1998-10-14Committee BEVERLY GOLF & TENNIS COMMISSION 134 McKay Street BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS 01915 Louis D. Bennett, Chairman James J. O'Leary, Vice Chairman Jack L. Altshuler Dennis P. Crimmins Patricia B. Grimes John D. Kenney Daniel E. Klemis Elizabeth A. Murphy William A. Walo Natalie Fiore, Recording Secretary October 14,1998 MINUTES OF lVIEETING Present: Jack Altshuler, Louis Bennett, Dennis Crimmins, John Kenney, Elizabeth Murphy, James O%eary and William W~alo. Absent: Palrich Grimes. Others: Mike FarreH and Arthur Orechia A motion was made by Mr. Kenhey to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Mr. Crimmins seconded with all in favor. COMMITFEE REPORTS: Facilities- Mike FarreH submitted a plan from David Friel that was done by his Planner. This will have no financial impact on the City or the Commission. Mr. Altshuier commented on his uneasiness that there is no lease signed yet. Time to start negotiations as some things to be done in the master plan may be in the lease. Marshall Handly and Jay Leonard talked about the lease. The Chalrman~ Mr. Bennett, eha_rged the lease committee to contact Mr. Hartally regluding the lease. Mr. Kenney requested a list fxom Friel Mgmt. as to what they will do, what they need conm'butions on and what they will not do. A motion was made by Mr. Keamey and seconded by Mr. Grimruing that the next regula~y scheduled meeting be moved to the followin~ week us it will be Veteran's Day. All in favor. The, meeting will be November 18, 1998. at q:30 p.m. ~I It is requested that the new rate sheet for next year be submitted to members prior to that meeting. Mike Fartell reported the carlpaths will be installed November 2, 1998 (16,7,10,18 & 12.) Mr. Altshuler asked if #2 cartpath could be taken out and run around the third tee and connected going up the hill. Mike Farreli said it could be done when the. othen; are_being_done Nov. 2nd. Mr. Altshuler made a motion that this be done November 2, 1998. Mr. Walo seconded with all in favor. Homeowners Remodeling gave a price of $5224.00 to change the handrails by the 19th Hole to match the rest of the building. Policy and Grievance- Mr. Altshuler spoke of the pending lawsuit (Johnson). Mr. Altshuler spoke to Marshall Hartally. Attorney Broke will get the Commission's depositions to be held in Beve~y as opposed to Boston. A schedule of 2 or 3 days per 3 members will be given to Mr. Altshuler for Attorney Burke. This was done at the meeting. Looking for notes etc. to have for the depositions. October 20, 21, 22 afternoon Bennett, Kenney and O~Leary October 26, 27, 29 late" Cri mmin.% Altshuler and Walo. Regarding the letter re: the driving range, a motion was made by Mr. O%eary to change the last sentence 3rd paragraph to pro shop. The letter will go out with the membership package. All in favor. Sales Report- Submitted. Old Business- None. New Business- Women's Golf Association of MA wants the Club to host the Curtis Bowl 1999. A motion was made by Mr. Altshuler to accept the request, seconded by Mr. Kenney will all in favor. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, 8:30, by Mr. Altshuler. Seconded by Mr. Crimmin.q with all in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Natalie Luca Fiore Secretary