6-27-2019 meeting minutes- �n'k
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Board: Board of Health
Date: June 27, 2019
City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Place: Beverly Council on Aging, Arts & Crafts Room
Board members present: Frank S. Carbone Jr. MD, William J. Alpine Jr. Esq., and Susan
Higgins, PE
Board Members Absent:
Others present: William Burke, Director of Public Health, Teresa Kirsch, Public Health
Nurse, Bruce Doig, Community Services Director, Officer Matt Lipinski, Animal Control
Recorder: Kathleen McCullough
Chairman Carbone called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
The minutes of the May 23, 2019 meeting were approved and accepted as mailed.
Jean Alden- St.Pierre of 179 Dodge St. has applied for a Keeping of Animals Permit to
house 3 -4 chickens on her property. She has a half acre and the coop will be in the front
fenced in area. The waste will be compost for the garden. Officer Lipinski said the
chickens will not be free ranging and he approved the permit. Ms. Higgins questioned the
setback from the street and was told it was 10 to 15 feet. Dr. Carbone told them the board
would reach a decision and let them know.
Office Lipinski notified the Board that his assistant, Caitlin Callahan, is now employed in
his department on a full time basis.
Mr. Alpine moved to approve the Keeping of Animals permit, Ms. Higgins seconded the
The topic of micro - blading was discussed. A salon owner has inquired about the regulations
pertaining to micro - blading, a cosmetic tattoo practice, because she would like to offer that
service in her salon. These regulations come under "Rules & Regulation for Body Art
Establishments and Practitioners." The esthetician would be required to be trained as a tattoo
artist. Health Departments in Salem, Peabody, Danvers, Lynn, Swampscott and Marblehead are
working on potential provisions for cosmetic tattooing and apprenticeship. Mr. Alpine asked
about the insurance requirements. Mr. Burke and Ms. Kirsch will continue the dialogue with
other communities on providing draft amendments.
A fine and suspension notice was sent to T. D. Family Market, 409 Cabot St., They were found
to be in violation of having flavored tobacco products on April 30 t ''. On June 24 the fine of $300
was paid and they also had a 30 day license suspension.
The amended Tobacco Sales Regulations pertaining to adult -only retailers were mailed to them
making them aware of combined penalty. We have a potential new establishment that will trigger
our limit of 44 tobacco establishments.
Mr. Burke had a few updates for the Board.
Mr. Burke went before the City Council on Tuesday May 28 for the next years' 2020 budget
hearing. Mr. Burke reported that the hearing was uneventful.
Beach sampling and camp inspections are in full swing.
The next scheduled meeting will be in September, 2019.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy McCullough