2002-10-01City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Council on Aging Subcommittee: n/a Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2002 Place: Beverly Council on Aging/Senior Community Center Board Members present: Susan Albiero-Gadbois, Joe Dettorre, Mary Lou Mital, Robert Marshall, Kathy Burns, Margaret Sullivan, Cynthia Montalbano Board Members absent: Thomas Scully, Joan Fairbank Meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The reading of the minutes of the September meeting was dispensed and accepted as presented. (Kathy with motion, Bob with second) DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Building Usage was 4 Beanos, 3 Recreation Dept. activities, 1 League of Women Voters, and 1 City Election Voting Precinct. Leslee reported that all vehicles have been numbered and are operating. She is in the process of interviewing candidates for a part-time driver position. One driver is being trained for st CDL licensure. Leslee reminded everyone of the free anniversary dinner on November 1. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The Building Committee, which is investigating the selling of Bricks as a fundraiser tabled the report until next month. The Finance Committee set a date for a meeting on Oct. 17, at 11:45 A.M. at the Cummings Center. The Communications Committee will meet on Oct. 15 prior to the Friend’s meeting. LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Leslee reported that the Governor’s budget will provide even less money for COAs. OLD BUSINESS: In regards to the seat on BCOA assigned to Housing Authority, as reported at last month’s meeting, it has been found that the state does not require it, but the city needs to change the law. It is presently stuck in committee. It was recommended that Tom send a letter to Paul Guanci to speed up action on it. NEW BUSINESS: The location for the Christmas dinner was discussed and a decision was tabled until the November meeting. Kathy mentioned that the speaker for the next Sen-Net breakfast at Beverly Hospital would be the Director of Insurance. He will be speaking on Medicare Choices. Susan discussed ways to reduce the amount of paperwork sent the board members. The meeting was adjoined at 3:35 p.m. NEXT MEETING: November 5, 2002, 2:30 p.m. at the Senior Center.