09-05-18 OSRC MinutesCITY OF BEVERLY
Mann opens the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Open Space and Recreation Committee
September 5, 2018
Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David
Alden -St. Pierre (on telephone), Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth
Dunne (arrived 7:10 p.m.), Marilyn McCrory, Gregory
Rick Grandoni,
Wayne Miller
Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director
Jane Dooley
Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee, if any
Approval of Previous Minutes
Callaghan moves to approve the July 11, 2018 minutes as amended. Seconded by Sharp. The
motion carries 3 -0 -3 with Mann, Alden -St. Pierre, and Sharp in favor, and Callaghan, McCrory
and Brewster abstaining.
Principal Items of Business
Planning Board Request for Comments — OSRD Initial Review Application for off
Thaxton Road & Grover Street (Parcel 95 -8) — applicant: Hickory Street Realty
Discussion was on required review by the OSRC of the Initial Review application for a proposed
4 -lot/4 -unit Open Space Residential Design (OSRD) subdivision off Thaxton Road and Grover
Street, on the Wenham border. During the Initial Review, the Planning Board reviews a Yield
Plan establishing the maximum number of lots permitted and then selects a preferred concept
plan. The Committee discusses a subdivision under construction in Wenham, that includes
emergency fire access from the " Thaxton stub" road in Beverly. This project would take access
from that stub. The Committee notes the value of Grover Street as a scenic road and for its
habitat. It reviews different plan proposals for the OSRD. Discussion ensues about costs
associated with a conservation restriction (to preserve open space) and what entity would hold
CR. Wynne will draft a letter and circulate to Committee for review.
Open Space & Recreation Committee
September 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes
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Community Preservation Committee
Mann describes two proposed open space projects where appraisals have been done. ECGA
funded one of the appraisals (5.5 acres - two parcels) and will project manage the acquisition
with the hope that CPA funds could be used for a portion of the cost. The second project is on
the Bass River (27A) and the appraiser is reviewing what potential construction cost would be if
a house could be constructed on the site.
The CPC has discussed open space in recent meetings including protecting Bass River open
space. A public hearing on October 4, 2018 on the upcoming CPA round and process will be
held at the Beverly Golf and Tennis Club.
Recreational Trails Grant
Mann and Miller have developed a trail numbering scheme. Signs have been slightly revised to
use same font as proposed for recreational identification signs. Review team for that project
suggested removing the hiker icon. The Commission weighed in and expressed interest in
keeping hiker icon. September 15th is a reporting deadline for the grant. Wynne met with the
Mayor to review proposed sign locations. Discussion ensues about need to finalize location of
signs relative to parking and neighborhood (i.e., trail kiosk on Dodge St. for Elnew trail versus
Red Rock to trail system where there is bridge over swamp), sign numbering, and trail maps for
Greens Hill — Update on status
A status update from City Solicitor was given where settlement agreement has been reached
between resident and the City on all final documents which need to be filed and this has to go
before City Council. Actions required for the City include taking down stone wall and
installation of some buffer trees as well as a split rail fence along the Greens Hill trail entrance.
Other Business & Updates
OSRC Annual Report to City Council — Preparation for October presentation
Wynne presents the draft annual report from the Committee, noting that last year they changed it
from semi - annual to annual. Discussion ensues about edits and additions. Mann could possibly
present the OSRC's annual report to the Council on October 1, 2018. Wynne will confirm date.
Tall Tree Drive — dog waste
Wynne notes Miller was planning to speak to property owner on the matter, but he is not present.
Harbor / Waterfront Plan Update — upcoming open houses
An open house is expected to occur in October. Discussion ensues about public access points
along the City's harbor /waterfront (i.e., through Bass Haven Yacht Club property and at Obear
Open Space & Recreation Committee
September 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes
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Other Business
Waring School
Mann notes that the item was on the Conservation Commission agenda and fills in new members
of the Committee. Discussion ensues on land encroachment by the Waring School on donated
land to the City for open space and recreation on Standley Street. After several years a land swap
deal to rectify the situation has not come to fruition.
The next OSRC meeting will be held on October 3, 2018.
McCrory moves to adjourn at 8:53 p.m. Seconded by Callaghan. The motion carries 7 -0.