2002-05-07City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Council on Aging Subcommittee: n/a Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2002 Place: Beverly Council on Aging/Senior Community Center Board Members present: Susan Albiero-Gadbois, Joan Fairbanks, Joe Detorre, Mary Lou Mital, Cynthia Montalbano, Margaret Sullivan, Thomas Scully Board Members absent: Kathy Burns, Robert Marshall Others present: Leslee Breen, Executive Director, BCOA Susan called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m. Susan introduced Mr. Don Berman a Board of Directors member from BevCam (public access cable) spoke to the Council about the installation of audio-visual cablecasting equipment at the senior center and the benefits to the Center by having it located here. After hearing his proposal, and his answers to questions from the members, the Council voted to accept with Joan making the motion and Cynthia with second. Gail Murley, Volunteer Coordinator, spoke about her responsibilities and the activities. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The reading of the minutes of the April meeting were dispensed and accepted as presented. (Joe with motion, Cynthia with second) DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Leslee reported on the use of the building for April: 4 beanos, 1 City Recreation, and 1 Health Department. Update on activities included a report on the work being done for the Open House, the monthly newsletter mailing for May was mass mailed to over 19,000 homes, and the Fashion Show was very successful. Leslee reported that the radio in transportation has been out and is in the process of being fixed. Leslee reported that the van has been unable to be insured due to problems between the City and insurance agent. Even with the lease agreement between SeniorCare and the COA the insurer states that the agreement is not sufficient for insuring the vehicle (after he said it would be). The City’s Finance Department is cooperative and is working on the matter but the problem seems to lay with the insurer and the State’s regulations. The COA is in the middle. COMMITTEE REPORTS: th A meeting of the Friends was held during April 16. Joe reported that the group set up a subcommittee to work out the details for the condo raffle for next year and also st discussed the annual meeting that will be held on May 21. LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Leslee advised the committee that the outlook is not good. At this time the COA line item budget has been cut by 10%, which is a second hit for the COAs. The first hit was the reduction of the Formula grant amount per elder due to new census data. th Leslee will be attending an MCOA meeting on Friday, May 17 and should learn updated information at the meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Leslie presented the board with the written proposal for the procedure of choosing the Senior of the Year. One change was requested and that was the Senior ‘s volunteer efforts could be for any organization in the city, not just for activities at the Senior Center. The procedure for nominations and voting for Senior of the Year will be citywide nominations that can be turned in through regular mail, as e- mails, or brought to the Center. The Council will consider all nominations, and will make the final decision for the Senior of the Year. The Council voted to accept the proposal with the one item amended. (Joan with motion, Margaret with second.) NEW BUSINESS: Leslee reminded the group that officers for next year needed to be slated in June. Susan will call to ascertain interest. Leslee reminded the group that there is $200.00 in the Board budget line item. The Board agreed to put the money toward a needed expenditure. Leslee presented a Fee Waiver Request from the Lyons Club for a Pancake Breakfast. The group granted the waiver. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: None The meeting was adjourned at 350p.m. NEXT MEETING: June 4, 2002, 2:30 p.m. at the Senior Center.