2001-10-02Beverly Cultural Council Public Input and Grant Writing Workshop Meeting Minutes Tuesday October 2, 2001 - Beverly Public Library 7:00pm Attending: Helen Lewis, Susan Oleksiw, Rachel Pohl, Jan Plourde and members of the public The Public Input and Grant Writing Meeting was called to order and began with a question answer period related to the grant writing process. Susan Oleksiw gave an overview of the Beverly Cultural Council's (BCC) funding philosophy in the last year. She then explained step by step how to complete LCC and PASS grant applications. The Beverly Cultural Council requires that grant applicants submit nine photocopies along with the original application and that these applications are mailed and postmarked by October 15, 2001. Applications cannot be sent to City Hall. The public input survey was also distributed at this meeting. Discussion returned to specific questions relating to MCC procedures and Beverly Cultural Council requirements. Several people attending this meeting voiced their support of the BCC funding school programs that provide arts enrichment. Other Announcements: All Beverly Cultural Council members are reqnired by the MCC to attend Basic Training Workshops contact MCC directly for dates and times of next workshop. Beverly Cultural Council is looking for new members. Next Meeting - October 23, 2001 at Beverly Public Library at 6:30 submitted by: Helen Lewis