2004-09-13BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Lydon, Nelson, Simpson, Tognazzi, Trask, and White ABSENT: Commissioners Duval and Mahoney PUBLIC: Peter Kelleher, Dave Graham, Steve Castle, Rich Mello, Tina Cassidy, Lisa Pais, Craig Schuster, Jay Wessell, Phil Lake CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. Presentations: Edwards & Kelcey – Dave Graham and Craig Schuster updated the commission on the West Side Fencing and RW 9/27 Crack Seal Project and on the upcoming FY05 RW 34 Design Project. Cailin Road – Peter Kelleher presented his proposal to construct a three-story residential development adjacent to airport property off of Cabot Street. 2. Reading of the Minutes for August 2004 – Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes from the August meeting. Commissioner Lydon made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Trask. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report – Chairman White presented the financial report for August 2004. Vice Chairman Barnico made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. A. OLD BUSINESS: Subcommittee Reports: · Property/Legal/Finance Subcommittee – Airport Manager Mezzetti updated the commission on the status of the Tom Ford, Sprint cell tower, and ANE proposed leases. · Public Relations Subcommittee – Commissioner Simpson updated the commission on off-airport RW 34 tree obstruction removal efforts. 1 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 · Facility Maintenance Subcommittee – Commissioner Lydon reported on the September 10, 2004 airport facilities’ inspections. B. NEW BUSINESS: None C. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT: · Airport Manager Mezzetti updated the commission on the traffic count, West Side Security Fence and Runway 9/27 Crack Seal Project, proposed BVY PAPI’s, status of proposed leases, airport maintenance, airport inspections, AIP changes, landing fees, and the upcoming Collings Foundation bomber display. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: D. None E. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Trask, seconded by Commission Tognazzi. Motion passed unanimously. A True Copy Attest: Robert Mezzetti Airport Manager 2