray seconded. All in favor. Stop & Shop - Elliott Street is sign is acceptable. There is no sign at the Yacht Club. The Easterly sign is not in the proper place to be effective. Licenses ami Permits - No new activity. G. Whitney told T. Cassidy that we discussed the Scope. 2 members were at the meeting on April 15, the rest of us were unaware of the meeting. It was supposed to be a Public Meeting. Where do we go from here? T. Cassidy says that the Committee is pleased. The Committee would adopt it subject to 'what the BHMA wants. T. Cassidy asked if there should be another meeting. T. Cassidy would like to have a public meeting and have the Committee back to meet with the BHMA. She and G. Whitney will discuss plans for the future. Old Business - C. Raymond spoke of T. Sauvageau's concerns regarding slip access. The Pier with Dolphins is good for 80', 80 tons, with supervision. A. Burns wants to remind everyone that on May 21 the model of the Hannah will be on display at City Hall. All are lnvited. P. Allen made a motion to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss