BHMA Minutes November 15 2017Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of November 15, 2017 Meeting
Harbor Management Authority
November 15, 2017
Beverly Public Library -Fogg Room
Members Present:
Chair Paul Earl, David Suminsby, Rinus Oosthoek, George
Simon, Chris D'Alfonso, Pat McAleer, Scott Houseman,
Estelle Rand, Rob Dever (Marina Manager)
Members Absent:
Don Neuman, Emily Flaherty
Others Present:
Aaron Clausen (City Planner), David Gelineau (Purchasing
Agent), Greg Howard
Brett Bauer
Earl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Project Updates, including updates from Aaron Clausen, City Planning Director
Glover Wharf
Clausen reports that they are talking with the Office of Environmental Affairs on the flexibility
of the ground floor public accommodation requirement for waterfront uses. There are three area
types that the Office has indicated can be counted towards the public use component: 1) square
footage of bathrooms accessible to the public including any area needed to access the bathrooms
as long as they have some educational/informational display, 2) square footage used for a takeout
restaurant or counter, and 3) parking spaces dedicated to the public waterfront use. Clausen notes
that a special tax assessment can also be offered to a restauranteur /developer. Most of the teams
they have talked with will be expecting the existing building to be completely demolished, so the
goal is to have the site as development ready as possible. The RFP has not gone out yet but a
package is being put together.
Houseman asks if any traffic studies have been conducted for the end of the bridge. Clausen
responds that Beverly competes with other Metro Boston communities for funds within the
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Beverly is looking at three intersections including
the one at the end of the bridge. This intersection is on track for upgrades by 2020, but they are
hoping to move up this timeline. Oosthoek asks if the restaurant footprint will be determined by
the RFP. Clausen responds no, they will let the developer determine the footprint. Rand asks if a
smaller restaurant has been considered for this site. Clausen responds that the administration has
not directed this component, but all those that have expressed interest in this site are looking at a
200 -seat restaurant similar to the Black Cow. Rand is concerned that a larger restaurant could sit
empty during the off - season, and believes that a smaller restaurant may be better received by the
neighborhood. Rand asks if language can be included in the RFP to encourage a smaller
restaurant. Clausen responds that they have reached out to people about developing a smaller
restaurant, but nobody has expressed any interest. Suminsby asks if it is possible to cantilever a
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of November 15, 2017 Meeting
deck over the apron of Glover Wharf. Clausen responds that Chapter 91 is driving any
development restrictions to the site.
Harbor Master Plan
Clausen reports that the consultant to help with this project has been selected. The project has not
started yet as the City is still in contract negotiations with the consultant.
Bass River
Clausen reports that the Army Corp is close to completing review of phase two pending an
additional scope to be added to Bourne's work proposal. New concerns have been raised about
the dredging, but it is not expected to kill the project. Mass Works may have funds available for
Pilings Project
Bids came in higher than the grant money and HMA contribution budgeted for this project
(($161,000). The HMA could potentially cover these additional costs but Seaport will be
requested to cover up to 80% of the additional costs — for which there is precedent. Dever
comments that it is not worth walking away from the project even with the additional cost.
Oosthoek motions to move forward with the pilings project. Seconded by Rand. The motion is
approved 8 -0.
Kayak Rack Expansion
Suminsby, Simons and D'Alfonso toured potential sites for expansion opportunities. Dane Street
Beach and Independence Park were considered; Dane Street Beach has better access and parking.
Goat Hill Park has potential and additional racks could be added to Sandy Point. Also, Glover
Wharf might be able to accommodate additional rack space if the existing float for the rack is
rebuilt larger. There were concerns about vandalism to the boats at Dane Street Beach or other
wide -open locations. Earl asked the subcommittee to list pros and cons of each site considered.
Bridge Mural
Rand reports that the artist plans to start after Thanksgiving. Dever adds that the artist can
contact the Harbormaster to coordinate blocking off parking.
Seaport Grants/New Grant Opportunities
The commercial area and hoist would need to have permitting in place before they could be
considered for future grants under this program. Earl reports that Flaherty has found another
government grant that could potentially help with the pier.
Other Projects
Rand reports they are close to reaching the funding goal for the educational components of the
plastic bag ban with a broad representation of community groups.
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of November 15, 2017 Meeting
Approval of Minutes
Oosthoek motions to approve the October 18, 2017 meeting minutes. Seconded by Houseman.
The motion is approved 8 -0.
Marina Facilities Report
There are no concerns from the recreational customers. The contracts for the commercial side
went out one month late. Dever reports that the City Solicitor's Office can initiate a process to
chase after unpaid fees. The boat currently occupying the transient slip, the Hannah Grace, will
be able to move to an available commercial slip, and two months of fees will be collected for the
current marina use. Dever also reports that the Harbormaster is looking to add transient moorings
this summer. They do not currently have the budget but Dever asks if the HMA would be
interested in contributing money. Earl responds that it would depend on how the revenue from
the moorings would be booked. Earl will discuss with the Harbormaster. Oosthoek and
Suminsby ask if the transient moorings would be included in the RFP for Glover Wharf.
Dever notes that a letter explaining the fee increase was drafted by D'Alfonso, reviewed, and
sent out to all recreational customers. All are expected to return except for one.
Financials Report
Earl reports that the capital reserve has grown by $3000 and looks good. There is no update on
HMA money used for Green Hill.
Other Initiatives /Announcements
Starting in January, Oosthoek will provide updates on Main Streets 2030 project.
The December meeting will be held at Jubilee Yacht Club on the 12th starting at 6:30 pm.
There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Oosthoek makes a motion to adjourn. Earl seconds. Motion to adjourn approved unanimously 8-
The HMA Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
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