Min121018-Clerk, FinalBeverly Airport Commission
Minutes of Meeting
December 10, 2018
LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915
PRESENT. Commissioners: Trefry, Wadsworth, Gentile, Bessom, Henry and Dullea
OTHERS PRESENT. Gloria Bouillon
PUBLIC: Nick Burlingham and John Messenger (NAA), Craig Schuster (ASG), Paul Beaulieu
(Avier), James Mandello, Keith Young, Tom Lyons, Steve Tibbetts, Stephen Bourque,
Tony Bettencourt, Peter Walton
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
Trefry called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Reading of the Minutes for November 2018 — Henry made a motion to accept the minutes for
October 2018. Wadsworth seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
3. Reading of the Financial Report for November 2018 — Trefry presented the financial report for
November 2018. Henry moved to accept the Finance Report, seconded by Dullea. The
motion passed unanimously.
4. Presentation: Airport Solutions Group, LLC — Craig Shuster
RW 9 Easements
ASG has processed the last invoice for the project and processing the close out of the
proj ect.
RW 9 Eminent Domain
MassDOT has approved the scope of work and fee schedule for the eminent domain taking
project. The next step for the project is for ASG to finalize the contract agreement for the
project between the Airport and ASG.
Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan
The project is ongoing. Epsilon is performing their monthly site survey both on and off
airport property.
ALP Update for Non - Standard Geometry
ASG has completed a draft form of the report for review by the airport manager. Once
Gloria Bouillon has reviewed it then ASG will address her comments and send it to the
FAA and MassDot for review before finalizing.
Rehabilitation of Runway 16 -34
ASG is working on the design phase of the project. The project will consist of milling out
two inches of existing pavement and replacing with two new inches of pavement. ASG has
scheduled a construction phasing meeting for Wednesday, December 12, 2018 to discuss
the impacts on airport operations during the project.
Chairman's Report - There was no report this evening.
Sub - Committee Reports — There were no sub - committee reports this evening.
Election of Officers
Trefry suggested that the Commission table this matter until the next meeting. Those
present agreed.
Airport Managers Report
Gloria Bouillon reviewed her report with the Commission.
Bouillon reported that an RFP will be issued for two non - aeronautic use for two parcels of
airport property. She explains the location and the zoning. She also notes that the RFP
will be specific regarding the wetlands.
Dullea formally recused himself from discussion of this matter noting that he has been
contacted by a client regarding this property.
Bouillon also reported that a separate RFP will be issued for Building 45 for potential use
of the building.
Bouillion reported that it has been determined that the proposed solar panels for the airport
are complicated and any areas of the airport that have been identified will not be pursued at
this time.
Bouillon reported that Kim Crofts will be handling the rollout of the security badges. She
reported that a stakeholders meeting was held and the badges will be distributed in the next
couple of months.
Upcoming Events
Bouillon reported that the North Shore Chamber of Commerce January meeting will be
held at the airport in the Conference Room on January 23, 2019.
Marblehead High School Career Day Presentation and Tour will be held on January 16,
2019 from 11:30 — 1:30. Stakeholders and tenants are encouraged to participate.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.