Oct. 2019 - BOD minutesBeverly Council on Aging Board of Directors' Meeting Date: October 1, 2019 Location: Beverly Council on Aging, 90 Colon Street, Beverly Members Present: Claire -Marie Hart, Bob Hobbs, Susan Feeney, Jessica Wistran, Esq. Staff Present: MaryAnn Holak, Samatha Kossow Meeting called to order by Claire -Marie Hart at 2:35 PM. Secretary's Report The board reviewed the secretary's report from the September 3rd meeting of the Board. Jessica Wistran moved to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Bob Hobbs, all in favor. Director's Report Building Concerns & Usage - An estimate for the cost of replacing all of the faucets in the building came in at around $6000.00. Hope to use balance of funds from the now disbanded "Friends" organization. MaryAnn will reach out to the attorneys and once a check is received, the mayor and city council will need to approve it. - Carpet samples for the front foyer of the building came in and the color "Midnight" was selected. An estimate for the cost of materials and installation will be requested. - The Senior Center has been contacted for a number of space rental requests, including one from a new marijuana retailer in Beverly. They are requesting to use the main hall for a public meeting on the evening of October 8th. As per the regulations on building rental, the organization will pay for both building use and the time of staff coverage. - There is a Flu Clinic sponsored by the Board of Health, scheduled for October 15th at the Senior Center. Administration and Finances - The Board reviewed the current FY `20 YTD budget. - The FY `20 formula grant budget is due to EOEA in November. Last year's grant balance at the end of the year was $68.00. - The Council on Aging was again awarded a Title III-B grant by SeniorCare, Inc. Funding was increased this year due to increased federal funding. This funding is used to support the outreach department. Programs and Events The decision was made to cancel the First Responders' Appreciation dinner event. In lieu of the event, volunteers from Endicott College and the TRIAD Council came in to cook a meatball sub dinner, make thank you cards, and deliver the food and cards to the police and fire departments in Beverly. - Nine attendees went to the "Women Rowing North" book discussion event hosted by MaryAnn Holak and a librarian from Beverly Public Library. The discussion went well. - The Dementia Live program on September 18th was well received and we plan to schedule them for a staff training in the future. - Upcoming events include a CBD Presentation on October 8th, a Domestic Violence presentation on October 17th, and Halloween Party on October 31st. Community Engagement - Breakfast Club planning is now underway and the first meeting is scheduled for October 10th. There are 16 senior citizens participating in the project. - There was a request from the Hannah Elementary School to partner with the Senior Center on a reading project for "Because of Winn Dixie ". Work is being done to make this project happen. Meetings /Activities /Clients /Clients of Concern - Staff will attend the annual MCOA Conference in Danvers the first week of October. The Beverly High School Jazz Band will perform on Wednesday evening for the conference and Beverly COA volunteers will serve as greeters and receptionists. - A number of staff trainings are coming up on topics including the Social Determinants of Health and Implementing Your Strategic Plan. - Coffee Hours are planned to resume in 2020 by the TRIAD council. Personnel Updates - An offer has been extended to a new Activities Coordinator. There will be temporary coverage for the Transportation Coordinator position via a retiree who may be able to work some hours. The candidate for the MSW social worker positon was unable to complete the city's screening process and unable to be hired. - Two BSW interns from Salem State University started September 9th. The Fellow from Merrimack College began at the end of August and will have her first site supervisor meeting on September 26th. Committee Reports The Grants Committee did not meet this month due to no applications being submitted. The Awards Committee will reconvene in 2020 in preparation for the next Senior Day in the Park. Unfinished Business No old /unfinished business. New Business The board members agreed to move the previously scheduled November meeting from Tuesday, November 5th to Thursday, November 7th at 2:30 PM as city board meetings are not allowed on Election Day. The Grants Committee will also be rescheduled to that day if a meeting is needed. Announcements Claire -Marie Hart provided a copy of the newspaper article, "`Disconnected from other folks,' seniors grapple with a loneliness epidemic" by Robert Weisman, first published in the Boston Globe on August 3rd, 2019. The article was previously mentioned at the August meeting of the Board of Directors. The meeting was adjourned by Claire -Marie Hart at 3:23 PM. Respectfully submitted: Samatha Kossow for Cynthia Montalbano, Secretary. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 7th, 2019, 2:30 PM