1999-09-02BEVERLY HARBOR bgkNAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES September 2, 1999 PRESENT: G. Whitney, D. Neuman, R. Badessa, J.. Bolden, J. Murray, C. Raymond, A. Burns, V. McGlynn GUESTS: T. Cassidy, D. McPherson, L. Bochynski Whitney opened the meeting, and asked if there was any Public input. There being no Public, there was no Input. Minutes of the previous meeting - There is to be a change in the middle of the second page. C. Raymond is representative of the Open Space and Recreation Committee, and not the City Master PLan. R. Badessa made a motion to accept the Minutes with the correction, and D. Neuman seconded. All agreed. Badessa reported that there is nothing new or no major expensesin Treasurer's Report. G. Whitney will get together with K. Keenan regarding the Waterways Improvement Fund. G. Whitney asked J. Murray about his negative vote for the budget in the Council. J. Murray answered that he wanted some line items to be adjusted. Harbormaster's Report - He reported that he received a letter from the Commodore of JYC, about' an unfortunate accident that happened to him. The assistants who were on duty handled it superbly. Water Line - Black piping has been installed on commercial floats. Commissioner Pelonzi again requested stairs to Harborcenter be repaired. The Marina waiting list letters have.gone out. T e Cassidy spoke of the Master Plan. The group tried to come to a date for a meeting with the Planner. It is tentatively set for September 15, ~ ?:00 City Hall. She will get in touch with the company to see if the 15th iS OK. G. Whitney asked all to come with ideas. scope. They should review Seaport Council Grant. The contractor has been working. Seems to be going right along. G. Whitney met with the Mayor and contractor this afternoon. G. Whitney stated that we are trying not to tell them what we want. We would like them to tell us what they recommend. There will be a meeting with this group when they are 50% completed. It should be a separate meeting with the public invited to attend. Planning - D. Neuman connected with T. Maguire on the telephone. It is Tom's action to send a letter to the DEP Hazardous Waste group. Until then everything is stopped at Cummings regarding license. White Hen Pantry location. T. Maguire sent a letter to Marciano reminding them of license requirements. J. Bunk - There were discussions on the car wash. He has built it without license. DEP didn't review construction. He did not meet conditions. Walkway and parking not what was agreed to. T. Maguire sent a letter to Bunk. J. Murray feels that it is work in progress. Port Marina - Fence & walkway. T. expects a pre-hearing. This will issues on Draft license Maguire be resolve the Public Access - C. Raymond stated there was no action. L. Bochynski has painted an arrow on walkway at Bass Haven. Salem Dredging - There was much discussion on the Salem Dredging. There will be a meeting held in Salem at the Park Services Center on September 7 @ 7:00 with open house from 6 - 7 p.m. J. Bolden asked about permanent water on the docks. L. Bochynski stated that we are working on this. Bolden asked about the fence on the Pier. G. Whitney stated that they decided to try signs, and they seem to be working. Bolden asked about the roof and the stairs, if wemay get rid of the building in the future. G. Whitney stated that they will be do~e now. Money was included in approved budget. Bochynski handed a note to G. Whitney (written on a napkin) from someone thanking for the' nice picn]c area. D. Neuman made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by R. Badessa. Agreed by all. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss