2002-04-02City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Council on Aging Subcommittee: n/a Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2002 Place: Beverly Council on Aging/Senior Community Center Board Members present: Susan Albiero-Gadbois, Joan Fairbanks, Joe Detorre, Robert Marshall, Mary Lou Mital, Kathy Burns, Cynthia Montalbano, Thomas Scully Board Members absent: Margaret Sullivan Others present: Leslee Breen, Executive Director, BCOA Susan called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. Susan introduced our guest speaker, Sheila Field, our Assistant Director of the Senior Center. Sheila spoke to the Board about her activities and responsibilities as Assistant Director, and her volunteer work through Rotary for various community projects for which she should be commended. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The reading of the minutes of the March meeting were dispensed and accepted as presented. (Joe with motion, Cynthia with second) DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Leslee reported on the use of the building for 4 Bingos, and the City Recreation Department. She reported on a state grant in the amount of $37, 650 which the Center will be receiving for its needs for the coming year. The lease for the new van is in process, and it will be on the road soon. The Center’s Band joined with Salem and its performance was enjoyed by an audience of about 90. Update on activities included a report on the work being done for the Open House, and there will not be a newsletter in May, but in its place will be a mailing with open house information. Director’s report was accepted as reported, motion made by Bob, and seconded by Joan. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A meeting of the Friends was held during March, and a committee was formed to begin the organization of running the raffle for the week at the condo in New Hampshire in October of 2002. Bob Marshall again spoke on the need for new volunteers for Bingo. Help for an hour or two anytime from 3 to 10 would be appreciated. Bob ran one of the Bingos this past month, and can attest to the need for volunteers. Kathy spoke on the rd Sen.Nets Committee Breakfast meeting to be held April 3 (the first Wednesday of the month) at Beverly Hospital in the Lecture Hall. The Veterans Administration will be represented and the discussion will be on how veterans can get benefits, and will be of interest to anyone working with the elderly. The Finance Committee had a phone meeting. The budget is $60,000 more, and one of the reasons for the increase is the hiring of a full time van driver. LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Leslee advised the committee that the MCOA is putting together a legislative package which she will provide at the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS: A discussion on the procedure for nominations and voting for Senior of the Year produced the following decisions. There will be citywide nominations which can be turned in through regular mail, as e-mails, or brought to the Center. The Council will consider all nominations, and will make the final decision for the Senior of the Year. Leslee will refine the wording of the policy which will be voted on at the May meeting of the Council. NEW BUSINESS: Susan reported on a request she received from Lydia Bertolene from Senior Care in Gloucester to attend a future BCOA meeting to observe and learn how a successful Council functions. Since the Council’s meetings are open to the public, she is welcome to attend as would be any interested party. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: None The meeting was adjourned at 3:36p.m. Motion made by Kathy, seconded by Joan. NEXT MEETING: May 7, 2002, 2:30 p.m. at the Senior Center.