2001-05-03Design Review Board Meeting Minutes - May 3,2001 Page 1 CITY OF BEVERLY Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Design Review Board SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: May 3, 2001 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Palardy & Margaret O'Brien William Finch & Debra Hurlburt BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Douglas Haring OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Diane Presutti Ms. Hurlburt called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. 1. Rice Rental Center - Ed Juralewiez / 115 Cabot Street / Sign Mr. Juralewicz approaches the Board on behalf of Mr. Rice. He wishes to reface the existing sign at 115 Cabot Street, Rice Grand Rental. Mr. Juralewicz notifies the Board that the DBA has changed to Rice Rental Center / RICERENTALCENTER.COM; therefore he wishes the sign to state the DBA as stated above. Mr. Juralewicz approached the Board last month and had plans to place their web site on the sign and was denied. He also states the sign has been in existence for sixteen years and denying him wouldn't stand up in court. Mr. Juralewicz states examples such as Dunkin' Donuts does not use their corporate name on their businesses. He also compares Beverly ordinance to Danvers. Mr. Finch asks Mr. Juralewicz if this name change needs to be registered with the State. He also suggests to the Board that they submit this change in DBA to Marshall Handly for legal advice. Mr. Finch also explains that the Board should not even try to or consider web sites individually. We must consider whether to allow or deny. He also suggests to the Board to draft new language in the ordinance regarding web sites. Page 2 Ms. Hurlburt reads a letter to the Board in which she wrote as a follow-up to the April 5 meeting explaining the denial. In the letter she identified the ordinance regulations. She concludes by stating she still stands by what she indicated in the April vote. She feels that this is setting a precedent in Beverly. She also discussed with Ms. Cassidy regarding the phrasing of the ordinance regulation and she concurred with Ms. Hurlburt's understanding. Ms. Hurlburt also states if the business has a name change then the sign must come to conformance. She also agrees with Mr. Finch regarding consulting Mr. Handly and asks Mr. Juralewicz if he wishes to agree with this action. Ms. Palardy feels the DBA change is just a way to get the web site on the sign. She agrees the sign is pleasing but is concerned about past and future applicants. She agrees with the Board approaching Mr. Handly. Mr. Juralewicz agrees with the Board to refer application to Mr. Handly. Ms. O'Brien motions to table discussions and refer application to Mr. Handly. Seconded by Mr. Finch. All members in favor. Motion carries 4-0. 2. Burger King = Hazel Hopkins / 498 Rantoul Street / Sign Ms. Hopkins approaches the Board on behalf of Burger King. Burger King wishes to change the face on the existing ground sign. It will be internally illuminated and opaque. She also wishes to change the sign on building which will include a logo. The wall sign has 18" letters and will be 15' long. The sign is approximately 22 1/2 SF total. She also states all new Burger Kings will have the new signs. Ms. Hurlburt states that the maximum allowed is 60 SF. She also asks if the logo is their registered trademark. Mr. Finch also asks if the logo is allowed and if it is needed. He also states that the two signs are conforming. Ms. Palardy feels the existing and new sign are too large in size. Ms. O'Brien motions to accept sign designs. Seconded by Mr. Finch. All members in favor. Motion carries 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.