2001-01-02City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Council on Aging Subcommittee: Date: January 2, 2001 Place: Beverly Council on Aging Board members present: Susan Albiero-Gadbois, Bob Marshall, Tom Scully, Marylou Mital, Joe Dettorre, Kathy Burns, Margaret Sullivan Board members absent: Joan Fairbank, Cynthia Montalbano Others present: Leslee Breen, Director Recorder: Leslee Breen The meeting was called to order by Susan Albiero-Gadbois at 1:35 p.m. The Council on Aging staff dropped in to introduce themselves and meet the Board members. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes from the December 5, 2000 meeting were approved (Bob with motion, Joe with second). DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Leslee reported that the building had been used four times for bingo. Leslee reported that the Senior Soiree went well-there were about 185 people in attendance. Leslee stated that due to unexpected building maintenance problems the City budget has been expended. Director’s report accepted (Bob with motion, Joe with second). Discussion was held about what the Council does to publicize itself. Leslee explained that the Council has the newsletter, Open Houses, and is currently doing an outreach project to ascertain why or why not the community is/is not aware of the Council. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The Friends and the Communications Group did not meet in December. The next meeting will be January 16 at 2:00 p.m. and Representative Cahill will be a special guest. The Rules Subcommittee met November 7, 2000 to discuss changes in the rules. The group will meet again after this meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Tax Abatement-No report. Parking Lot-No new information to report. Porch-The work to the porch has begun. Bus-The Council learned the bus was not scheduled for production until the end of May, which violates the contract. Leslee informed the City’s purchasing agent, Chris Bradley, who spoke to the company. Regardless, Leslee believes we will not have the bus until the end of summer. NEW BUSINESS: Alarm System-Leslee stated that the alarm system has a low battery/fuse and is in the process of being fixed. Fire Sprinklers-Leslee reported that Gordon and her learned that an annual inspection of the sprinklers is required. This has never been done. We do have a quote from Hampshire Fire Protection Co., Inc. for $250.00/annually to perform the inspection and maintenance. Tom stated that he would research whether the City has a contract in place for this and get back to Leslee. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: th Leslee reminded everyone of Representative Cahill’s visit on January 16 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m. Bob with motion, Margaret with second. NEXT MEETING: February 6, 2001, 1:30 p.m.