2002-11-05City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Council on Aging Subcommittee: n/a Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2002 Place: Beverly Council on Aging/Senior Community Center Board Members present: Susan Albiero-Gadbois, Joe Dettorre, Robert Marshall, Margaret Sullivan, Cynthia Montalbano, Thomas Scully Board Members absent: Joan Fairbank, Mary Lou Mital, Kathy Burns Meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The reading of the minutes of the October meeting was dispensed and accepted as presented. (Bob with motion, Margaret with second) DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Building Usage (Oct) was 5 Beanos, 4 Recreation Dept. activities, 2 Board of Health. Beano: balance as th of 10/23/02 $15,406.06 #209 people. Leslee reported Driver Laurie Smith received her CDL. The 10 anniversary dinner was held with over 100 people attending. COA completed City’s ADA survey and there were only a few minor things to fix which have been completed. Teri and Sheila received their MCOA Program Manager Certification. The BCOA has the most certified people of any COA in the th state. Last day before maternity leave is November 15. A new copier was purchased with Beano money. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Building Subcommittee-in process with bricks fundraiser. Will try and meet before next meeting. 2. Board Development Subcommittee-10/1/02 handout discussed. Tom stated that the City Solicitor is trying to arrange a board training in the future. 3. Communications Subcommittee- Joe is acting as Vice President of the Friends, replacing Jack Hook. 4. Finance Subcommittee-met on 11/5/02. Kiwanis members will be volunteering for Beano the last Wednesday of each month. Bob indicated he is amenable to acting as MIC when Peter leaves. The group will meet again with Peter. LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Leslee reported that fiscal year ’04 looks poor and it will be important to cultivate a good relationship with the new State Representative if Romney wins (as Romney has indicated he is not fully supportive of human services/elder affairs). OLD BUSINESS: 1. Housing Authority representative-still in process per Tom. Susan will draft letter to rd Paul Guanci. 2. Holiday meeting-tentatively scheduled for December 3 at 5:00 p.m. Place TBA. Spouses welcome but must pay for his/herself. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Motion from Bob, second from Cynthia, approved to freshen up the kitchen and dining room areas by performing necessary maintenance. Leslee will discuss with Gordon and proceed. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Leslee announced that Paul Pitts had passed away. The meeting was adjoined at 3:40 p.m. NEXT MEETING: December 3, 2002, 5:00 p.m. at Strombergs Restaurant