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04-03-19 OSRC MinutesCITY OF BEVERLY
Open Space and Recreation Committee
April 3, 2019
Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David
Alden -St. Pierre, Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth Dunne,
Marilyn McCrory
Rick Grandoni, Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp
Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director
Jane Dooley
Brewster opens the meeting at 7:09 p.m.
Approval of Previous Minutes
Brewster moves to approve the March 6, 2019 meeting minutes as amended. Seconded by
McCrory. The motion carries 6 -0.
Principal Items of Business
Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report on Activities
Discussion ensues with McCrory about location for future community gardens relative to CPA
project application to prepare the land in vicinity of Waring School off Standley Street.
Discussion with Mayor Cahill — Open Space Priorities
Discussion ensues with the Mayor by first addressing a Greens Hill parcel and that the site was
recently visited to visualize if a house was built on it. Mayor Cahill explains his concern about
the City spending money to preserve open space wisely. He notes that Inspectional Services
believes the property is buildable so the appraisal appears to be accurate. The Mayor describes
effort that could be pursued to get funds to purchase the parcel. This could include applying for a
PARC grant with a CPA application to help with grant's required matching funds. Mayor Cahill
reiterates that the City will look further at purchasing the parcel. Also mentioned was an inquiry
on status of filing a settlement related to an encroachment on City land.
Another topic addressed was interest in finalizing the Norwood Pond trail, where an easement
exists across Cummings property at Dunham Road but requires an easement across the Music
Theatre property to the ECGA conservation land. Discussion ensues about the Conservation
Commission condition related to occupancy at 50 Dunham Road ($50,000 in funds with some
given to the City in advance). The funds would pay for Conservation Commission engineering
costs. Mann mentions how ECGA land in Gloucester did not require full engineering for a trail
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in the woods. The Mayor suggests that he and Wynne would meet with other Planning
Department personnel to understand minimum engineering that would be required. Wynne
reports on need to follow up with Music Theater personnel to understand where trail would be
located relative to deeded easement. The Mayor concurs and offers to participate in
communicating with the Theater staff.
The Mayor also mentions conversation with Endicott College about possibility of permanent
easement over the hillside. He will be meeting with the incoming College president and plans to
address securing more permanent rights on the College property for the City. Discussion was on
setting up a meeting with an abutting Beverly resident to the College property related to trail
interest. The Committee notes how follow -up could be done with ECGA about any issues.
Discussion ensues about status of chapter land parcel on Dodge Street. Also that ECGA has
made an offer on Greenwood parcel. In addition, the Committee discusses use of trail by cart
path. Discussion addresses property off of Leather Lane and question of rights and property
owner's future interest. Also noted was where there is access off of Pole Swamp Lane and how
more access would be good to Juniper Valley Court relative to existing trails and access to City
owned land. The Mayor will pursue conversations with neighbors in the area.
The Mayor mentions interest in a 700 -unit development off of Trask Lane and impact on the
area. He describes work being done on the City's Master Plan and how the consultant has visited
the Trask Lane area. The proposed 700 -unit project would be subject to the MEPA process as
well as conservation commission jurisdiction due to wetlands. There could potentially be mixed
used development such as industrial, commercial, and elderly housing opportunities in the area.
Discussion addresses recent sale of former Ventron site on Congress Street. Wynne reports that
the Bass Haven Yacht Club has offered to discuss with the City an opportunity for kayak access
at its property on the Bass River. The Mayor mentions efforts to secure dredging funds for the
Bass River up to the Hall- Whitaker Bridge. Mayor Cahill recommends organizing a group
including the City's Grant Director to understand what can be done regarding erosion at Obear
Park and if grant money is available. The Committee notes the public hearing for the Waring
School land encroachment which will be rescheduled and notice posted.
Other Business
Review of draft letter for OSRD Site Plan #11 -18, off Thaxton Road & Grover Street
The Committee agrees with content of the draft letter for OSRD site plan. The Conservation
Commission will have conditions related to use of pesticides in the watershed. Discussion
addresses how the Commission denied use of the cart path.
Earth Day walks
A draft flyer has been done. Schedule of walks by some leaders will be provided to Wynne.
63 Common Lane — Conservation Restriction
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The City Council has approved the CR.
Waring School Public Hearing
The land swap has been moving forward. The conservation land trust is being altered but the
remainder is staying intact. The Committee will be notified when the public hearing is scheduled.
Next Meeting May 1, 2019
Brewster moves to adjourn at 9:04 p.m. Seconded by Dunne. The motion carries 6 -0.