HDC - 7.25.19 - ApprovedCITY OF BEVERLY
COMMITTEE /COMMISSION: Historic District Commission
July 25, 2019
Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair
Caroline Mason
William Finch, Chair
Wendy Pearl
Emily Hutchings, Associate Planner
Cheryl Austerman, 45 Bartlett Street
Amy McDonough
LaMont calls to order meeting to order at 7:17pm
1. Certificate of Appropriateness - 45 Bartlett Street:
Due to a lack of quorum, and therefore inability to vote on the subject, LaMont motions to
continue to the August 8 th meeting. Mason seconds. The item Certificate of Appropriateness —
45 Bartlett Street is continued to the August 8, 2019 Special Meeting of the Historic District
2. Historic Resources Survey — Burnside Estate Survey Review:
Hutchings has provided the draft historic survey of the Burnside Estate for the Commission's
review. LaMont and Mason review comments with Hutchings. Hutchings will submit comments
and questions to consultant Wendy Frontiero.
3. Updates on Proiects:
• Powder House — MPPF grant
Hutchings attended the Local Project Coordinators meeting at the Massachusetts
Historical Commission (MHC) and received update on the schedule. Hutchings and
architect Richard Smith met with MHC staff Tracey Fortier at the Powder House to
review the structure's condition and project needs. Multiple neighbors approached the
group at the Powder House to ask for information on the project. Hutchings explained
that the neighbors seem excited and she let them know there would be a neighborhood
meeting to explain the project details and any impact on the area during construction.
• GAR Hall — restoration update
The City is processing the final change order, required due to the sagging of bay window.
The project is still under budget. The estimated project completion date is August 30 th .
• Historic Preservation Plan
Hutchings stated that the RFP is out, and quotes are due the August 22n A consultant
will be hired by the City to manage and write the plan. A condition of the Massachusetts
Historical Commission's Survey and Planning Grant is that the plan needs to be finished
June 30, 2020.
Mason noted there is a lack of awareness in community regarding historic resources that
need protection. LaMont mentioned that in the recent P1anBeverly survey, historic
preservation was a top priority. Mason described areas at risk that need attention.
Approval of Minutes:
May 23, 2019
Review of minutes is moved to the August 8, 2019 Special meeting of the Historic
District Commission.
New /Other Business:
• None
Mason motions to adjourn the meeting at 7:46pm. LaMont seconds.