2000-10-05CITY OF BEVERLY Publie Meeting Minutes BOARD: Design Review Board SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: October 5, 2000 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Palardy, Margaret O'Brien & Debbie Hurlburt BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: William Finch & Doug Haring OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Diane Presutti Ms. Hurlburt calls the meeting to order at 6:30 pan. 1. Freddie's Restaurant - Ken Hansen / 324 Rantoul Street / Sign Ken Hanmen of Star Neon Sign approached the DRB last month at the Board's special meeting and requested a change in the Freddie's sign The changes were to repaint the colors that have faded over time and to replace several of the faces with new language and fonts. The DRB did not like the blue that was proposed at the time and thought that there were too many different font styles. The Board asked him to return with a different shade of blue color and reduced font styles. Ms. Hurlburt presents computer printouts of the sign with the new fonts and color. Mr. Hansen presents a "Real Red" for the background of the sign and presents different blue shades for the DRB to decide on. The Board decides on tbe color "Founder Blue". A motion was made by Ms. O'Brien to accept the sign as amended on plan, seconded by Ms. Palardy. All members in favor. Motion carries 3-0. 2. Sovereign Bank- William Glass / 587 Cabot Street / Sign Mr. Glass approached the DRB requesting to reface the sign at 587 Cabot St. (formerly Fleet Bank). He also states that the City of Beverly may be rerouting traffic because of roadway improvements to Route 1A. There will be one exit being blocked. He states in the near future and he may need permission to move the sign. Mr. Glass states the sign shut-off times will fall into the DRB's timeframe. The sign will be illuminated in a soft red, only the NYCE & MAC will be illuminated. Mr. Glass also requests permission to put up the following signs: "Entrance", "Drive-Up ATM", and "Bank Customer Parking Only." None will be illuminated and all would be free standing. Mr. Glass is also requesting two freestanding signs in back of building. Ms. Palardy requests changing the color and questions the height of the free standing signs. Ms. O'Brien requests placing the free standing signs on building. Mr. Glass responds that the red and black colors are the standard color for the bank. Ms. Palardy still questions having signs in front of building and Mr. Glass agrees to compromise and eliminate them for now. He also states he may come back in the future to request them again. Ms. Palardy motions to accept refacing the existing low monument type sign and excluding building a free standing sign and to also eliminate the "Bank Customer Parking Only" signs in the front of the building, seconded by Ms.O'Brien. All members in favor. Motion carries 3-0. 3. Beverly Commerce Park- Bruce Oveson / 100 Cummings Center / Site Plan Ms. O'Brien recused herself from discussion on the matter. Mr. Oveson presents a large map indicating the property. The map shows all the existing buildings and the new 3-story building to be erected. The plan also includes McKeown School and the parking. Mr. Oveson states he plans a continuation of an existing pattern of the facade to look in line with the existing buildings on site with some modifications. His plan involves adding 60 trees in the parking lot area on Balch Street with smaller ground cover. His drawing also includes 40' light poles whihch are currently in all the other parking areas. He submits copies of exterior of building to the DRB. He states the concrete & bronze will differ from other buildings but the glass with curves will remain the same and he believes Ms. Hurlburt asks about the landscape material and comments that she does not think that wood chips would be acceptable ground cover. Mr. Oveson respond to Ms. Hurlburt's comments regarding the buildings being complementary to each other and the the glass curving will help tie them together. He also assures her that the various ground cover they currently have will creep to cover all of the wood chips. He states junipers, berrybushes, red sunset maples, sugar maples, honey locusts and fruit trees have been planted. He also states trees that don't take have and will be replaced. Ms. Hurlburt asks about a vegetative buffer from McKeown. Mr. Oveson states his two concerns were a central locale for the 500 building and a buffer from Mckeown and that there will be plenty of buffer from the school. Ms. Hurlburt questions irrigation. Mr. Oveson states they have their own truck which waters both at night and early morning. There being no further comment, a motion was made by Ms. Palardy motions to accept the site plan, seconded by Ms. Hurlburt. Motion carries. 4. Approval of Minutes Ms. Hurlburt requests approval of the following meeting minutes if reviewed: March 2, April 2, May 4, May 11, June 1 and September 7, 2000. A motion was made by Ms. O'Brien to accept the minutes of March 2, April 2, May 4, May 11, June 1 and September 7, 2000, seconded by Ms. Palardy. All members in favor. Motion carries. A motion was made by Ms. O'Brien and seconded Ms. Palardy to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.