2001-02-27 CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES These minutes are not a verbatim transcript of the public hearings or public meetings of The Zoning Board of Appeal. Reviews of the discussion or outcome of public hearings should Include an examination of the Board’s decision for that hearing. Board: Zoning Board of Appeal Date: February 27, 2001 Place: Beverly City Hall, Council Chamber, 191 Cabot Street Board Members Present: Full Members: Chairman, Scott D. Houseman, Robert McLemore, and Margaret O’Brien. Alternate Members: Scott Ferguson and Mark Schmidt. Members Absent: Leonard J. Bertaux, Martin Freeman, and Andrea Fish Others Present: Building Commissioner/Zoning Officer – Timothy Brennan Clerk of the Board – Diane Rogers – and Assistant City Planner – Debra Hurlburt Chairman Houseman stated that there were no new cases to be heard except for the two holdovers from the previous month. Houseman also requested a motion to adopt the minutes of November 2000 and January 23, 2001. Schmidt: Motion to adopt the November 2000 and January 23, 2001 minutes. Seconded by Ferguson. Motion carries 5 – 0 ( Schmidt, Ferguson, Houseman, O’Brien, & McLemore) 238 Conant Street – IR Zone – Cornerstone Corp. – Variance Request Chairman Houseman read into record a letter from Attorney Nancy A.S. McCann which stated on behalf of the applicant, Cornerstone Corporation, she hereby requests that the hearing for a use variance be continued until the March 27, 2001 meeting. She went on to say that the applicant is involved in another project on the South Shore for which a special meeting had been scheduled for the same night. She also extended the time in which the Board has to act on the variance application until April 15, 2001. McLemore: Motion to allow case to be continued until the March 27, 2001 meeting. Seconded by Ferguson. Motion carries 5 – 0 (Houseman, McLemore, O’Brien, Ferguson, & Schmidt) 181 Elliott Street – IG Zone – Gateway, 900 Cummings Center – Variance Request Attorney Thomas Alexander spoke on behalf of the petitioner. He stated he would like five members of the Board to vote on this proposal. Houseman stated that Andrea Fish was the fifth member that heard this Page 2 proposal last month. He added that Fish was absent. Attorney Alexander then requested that the hearing for this variance be continued until the March 27, 2001 meeting. McLemore: Motion to allow case to be continued until the March 27, 2001 meeting. Seconded by Ferguson. Motion carries 5 – 0. (McLemore, Ferguson, Houseman, O’Brien, & Schmidt) Chairman Houseman stated that the Board Members should now motion to leave the Councilor’s Chamber and enter the Committee Room and discuss changes to the “Rules and Regulations” for obtaining a variance or special permit. Motion to move the meeting to the Committee Room. Motion carries 5 – 0. (Houseman, McLemore, O’Brien, Ferguson, & Schmidt) Members discussed the changes to the “Rules and Regulations” of the Zoning Ordinance. Meeting adjourned 10:30 p.m. Houseman passed out information regarding Rules of the Board to the members. He stated the underlined words are the new and the old words were crossed out. Regarding number one: McLemore: Motion to accept. Seconded by Ferguson. Changes accepted 5-0 Number two: Ferguson: Motion to accept. Seconded by McLemore. Changes accepted 4 –0 (Mr. Schmidt stated he had not read this information and feels that he should not vote)( Chairman Houseman responded that he should vote) Number three: McLemore: Motion to accept. Seconded by Ferguson. Changes accepted 5 - 0 (I to read: If the petitioner is not the owner, a declaration of the status or interest of the petitioner in the land must have written authority from the owner to file the application . McLemore Requested: Number 3 – L. Any facts not specifically requested in the application, which may be material to the relief being sought. Number Four: Shall read: Each application shall be accompanied by ? copies of a certified plot plan, dated within two years, showing all improvements or alteration on the lot to date. etc. Number Four A Shall read: The plot plan shall be drawn to the scale no smaller than one inch to 20 feet. O’Brien: Motion the Chairman may fix errors in the Rules and Regulations. Seconded by Ferguson Number Four F: Was adopted. Take out the words foundation and /or and keep as is the one inch to four feet. Number four G and H was adopted. Number four I shall read: Under no circumstances will a free hand sketch be accepted as a plan. At the Boards discretion a full instrumental survey may be required McLemore: Motion to accept. Seconded by O’Brien. Passes 4 – l (Schmidt in the negative) Number 5 Shall read: Each application shall include 13 copies of the portion of the assessor’s map that shows the property in relation to the surrounding neighborhood. Ferguson: Motion to pass. Seconded by O’Brien. Passes 5 – 0. Number 6 shall read: Each application shall be accompanied by at least six color sets of photographs etc. Schmidt: Motion to pass. Seconded by O’Brien. Carries 5 – 0. Page 3 Number 7 shall read the same. McLemore: Motion to allow the chairman to alter the numbers. Seconded by Schmidt. Passes 5 – 0. Number 8 shall read: the same. Schmidt: Motion to pass. Seconded by Ferguson. Carries 5 – 0. Number 13. Change to read: No building permit based on any relief granted by the Board shall issue without the petitioner providing proof of having recorded the Board’s decision. Schmidt: Motion to pass. Seconded by Ferguson. Passes 5 – 0. Revised and Amended to conform to regulations on February 27, 200l. To take effect on upon May 1, 2001..