2000-04-04City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Council on Aging Date: April 4, 2000 Place: Senior Community Center Board members present: Joe Dettorre, Susan Albiero, Cynthia Montalbano, Bob Marshall, Joan Fairbank, Nancy Winter, Ellen Skryness, Tom Scully, Kathy Burns Board members absent: Kevin Ascolillo Others present: Leslee Breen, Director of the Council on Aging Recorder: Ellen Skryness/Leslee Breen The meeting was called to order at 2:35 p.m. by Nancy Winter. Bob made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve the March 7, 2000 meeting minutes, second by Cynthia. One typographical correction. Motion passed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: There were four bingos in February and five building usages (City, election and Recreation Department) in March. The Financial Report was reviewed. Bob made a motion to approve, Ellen with second, motion passed. There were no questions about the Bingo reports. UPDATE: Leslee reported that recently the staff has experienced some personal tragedies such as deaths in family, but all are working to help each other out. Activities are going well. COMMITTEE REPORTS: COMMUNICATIONS MEETING: The group met on March 21st. There was a discussion about Sgt. Tarsook's community project of clearing the land across the street for parking. He has a group willing to take on the project and the Council has agreed for them to do so. FRIENDS MEETING: The group met on March 21st. The same discussion that was held at the Communications meeting was held here. FUNDRAISER COMMITTEE: Leslee reported that the event will take place on April 25th from 7:30-9:00 a.m. The invitations went out on April 3rd and follow-up calIs will be made the week of April 10th. Around 100 invitations were mailed. FINANCE COMMITTEE: No meeting. OLD BUSINESS: DUPLICATOR: Leslee reported that the costs for the duplicator purchase were picked up by the Friends and Bingo. PORCH QUOTES: Leslee reported that one quote had been received from Raffa Construction regarding the repair of the porch. The quote was made for enclosing the porch only. Another quote for non-enclosure still needs to be obtained. The City has not been approached to pick up the costs of this repair but the Board wishes for the City to be approached. Tom Scully will follow-up with the Building Inspector to see if the repair costs will be paid for by the City. He will report back at the next meeting. BADGES: Leslee reported that upon further investigation that making new badges for such a small staff would be cost prohibitive. She submitted samples made in-house of badges. The Board agreed to one of the samples. Tom Scully made the suggestion of using the lettering/wording from the Fundraiser invitation for April 25th event on the badges and offered to scan all the information and make the badges. Leslee will have Sheila follow-up with him. NEW BUSINESS: MEMBERS TERMS: .Leslee reported that three members' terms are due to expire on June 30 2000. They are Susan; Ellen, and Nancy. Ellen and Nancy will not seek reappointment due to professional commitments. Susan would like to seek reappointment. Leslee reported that two individuals have expressed interest in serving on the Board: Peter Gilmo, re and Francine Temkin. Tom Scully will wdte a letter to the Mayor reqL/ested reappointment for Susan. He will also write a recommendation for the appointn~ent of Peter Gilmore. Tom will contact Francine to schedule a meeting with her before we make a recommendation to the Mayor. He will report back with an update at the next meeting. Two additional candidates for the Board were mentioned: Jean Jaworski and Joanne Hanson. The above discussion lead to an additional discussion of restructuring the Board to include Joan Fairbank as an individual member and not an ex-officio member from the Recreation Department. Everyone agreed this was a good idea, Additionally, the Board raised the issue to having the Housing Authority's representation clause removed from the Rules since there have been attendance issues. Everyone agreed that with new Board appointments this would be a good time to discuss the structure and make-up of, the Board. Discussion was also held on the number of Board members that should also serve. This issue will be discussed at the next meeting. JULY MEETING: The July meeting was rescheduled for July 18th at 2:30 p.m. SENIOR DAY IN THE PARK: Leslee reported that Senior Day in the Park will take place on August 3rd. She requested that the Board think about someone who could emcee the event. If no one is available, Sheila could do it. EDITORIAL: Leslee presented an editorial from the April 3, 2000 edition of the Salem Evening News regarding transportation. She stated that she had personally responded, on a general level, to the letter, but wanted the Board to be aware of it. The Board discussed the transportation program in general and asked if an unmet need list was kept. Leslee stated that it was. The Board requested that this information be brought to the next meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: None Joe made a motion to adjourn, Cynthia with a second, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. The next meeting will be May 2, 2000 at 2:30 p.m.