BHDC Minutes January 27 2016 - ApprovedBeverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 27, 2016 Board: Date: Location: Members Present Members Absent: Others Present: Recorder: CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Historic District Commission January 27, 2016 Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA. William Finch, Chair, Vice Chair, James Younger, Martin Lian, Suzanne LaMont and Wendy Pearl None Allison Crosbie, Staff Planner Eileen Sacco Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Community Preservatioin Plan Update Pearl addresses the Commission and explains the schedule for the round three application process for CPA funds. She explains that the grant cycle round three has kicked off and materials are available on the website. She reported that the public hearing required by the Community Preservation Act is scheduled for February 7, 2016 in Beverly City Hall at 7 PM. Pearl reports that this year they put word boards at the Beverly Public Library and City Hall. She explained that they are trying to garner as many ideas and comments as possible. LaMont reported that the boards were well received and she noticed that there are a lot of comments on them. Pearl explains that they will have a public comment period where people can submit ideas and comments through letters and emails. She asked that if members were part of neighborhood groups if they could spread the word and she would be glad to send information to those groups. Pearl explains that some projects may have to come before the Commission for review noting that she is glad to see that the Powder House application is on the agenda this evening. Crosbie notes that Design Review Board meets the same evening as the scheduled public hearing for the CPA funds. Pearl noted that she expected that they would be there rather late so that members of the Design Review Board who wish to participate could join them after their meeting. Page 1 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 27, 2016 Pearl reports that the CPA committee will be reviewing the Community Preservation Plan with the public during the public hearing. She explains that it talks about what the CPA can fund and what the resource needs and opportunities are for Beverly CPA programs. Lian asks if there are any housing proposals included in the plan. Pearl explains that there are representatives of the Beverly Housing Authority in affordable housing on the CPA and states that there will be some discussion on housing at the meeting. She also notes that those in need of affordable housing could include first -year teachers, young firefighters and others just getting started in their careers. Lian notes that housing is so expensive in Boston that more young professionals are moving out this way. Pearl states that this is an area that the CPA committee is weak on and they welcome all suggestions and guidance regarding this. Pearl reports that she has revised the City Community Preservation Plan and suggests that members read it through and email her suggestions and comments noting that she just got it out to them yesterday. She requested that members try and get the comments back to her by February 3. Pearl reports that round three pre - applications are due March 4, 2016 and states that the Commission may be reviewing some of those applications at the next meeting. The Commission briefly discussed the Community Preservation Plan regarding historic preservation and made some suggested edits and revisions to language that were minor. Pearl suggests that the Commission should think about drafting a Historic Preservation Plan that would guide applicants considering Historic preservation. Review of List of Properties to be Surveyed and Completed Finch states that he has a variety of comments and that his preference would be to do Option 1, Prospect Hill. He stated that he did not go out and look at some of the properties that they're talking about but notes that Prospect Hill has some pretty good properties on it and it would make sense to include in the survey. LaMont states that her preference would be Option 2, the other neighborhood suggested, because it covers more areas of vulnerability in Beverly. She stated that she didn't see Prospect Hill as threatened the way she sees Gloucester Crossing. Finch agreed and stated that putting them on the inventory doesn't protect them from the threat, all it does is give us of this information about them and he thinks the properties themselves are probably more significant properties in terms of their architecture. He stated there might be elements within other neighborhoods that they would like to see included and notes that just because we recognize Italianate houses in Gloucester Crossing on Beckford Street doesn't mean they are going to be protected. Pearl states that she feels that Hurd Stadium should be protected because she has a feeling at some point it may be demolished and she does not think that people realize that it is historic. She explains that if someone comes for CPA funds, the designation recognizes that it's a historic property. Page 2 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 27, 2016 Younger states that he feels that Option 2 is a stronger case noting its cohesiveness and that there may be some interesting information to be uncovered. He states that he doesn't see it as a Historic District but the idea is to try and come up with a set of buildings to better understand the historic significance. Pearl suggests that they could do an area survey on Prospect Hill rather than an individual building survey. Finch states when he looks at the list of municipal buildings in the sample form such as the Central Fire Station and the DPW he states that he would rather trade -off some of these for some of the properties that have been talked about. Pearl states that things that the Commission is responsible for preserving are not necessarily things that they would like. Finch states that we need to use some degree of judgment as to whether the Commission go to the mat over 1934 buildings that come under demolition delay. Pearl explained that she would have to look at each property and explains that when she looks at these buildings she looks at them as being from an era when the city was investing in public resources and notes that there is a history of public infrastructure at that time. Finch agrees but questions whether the design and architecture perspective is relevant noting that they are not particularly good examples of historical architecture. He questions that if at some point the Commission wouldn't be going past public perception. Pearl explains that a property can be listed on the National Register only for Association. Finch questions whether the Central Fire Station rises to that level as well. Pearl states that it is associated with the development and public investment in the 1930s. La Mont states that she feels that municipal buildings such as the Central Fire Station would be of interest to people noting that they may have had relatives who worked there. Pearl notes that some properties are listed in the Historic Register because George Washington or someone famous did something and not necessarily because the building has any particular character. She states that the DPW building was the 1930s version of the Powder House from 1809. She also states that she feels that the breadth of resources despite their beauty needs to be considered for preservation and when it comes to the city resources having a full list of our old city properties. She also notes that it will be helpful in determining if resources have to be spent. Finch explains that if we can reduce some of the other items make some trade -offs to add some things to option two. Pearl asks about the "Great Estates." She states that she's not familiar with many of them and she questions whether these properties could actually be inventoried if there were private property with long driveways. Pearl states that she likes the landscape category. Crosbie reported that she received an email today from the consultant informing her that 13 and 15 Payne Ave. are included in the survey. Page 3 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 27, 2016 Pearl made a motion that the Historic District Commission apply for another grant to fund a survey for the remaining properties that the Commission would like to inventory. Finch states that he does not think Pearl should make the motion to apply for CPA funds because she serves on the CPA Commission. LaMont: Motion that the Historic Commission apply to the CPA for an additional grant to fund a survey for the remaining properties that the Commission would like to add to the inventory. Younger seconds the motion the motion carries (5 -0). Younger left the meeting at this time. Finch refers to the forms and pointed out information regarding the DPW building questioning if the building is notably intact or if the building is of value to Beverly historically. Pearl suggested that this should be a box on the form that could be checked off if a property is recommended for inclusion on the inventory. Finch refers to the Richardson/Gurney form and says that there wasn't much attention paid to the building and states that the main building should be located on the map and suggests that there should be a description of the changes to the building that apparently were made on the outside. Pearl asks if the building has been previously inventoried. Finch states that it was not. Pearl suggests that this should be a separate building form. She also suggests that they could just improve the description on the form. She notes that there are differences in the current photo in the historic photo noting that there were definitely changes in the roof line. The Commission discusses access to the properties for the inventory. Crosbie stated that she would contact the consultant regarding getting access to the sites. Finch questions why the consultant did not include the Glen Urquhart property on the inventory. LaMont reviews the report. She recalls that it may be included with the Spaulding property noting that she looked it up but she cannot recall at the moment. LaMont notes that there was an article in the newspaper about 122 Hart St. being donated to Gordon College. She describes the property listed in the newspaper and notes that the property was on the radar of the consultant. She stated that she thought that was interesting and notes it was not on the "Great Estates" list but it was on the building list. Finch states that he was happy to see the Cabot Street extension listed. Pearl agreed. Determination of Historic Significance — Powder House Finch reviews pictures of the Powder House and explains that the masonry is in terrible condition and needs to be essentially rebuilt. Crosbie reports that Councilor Scott Housman sent an email in support of the Powder House. Page 4 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 27, 2016 Finch states that he talked with Councilor Houseman and he mentioned that it is possible that because the Powder House is a public building, the project may need to be publicly bid. Finch shows photographs of the Powder House that he prepared for a presentation on the Newburyport Powder House, but they are not part of the information being presented on the determination. Finch reports the issue before the Commission this evening is to determine whether the Powder House is historically significant. He stated that his opinion is that it is historically significant. Finch explains that he is only aware of two Powder Houses in Massachusetts that retain elements of their original interior woodwork, and notes the Marblehead Powder House and shows the Commission photos. He explains that the Beverly Powder House was originally on the common and they moved it to Prospect Hill later. Finch explains that the masonry repairs need to be done very skillfully and they need to look at how to treat the woodwork on the interior because it's very deteriorated and it's very rare in that form. Pearl suggests that if the building is being leased by a third party perhaps they would not have to go through the public bidding process and the third party could manage the restoration. Finch suggests that the City solicitor should be consulted on that issue and it is worth looking into. LaMont: Motion that the Historic Commission find the Beverly Powder House to be Historically Significant. Lian seconds the motion the motion carries (4 -0). Adiournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Historic District Commission this evening, LaMont moves to adjourn the meeting. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries (4 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Page 5 of 5