2001-10-23 Beverly Cultural Council Meeting Minutes Post Deadline Review of Grant Application Meeting Tuesday October 23, 2001 Beverly Public Library, 6:30 pm Attending: Marcia Hermann, Helen Lewis, Susan Oleksiw, Rachel Pohl, Jan Plourde Beverly Cultural Council members made initial review of LCC and PASS grant applications postmarked October 15, 2001. This was a working meeting devoted to processing applications and posting dates for grant applicants to come and speak further about their proposals at Beverly City Hall on Thursday November 1 or 8, 2001. All applications were numbered, post cards with appointment dates were made and mailed the next day on October 24, 2001. Notification was also posted to applicants who did not submit nine copies of the grant application. Marcia Hemamn prepared a spreadsheet detailing grant applications for council members. Helen Lewis announced that the MCC has still not received allocation of funds from the state and that the grant decision meeting may be postponed until official notification comes from the MCC. Other Announcements: Beverly Cultural Council looking for new members. submitted by: Helen Lewis