HDC - 5.23.19 - ApprovedCITY OF BEVERLY
COMMITTEE /COMMISSION: Historic District Commission
DATE: LOCATION: May 23, 2019
Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch, Chair
Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair
Caroline Mason
Wendy Pearl
OTHERS PRESENT: Emily Hutchings, Associate Planner
Susan Goganian, Executive Director of Historic Beverly
RECORDER: Amy McDonough
LaMont calls the meeting to order at 6:05pm.
Commissioner Finch joins meeting at 6:06pm.
1. Approve Meeting Minutes
October 2018 — Revised
Lamont motions to approve the October minutes as amended. Pearl seconded. All in
Lamont motions to skip ahead to item 3 on the agenda
3. Historic Beverly's Historic Plaque Program
Goganian joins the meeting to discuss.
Goganian states that the property owner would like a simple design, including the name of house
and date on the plaque. The plaque size would be 8 "x12 ", with about an inch of black painted
border around plaque.
Hutchings states that the Planning Department commented that putting the term "City of Beverly"
under the seal is not necessary. There will be a high - quality grayscale Historic Beverly decal and
the City seal decal. Hutchings discussed the seal with the Chief of Staff as the City is in the process
of developing and refinalizing the Parks and Open Space signage. As it is a similar concept, the
City wants the seal to be the same for continuity.
HDC would like the term "carpenter" added on the plaque, as the occupation of the first
homeowner. Goganian will check with the property owner to see if they are amenable the change.
Goganian asks about installation process. How should it be handled? Should the owner erect the
sign or should the City instruct exactly where to put it? Goganian suggests no higher than 5 feet
off the ground.
Finch says how they adhere it to the house should be their choice because the resident is paying
for and erecting the sign. However, general recommendations would be beneficial. Or a simple
diagram showing where the city would like it to be, approximately.
Goganian suggests making a big deal out of the program once the first plaque is done. Hutchings
suggests a press release or kickoff.
Goganian states the price of the plaque, including a house history, is $250 plus the owner's
installation cost.
Hutchings recommends no formal approval is necessary, as the program is not formally linked to
the Commission. All agree.
LaMont motions to move to item 2 on agenda — Designation of Wendy Pearl as
Representative to Community Preservation Committee. Mason seconds. Motion passes 4-
2. Designation of Wendy Pearl:
Pearl stated that she is willing to continue to serve.
LaMont motions to fully endorse Wendy Pearl to renew her appointment for 3 years. Mason
seconds. Motion passes 4 -0.
4. Hale House Preservation Restriction
Hutchings added this to the agenda recognizing it had not been fully reviewed by Commission
but that it will need final approval by Historic Beverly prior to submission to the Massachusetts
Historical Commission (MHC).
Finch recommended revisions regarding the architectural description of the property.
Finch asked if all the photographs described in the preservation restriction are available.
Hutchings, says yes, she took them. Finch says photos are important because they document
current state. Hutchings will share the photographs with Finch prior to submitting the document
to MHC.
Mason questions if the property is protected. Hutchings states that this legal document will
legally protect the property.
6. Other Business:
Carriage House
Finch asked what is happening with Carriage House. Pearl says no applications have come
in for CPC. Hutchings had prepared to put an application in for the CPC. City is
considering whether the project needs to be approached in a 2- or 5 -phase approach, or
address the building all at once. The Commission noted benefits to both. Hutchings says
it is still on the radar of the Mayor's office, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the
Planning Department.
Restoration of Documents:
Pearl requested to discuss the restoration of documents. The City Clerk has been putting
in applications to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) for funding for the
restoration of documents for five years now. This year the CPC posed questions around the
application. Pearl asked if the Commission should be making a determination regarding
whether the treatment they are applying to these records is appropriate for historically
significant documents.
The Commission discussed various aspects of such projects, including how historic
documents should be treated and what information would be required for the Commission
to make a determination on an application.
Pearl stated the next similar application may have to come to HDC for a determination
regarding whether the project meets standards for managing historic documents.
LaMont motions to continue item 1 on the agenda, Approval of Minutes.
1. Approval of Minutes (resumed):
November 2018 minutes: All agree that the minutes need to be reviewed /revised.
December 2018 minutes: All agree that the minutes need to be reviewed /revised.
Hutchings requests a motion to continue the November and December minutes approval,
pending revisions from staff. So moved by Mason, Finch seconds. Motion passes 4 -0.
5. Updates on Proiects:
GAR Hall
Hutchings provided an update on the work completed to date.
Lamont asked whether the original doors (which are to be replaced) can still be used in
some way. Hutchings will call Richard Smith to inquire about the original doors.
Historic Resource Survey: Burnside Estate
Due to the addition of the Burnside Estate survey and the inclement weather, the contract
with the consultant has been extended.
Briscoe Middle School RFP
Hutchings stated that the RFP is being finalized, and that long term historic preservation
is emphasized in the RFP.
Mason asked about why preservation measures are not being pursued prior to selling the
building. Hutchings says that historic preservation would be part of the Purchase
Agreement with the City. If the developer happens harm the building, they can be taken
to court.
Historical Preservation Plan
Hutchings is working with MHC to develop a Request for Quotes for the plan.
6. New /Other Business:
Powder House
MHC has officially received the National Register nomination, which means the City is
officially eligible for the Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund grant.
Beverly Golf and Tennis
Hutchings received a follow up stating that the project is moving forward.
Owner's Project Manager (OPM) is CBRE Heery, Inc., who has a positive record with
the City.
Hutchings will ask to review the RFP for the architect, which is under development.
Hutchings ask if there is any other business.
Mason would like to discuss how to best protect historic neighborhoods. Some areas
where protection may be beneficial include the following:
• St. John's Church and St. Margaret's church, white house, and some of Prides
Crossing /houses, train station.
• Dane St. at Hale, Beverly Common, Cemetery, Library, Harding School, GAR Hall,
Ocean View_
Mason stated that the Commission could be proactive in protecting these historic areas,
and asked if other Commission members are interested. Other members stated interest.
The Commission further discussed how to address and protect historic areas, where
historic districts may be established, and how to encourage preservation.
7. Adjournment
LaMont motions to adjourn meeting. Mason seconds. Motion carries 4 -0. Meeting adjourns at