Fiscal Forecast Minutes 5 15 175/15/2017 Fiscal forecast 7 PM city hall Attendance: Bryant Ayles, Gerry Perry, Lorinda Visnick, Jim Latter, Paul Manzo, Karen Fogerty, Medley Long, Estelle Rand, Jean Sherborne. Agenda: Review draft of fiscal forecast proviced by Jean Sherburne, Bryant Ayles , w input form Gerry Perry. Conversation was held reviewing draft forecast for 2017. Discussion was dircted towqrds revenue numbers, and could they be under estimated. much back and forth of conservative vs moderate forecasting. no consensus reached on approval. meeting adjounrned at 7 PM (City COuncil meeting was scheduled at 7 PM.) Motions set 2nd meeting for Monday May 15 6:30 PM. Motion passed by consesnsus.